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Issue Comments posted by autohoratio

  1. 23 hours ago, Jack Joyce said:


    The way the picking works for long throws is - it only picks someone if they're a proper long throw specialist (15 or higher).

    If you have no player with 15 or higher long throws, your assistant won't pick any as they don't feel anyone is good enough to make effective use of long throws.

    The preview shows someone basically because it's being forced to generate a long throw, so it has to pick someone.

    Appreciate the clarification! In that case, I think either having a message saying "Assistant will only assign players with a Long Throws Attribute of 15 or greater", or being able to customise the threshold (e.g. Long Throws of 13 or 14 can still be viable) would be really helpful but that would of course need to be a feature request

  2. On 25/05/2023 at 19:59, MarvBAFC said:

    That’s what l’m suggesting. As these areas are more than likely “Safe Standing” or rail seating should they be coded as such so the ground can use full capacity? 

    Or should there be an option that the club goes all seater? 

    Submit this as a feature request :)

  3. On 14/12/2022 at 12:39, autohoratio said:

    I'm not this bug report's OP and I don't have any .pkms to hand of this issue happening, but I have experienced it a few times when I try and make a substitution and swap player positions at the same time (e.g. taking off a winger, moving my striker to the wing and bringing a new striker on)

    Not sure if you need any more examples of this still as it seems to be a different issue to the one OP experienced @Michael Sant

    I subbed Stević (AMC) off to bring on Patrick Luan, with Luan being moved to STR and the previous STR Slišković being moved to AMC, however the game didn't recognise that switch. I didn't use the "Swap positions" PI at all, just manually dragged the player from one position to the other.

    Uploaded the following files to the SI owncloud

    • autohoratio - Schaffhausen Sub Issue.fm
    • autohoratio - Schaffhausen v Young Boys - Sub Issue.pkm (save immediately after the match)
    • autohoratio - Schaffhausen Sub Issue Prematch.fm (save immediately before the match)
    • autohoratio - Schaffhausen v Young Boys - Sub Issue match_recording.rec
  4. 16 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    Odd this is happening so often, do you happen to have any position swaps at all in your tactics? Our QA team will still be taking a look into the examples, just wondering if there may be anything else that could help explain this.

    I'm not this bug report's OP and I don't have any .pkms to hand of this issue happening, but I have experienced it a few times when I try and make a substitution and swap player positions at the same time (e.g. taking off a winger, moving my striker to the wing and bringing a new striker on)

  5. 11 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    You may have noticed it with players but the contract can simply continue under its current terms. Essentially at this point neither side is bound by a fixed end date and can simply end the contract at their discretion. It's unconventional for a board to keep a manager on in that situation for sure but its an active choice to leave on one side. You'd likely have very little protection as manager without a contract when it comes to a run of poor performance.

    Sorry but I don't find your explanation compelling. It's been suggested as a feature request countless times now to add a "Leave club at contract expiration" option rather than explicitly resigning. In my opinion there's enough of a distinction between the two, but the game will treat it as resigning on bad terms with the club/board regardless, and you'll always be asked leading questions in press conferences assuming such.

  6. 8 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. UI is our busiest sub-forum, so we can't always respond to issues as quick as we'd like.

    Could you confirm whether this is still an issue that's present after the latest update?

    If so, we'll get it moved across to our main forums, and have the UI team look at it as quick as they can. 

    Thank you again for taking the time to flag this.  

    It looks like this has been fixed :thup: If it reoccurs I'll follow up

  7. 1 hour ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    Thanks for taking the time to raise this. As the session directly after a match will always be a rest session, you wouldn't be able to change this.

    I don't understand what you mean. Obviously the sessions on match days immediately before and after can't be changed, but I'm referring to the sessions on 20th of June and 29th of June , as demonstrated by the two videos. 20th of June is the day after a match, but I've always been able to change the sessions on the day after a match before (apart from the one taken up by travelling). 29th of June isn't even the day after a match, which is even weirder.

    Please make this bug as open again, as I think you've misunderstood the bug I'm reporting.

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