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Posts posted by autohoratio

  1. 3 hours ago, jcafcwbb said:

    Just out of curiousity, how does a manager like Ancelotti succeed then when he very rarely makes touchline shouts? Yes, he has had some good teams but he was also Everton's most successful manager, and Everton haven't been a top side since the 1980s, since Howard Kendall with this relaxed attitude. He is known for letting players decide on the pitch. 

    Because football management isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. There's no singular "right" way to manage a team.

  2. 4 hours ago, DarJ said:

    Having all your players on go back is a bad idea. I would suggest you just stick to what your staff created unless they did this then it needs changing 

    I think the Aerial Defenders and Trackers were set to Go Back by my assistant when I first set up the routines on the first day of Beta, but I can't remember 😅

    I've set both Trackers and two Aerial Defenders to Player Mark now so I'll see if that works better.

  3. Am I doing something wrong with my set piece defending (it's never been something I'm particularly good at) or is this a bug? Four defenders assigned to two attackers on the (camera's) left, only one defender on the right left to deal with two attackers. Inevitably the unmarked attacker scores a free header. 


    My Wide Free Kick defending setup:

    The defender at the far post (Jóhannsson) was set to A3 so I'm not sure what exactly happened here.





  4. 1 hour ago, steviemay17 said:

    image.thumb.png.d664249a3be33507aa3f385ad5dfc84f.pngDo any teams actually deploy the chode pitch in real life where it's wider than it is long or just in FM? 

    99.9% of the time it's just FM. It's a weird behaviour (I don't want to say bug because it might be a feature :lol:) that the game chooses the shortest and widest possible extreme (90m long 85m wide) for some stadiums when there isn't a minimum or maximum defined length/width (so it's absurdly common when playing lower league saves), I reported it as a bug several years ago but evidently it's not high up on SI's priorities to stop AI managers doing this.

  5. 4 hours ago, jayedson said:

    Not a bug and not a feature request as such and has probably been brought up a few times before but would be good if the DoF transfer suggestions could be a bit smarter.

    I have a maximum advised wage of 13k per week according to my budget but asking my DoF for CB suggestions, I am given a range of options, most of which earn much much more than that (highest suggestion was on 73k per week).

    His DoF stats are 12/12/12 (JPA/JPP/Negotiating) just out of interest, but even an incredibly poor DoF shouldn't suggest players way out of reach financially, they should maybe just offer weaker players than a really top DoF would.

    In the past I've also had to abandon it as an option where I've already reached squad quota of non-EU or non-domestic players but all DoF suggestions are non-EU / non-domestic so cannot be pursued. The logic behind the suggestions just needs to take squad rules and wage budget into account more than it currently does (or offer more criteria - so ask the DoF for domestic transfer suggestions).

    The DoF also operates on their own separate player knowledge system to the rest of the scouting team, which I've always found funny. You ask them to suggest a transfer target and you'll be given a list of players you have 0% scouting knowledge of :lol:

  6. 14 minutes ago, itszamora said:

    The other thing that irritates me with the Data Hub is the incredibly simplistic analysis and plain faulty conclusions drawn. As an example, I’m often told my team are “shaky in defence,” despite having below-average figures for both actual and expected goals conceded. This appears to be because we are in the dreaded ‘red segment’ for low number of clearances and blocks. That’s not an indicator of a poor defence - it’s an indicator of one that doesn’t have much to do because the team generally dominates games.

    Yes, possession-normalised stats would be very welcome!

  7. I mentioned this either last year or the year before, but it's a gripe I still have with the Data Hub that hasn't been changed:


    "might be worth checking", "are worth a look" or the several other phrases that are used, aren't useful at all. Why are they worth checking? What makes them interesting? 

    Either remove the sentence entirely (for example, for some reason some stats like Defensive Efficiency, below, already don't have that sentence) or change them all to be actually informative - the summary for Defensive Actions for example does provide some useful information:


    For example, for the Goal Output statistic, the summary could say "We score at a much higher rate than the league average" or "We concede slightly less than the league average", or Crossing could be "We attempt crosses about as often as the league average" or "Our cross completion rate is concerning as it is the worst in the league"

  8. Sol would probably never apply for a U21 Manager either, he's always said he thinks he deserves to be managing a senior side without having to cut his teeth as a coach or youth team manager

    But having said that I wouldn't put it past him to be oblivious to why he's not exactly a revered figure at Spurs either, and just apply for the job as if he never left to join Arsenal in the first place

  9. 25 minutes ago, Choi seung won said:

    3. the role of the inverted wingback needs to be less influential. Currently, using the inverted wingback regardless of the player gives you a significant advantage (it's like using a cheat engine).

