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Everything posted by BigV

  1. Im sorry but Yamal shouldn't be allowed to score goals like that for his age, that is utterly ridiculous. The scenes if that went in
  2. Dimarco and chiesa are big problems. Fabian Ruiz is bossing that midfield with rodri behind him, Nico needs to do a little more to get one of those tight dribbles off.
  3. Did gareth just say there's no like for like replacement for kalvin phillips? Wharton is right there... Drop jude into an 8... christ
  4. Its a football thing tbh, they always gime them 10-15 minutes before changes appear.
  5. Both would sort some of this mess out but the press needs to be worked on first, wide players narrow in too much creating far too much space for them to hold onto it. Foden either drops into mid or get gordon/bowen/watkins on
  6. Hilly, gunmann and SCR. Probably the easiest round yet!
  7. Joel, Bliss, Scott. Joels midfield and attack takes it. Bliss's team has more to it not neccessarily better but as a team bliss's takes it and I think scotts midfield wins him the game.
  8. Freakiee and JD. Toss up again for 1st game but I think he just edges it and JD has got a solid solid team
  9. Tbf KDB has been too high, the moment he dropped deep a few times, they were on the attack, needs another threading the ball to him or get kdb deeper
  10. Either Tielemans comes on or Charles, everything is too slow and safe, get doku off aswell
  11. P.P.H. Closer matches but the defences and shapes give the edge.
  12. Kane wants to get invovled, foden does too being a "midfielder" and if he was actually staying wide, he'd have so much more about him but he's pushed inside, almost to the center spot on 4 or 5 occassions. There were 2 or 3 chances where we're crying out for someone at the backpost and he isnt there to be seen. All it takes is foden out of position and central and one attack down the right side where funnily enough they've created 2 chances from crosses.
  13. All over them yet only 1-0, foden has been sh*te, taking up kane's position in the box and not getting anywhere near the backpost where the balls are ending up is... yeah...
  14. That flick to eriksen is beautiful, feels like a championship game
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