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Everything posted by Piperita

  1. Can't give you any screenshots, laptop's too old to handle the game and a browser (and paint.net is right out). Training always depends a bit on what you have and what you want. For me my first rule is that my youth teams and my younger members in the first teams quickly get the stats to get a seamless transition into the first team and can contribute. For me that resulted in my "Youth Training"-schedule that I also sprinkle in once or twice a month into my senior team. Essentially it just uses up all the modules that increase "Individual Attributes. Mon: Ground Defense, Aerial Defense, Match Practice Tue: Chance Conversion, Chance Creation, Match Practice Wed: 2*modules from the goalkeeping tab, Defensive Movement Thu: 2*Tactical training (Either 2* the generic one or one of each Shadow Play), Attacking Movement Fri: Physical, Rest, Match Preview Sat: Match Sun: Recovery, Rest, Match Review. Once familiarity is maxed, I may switch to some more tactical training as mentals are the most important to me. This really gives them the firepower to excel in their roles and positions early, giving me players with second-to-third league ability scores that can easily play part in the first team as their key skills are well developed. My second schedule is used not that often but I try to get it in at least once every two month and a shortened version in crowded weeks. It is essentially just picking the generic modules. Back when the system started, I only used them and that gave me nice rounded players and particularly my top-tier midfielders became absolute marvels. If all else fails, "Outfield-Attack-Defense"x3 or "Outfield-Outfield-Possession"x3, "Goalkeeping-Tactical-Tactical", "Physical" gets the job done. Plus, it rounds off the one-sided development-to-main from my youth schedule. My third is based mostly on my style of play and depends on stats that are important to me. My three most modules (behind Match Practice which is just great and the two match-preps on Attack/defense (80% individual in two slots is still pretty good!) are Ball Distribution (good spread for offensive players), Transition-Press (equally trains defense and offense, good attributes) and the odd Endurance here and there (few attributes trained but the elusive "Natural Fitness" is one of them). As for the defensive side, I currently lack a classical go-to. The Ground Defense-Aerial Defense combo is always nice and "Defending Engaged" fits a more aggressive side.
  2. For example per 90 minute stats for CCC, xG, mistakes and maybe crosses and key passes (not too sure about the latter two). Fouls per card, percentage of successful passes that are key passes, passes per touch, xG per shot (and probably now xA per key pass), key passes that count as CCC.
  3. Just got an update from the postal service. The earliest timeframe for my new laptop to arrive is in about two-and-a-half hours with a four hour buffer. I expect the beta to drop on the earlier part of that zone to maximise the time I can't decide between anxiously waiting and starting the game on the old system. Actually, that was a lie. I will play as soon as possible. I have lists and views and tactics and schedules to create. And Calc-sheets to update for derived stats the game refuses to calculate.
  4. I only know about van Gaal who dropped his pants and might have even gone full commando in the process. "I can substitute whoever I want because I have balls!"
  5. SI is all about the realism and since van Gaal dropping your pants to assert your dominance is a valid method for a manager.
  6. There is only one sensible thing left to do here: Throw lots of money at Mr. Čeferin to immediately change the rules in accordance to the bug.
  7. Dall-E has gotten good! I still remember it trying to replicate the Mona Lisa or bringing my favourite ships to life. It was abstract art at most. But this is exactly what it aims to be.
  8. *looks at my 5.6 rating* "I don't know what you mean. I think I performed well. What else do you want?"
  9. What does he want? I have egg and spam. Egg, bacon and spam. Egg, bacon, sausage and spam. Spam, egg, bacon and spam. Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam. Spam, spam, spam, egg and spam. Spam, spam, spam, spam spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and span. If he asks nicely and grants us an early beta, I might even make him a treat of "spam, spam, spam, gif and spam"
  10. There will be a livestream in a few minutes. People will be surprised by the graphics but absolutely hate the ME and camera movement. Miles then clarifies he accidentally butt-dialed Twitch.
  11. I am off in ten minutes for about 6 hours and then I need to get to bed for a work meeting at 7. So I guess it will be released in about 12 minutes?
  12. I am planning to. I might even stay there longer than in the men's world. At least if it is more than a graphics and database update.
  13. Steam is mocking me! They just updated the FM23 screen with the German snippet about today's blog. I opened it and there was a big, shiny "Play Now"-button. I clicked it. Clicked it again. Continued clicking. Twenty seconds later I got around twenty popups with loud ding-sounds about the game not being released yet. Plus, it is another 10 percent off. I feel cheated for having bought early
  14. In other words, the next few years will be a lot more expensive to cover the costs?
  15. Is Steam hyperactive for anyone else? It constantly pops up with updates and I am always so tempted to just jump into the FM23 page to see if anything changed...
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