    Maybe it's because the team I'm playing with isn't particularly good (top half Danish Superliga) in terms of player quality, but I haven't found that to be the case. IWBs both on my and AI teams haven't been dominating the matches, their match ratings have been about as expected, and it's not a magic "give your team 70% possession" button either as I've been on the losing side of the possession battle as much as I have the winning side.

  10. 18 minutes ago, DeepThought said:

    @autohoratioI'm sure this is a daft question, but you are using a wide player further up the pitch, aren't you? 

    I've seen the behaviour in the screenshot when playing last night. I've got an IWB on the left in a 433. The DM is a support DLP and the wide player in front is an IF attack. 


    Edit: reading your post a bit more thoroughly, I might be wrong. I'm getting the behaviour you want but not as early as you're after. Ignore me maybe ! 

    I'm playing a 4-3-3 as well, DM is DM-Su, AML is Winger on Support

  11. edit: See below - I forgot about the plus and minus buttons

    Why are match/training rating targets in contract negotiations only available in 0.50 increments? I was hoping I'd be able to set a 7.2 or 7.25 average match rating, for example. And in the early access youtuber videos I distinctly remember the training rating target in player interactions (I think when criticising a player's training and you're prompted to set the player a target to improve) you can set it in increments of 0.10 there, so the discrepancy between that and contract negotation targets doesn't make sense.


  12. I'm liking the match engine changes so far, positional rotations are definitely a big improvement. However there's some issues with IWB behaviour I've noticed that aren't how the role is played IRL (or at least compared to how the team I'm basing my tactic on uses the IWB), namely hugging the flank during buildup/when the ball is in the defensive third, and not quite staying as central as I'd like. I made a bug report going into more detail with some examples and comparisons to the real life team:


  13. 1 hour ago, Jack Joyce said:

    Set pieces are now independent from your tactics. So, for example, you could have 3 tactics on the go and you now only need one set of set piece routines to cover them.

    This makes the throw-in takers a bit tricky.. since although you have one IWB in your current tactic, there's no guarantee your other tactics will. 

    But maybe we could factor in the IWB role into the AI selection for who's most suitable to take a throw - please do start a bug thread for it with some examples.

    Hope you're enjoying the new set piece system otherwise!

    Thanks, I've uploaded my save/pkm/rec here. I haven't explored the full potential of the new set piece creator yet but I'm liking it so far! 


  14. 8 minutes ago, herne79 said:

    2game (on the official Sega partner list) currently have it, with early access/beta for £35.98 (plus a cheeky little 3% payment fee if you pay by Paypal).

    And if you haven't used them before you can get an additional 5% off your first purchase with code PMX5 (only today apparently - 19th October).  I can confirm this works, just paid £34.18 and am now enjoying early access.

    (I'm assuming the code can work for anyone - it popped up as I went to close the page and before I created an account).

    You will have to create an account with them (the game key gets sent to the account).  The game key ONLY mentions Steam, no idea if it's valid on other platforms.


    I got mine from them for the same price as well 👍

  15. Yay, another year of having to put up with this for manager avatar creation 🙄🙄🙄 (I rate Zealand's silly face expression though)



    I made a feature request three years ago (back in November 2020!) asking for the GUI for assigning the 11 yellow dots to use the screen real estate better, because (especially on a 1440p monitor) the face canvas is tiny and the dots are very hard to get where you want them to be. The yellow dot for the middle of the eyes being just one pixel out of alignment has made many a manager avatar I've created look horrible for instance. Just look at all that unused screen space!!

    I cannot emphasise enough how relieved and overjoyed I will be if (or when?) the Unity engine overhaul for FM25 will consign this manager avatar creator to the rubbish bin. 😂


  16. 15 minutes ago, Marko1989 said:

    I must congratulate SI for remarkable consistency in not changing the tactic screen for 4 years now ( maybe even more)

    This has to be some Guinness record for laziness

    FM 2021, 22, 23

    FM 2024


    I still hate that the pitch markings in the background are tilted 😂

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