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Posts posted by akm.91

  1. 9 hours ago, Seb Wassell said:

    When you get your hands on it I hope you will be able to experience this for yourself, but the Club Vision is a considerable module and was not already in the game. It contains over 100 objectives, a handful of which were taken and evolved from Philosophies, and will impact you from day one.

    Ok, but it is still a feature that will get boring and repetitive after your first save. It’s literally just a 5 year plan...

  2. 3 minutes ago, XaW said:

    Based on what I've read, I think you need a bit of a break from the game. You seem to have such a negative focus on any revealed feature no matter what. Nothing SI could realistically do would impress you at this point, I'd wager.

    I see a lot of positives. New animations, much more fluid gameplay during the matches, goalkeepers that really are at a new level compared to FM19, and a lot of good QoL improvements all over the place. Are there that many new things? Not really, but for me, that is a good thing. Fixing issues and improving upon the current features of FM19 is exactly what I wanted from the game and I can't wait until the game is released!

    Because they are poor repackaged features! I’m entitled to my opinion. I’ve stated a few times what they could do to improve the game, once again, in my opinion. 

    They have not touched international management in about 6 years, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

    Also, goalkeepers at a new level? Did you see the goal that went in in their first league game against Birmingham then? 😂

    Defenders still let every aerial attempted through ball go past them as they play the mannequin challenge! 


  3. Same old animations 😂

    Players only running in straight lines, players shooting/passing with the wrong foot, no fluidity. Goalkeepers have absolutely no IQ once again.

    Brick walls in front of player benches...

    The fans did look a little bit better and the player models slightly improved, but they were probably the only improvements I saw. 

    Overall it looks very poor IMO, just doesn’t seem to have been a big enough upgrade from last year - almost everything looks exactly the same. Should of made this a DLC.

    For the first time in about 12 years I won’t be buying this game and that makes me kind of sad.

  4. Just now, themadsheep2001 said:

    This is fundamentally incorrect. The specs matter, because if you cut out half your user base, you're in massive trouble financially. The specs are result of what and how the user base plays

    If a small percentage of users do not want to play in 3D, then they can use 2D. 
    Using system specs as an excuse for not improving graphics since 3D was launched about 5 years ago is a terrible excuse. 

  5. At the end of the day, and this is the bottom lime, FOOTBALL MANAGER decided to introduce graphics and 3D models. How some users can then moan at other users for justifiably criticising the awful graphics we still have after all these years is mind boggling. 

    PC specs is not an excuse. FM introduced this system so it’s on them to continuously improve the system, something they haven’t done. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, toffee71 said:

    I'm a bit confused at the minute, granted not hard to do or could be because I don't do social media, but I'm looking for feature announcements and I can't see any, apart from what's on first page, maybe I'm missing something but have been looking for more, but IF better medal ceremonies and league rule changes are it, I have to say I'm worried what other "features" are going to be announced. I was feeling flat after the first 2 announcements though I applaud the effort regarding the packaging and the Arsenal edition, alright for gunners, BUT what about your average joe who usess steam and doesn't support Arsenal, and I know I'm in a minority now-a-days, but what about those people who don't use social media. Last year I thought you did well with all the release stuff. I don't normally moan when I post here, but I think you may be forgetting your older fan-base and loyal customers to pander to the younger ones, instead of striking a balance, though I know you are trying to please everyone. Sorry for rant and I look forward to some bigger announcements to come.

    There won’t be any bigger announcements. They’ve announced the main new features and they are crap. 

    FM 2019.5 out in November...buy it! 

  7. 6 minutes ago, SortitoutsiVP said:

    Didn't 2019s version hit record sales though?

    I started playing football manager games from about 12 years old, it was new and innovative at the time. 

    There is no way younger audiences will buy into this game as it is. This franchise has become so stagnant in recent years that it’s actually sad to see. Since they introduced the new match engine and graphics maybe around 6 years ago, nothing has improved. Still looks and plays crap. 

  8. Just now, Tha Real behanger said:

    Really this is a point for not buying the game?

    My point is the headline features are crap. Just features we already have given a new tab or glossed over and presenting them as something new. 

    This game refuses to improve on the immersion, I want to feel like I’m managing a team. Everything just feels so robotic, from the stadiums to the press/fans reaction to winning a trophy. The graphics are worse than a mobile phone game, the match engine doesn’t work properly. 

    You can’t present a product like this to the next generation and believe this game will continue to be sustainable. They need to evolve, us Old school gamers can’t carry this franchise forever 

  9. Just now, Amarante said:

    but is it worth dedicating the already short dev time in something that will only be use by a few people? The time is already split between match engine updates, general game bugs and already planned road map of fixes and features that have a direct impact on game play that benefits all users. 

    A lot more people are interested in graphics that you might realise. There are better graphics on mobile phone games 🤦🏻‍♂️


    Graphics make a game much more immersive

  10. 2 minutes ago, DP said:

    We’re getting to the point where the game doesn’t need major new ‘features’. Nearly everything is there now and you don’t want to give the player too much to do. 

    As long as things are just on a constant evolution and refined now - looking at you match engine - then I’ll be happy. Keep the core game similar and get the matches as close to real football as possible. 

    Then why release a game every year? Why not just make it a £10 Player/staff/kit update DLC.

    New featured are important. 


  11. Just now, coolestrock said:

    Careful , you arent allowed those opinions round here :D

    Someone had to say it!! I thought by now we’d have much better graphical improvements that make the game much more immersive. 


    Not being funny, but it feels the exact same playing vs Burnley on a Saturday 3pm to playing in a Champions league final...there is just no difference. Back in FM 2015 or 16 the crowd segregation etc was better than it is in the latest version, how does that even happen!! 

  12. Another year gone and still nothing regarding a stadium creator/editor smh. Another year of stale, boring, robotic matches in dull, repetitive stadiums. All we want is a bit of realism 🤦🏻‍♂️


    First time I’ve ever seriously considered not buying a game in this franchise, hardly anything has changed. Pitch textures, managers suits and a 5 year plan are the headline features...

  13. Stadiums still look horrendous and recycled year after year but they waste time on a pointless VAR system that is already boring to look at from the gameplay footage they released. Include a tick box option on the career start up for anyone that doesn’t wish to use it. Making people go to the editor and change the rules of each individual league is ridiculous. 

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