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13 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Ah ok, suppose that's why it did nothing then Yeah! I just set up a google sheets formula to do the hard work for me so all I had to do was copy and paste into the classes, most of which already existed Last step now is creating the 100 unique pictures for each threshold. Happy to share the classes with you when I'm done if you'd like them for your own skin, it is still mostly your work that I'm using after all
  2. Unfortunately no success, as I said I'm a little unsure what I'm doing in that area so just tried a bunch of random things hoping they would work They're all in the person properties.xml, AMR for example is: <!--AMR--> <record> <integer id="id" value="Pamr" /> <integer id="width" value="48" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="248647" type="use" value="Right Winger" /> <flags id="customisation_context" value="none" /> <boolean id="sort_ascending" value="false" /> <record id="widget_edit_info"> <symbol id="class" value="number_edit_box" /> <flags id="edit_event" value="CDBd" /> <integer id="min_value" value="1" /> <integer id="max_value" value="20" /> </record> <record id="column_widget_properties"> <flags id="alignment" value="centre" /> </record> <record id="column_heading"> <flags id="alignment" value="centre" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="349062" type="use" value="RW[COMMENT: right winger]" /> <translation id="hint" translation_id="248647" type="use" value="Right Winger" /> </record> </record> I tried assigning those id's for each position to the relevant chart like this: <record id="object_property" get_property="Pamr" set_property="Shwn" /> And a few other random solutions but nothing worked. I just settled on creating an overall chart, with unique metrics for each positions and more granular steps (0-100). Still a work in progress but it's almost done
  3. No worries! Is it possible to create properties? So a property could be created based on a player's ability to play a certain position? Or potentially for the charts to be displayed by default based on other criteria? Maybe some custom classes could be created based on positional ability? I know that when you click on a player's profile, certain positions are highlighted by default based on staff's assessment of the player's best position / role , so I wonder if there's a way to link that to the correct chart. As I said, this is the part of skinning that I'm not as knowledgable on, so I appreciate the response even if nothing can be done If not I'll probably just create a general chart that's displayed by default for everyone to keep some consistency, and then just use the buttons for each individual position as and when it's needed. Amazing work with the skin, by the way EDIT: Just had a poke around in person properties.xml and there are properties based on individual positions with values of 1-20. There has to be a way to link these with the charts. I'll have a play around with it today
  4. of course, just tried to make my question as general as possible as i have it mostly figured out, just need to find the right ID if it exists when things get to properties and widgets etc i'm a little out of my depth since information on that area seems harder to come by thank you!
  5. I'm looking to edit the default FBref charts from the statman skin. At the moment, the default chart is set by properties "pide" for defenders, "pimi" for midfielders etc: <record id="object_property" get_property="Pide" set_property="Shwn" /> But that results in many situations as shown in the attached picture, where the chart for a DM is shown for a winger, or CB is shown for a fullback etc. I've tried stuff like "pifb" or "piam" but they dont' seem to work. Also haven't been able to find anything like that in person.properties.xml in any of the skins that i have dowloaded, or the default skin. Are there any properties specific to each position? Or would it be possible to make them?
  6. Looks incredible! Seems like you've fully ditched the attribute groupings then Is there any chance that, if you aren't realeasing this skin, you could share the DNA bar there? Would love a DNA indicator but not really a fan of the attribute polygons
  7. I have edited a widget so that it shows personality for players on my team, and media description for everyone else. Is there a way to make it so that players on other teams, but only those who have been scouted, can show personality as well?
  8. Hi mate, not sure if you were supposed to include a reply to me there or not. In addition to my earlier question, is there a way to edit the attribute groupings in the bars? I would like a way to remove natural fitness from the 'speed' bar, for instance. I saw that earlier in the thread, it was suggested to look at attribute_group_int.xml or player_stats_no_polygon.xml but unless I'm missing something, this file seems to just define graphics / colours for different attribute values and player_stats_no_polygon does define some groupings, but removing natural fitness changes nothing. No worries if not, I know that you're not really invested in skinning at the moment. Edit: Nevermind, managed to find it. It is actually in player_stats_no_polygon_attribute_panel
  9. Hi, is there any chance that anyone could tell me the xml files that specifically control the area of the performance hub and the old attributes hub from 1.1 that are shown in the screenshots? The skin is quite complex so I'm having a bit of trouble pinning down the exact areas
  10. Does anyone know how I could remove this button in the news tab? WTCS skin with all news panels / folders removed so it reverts to default if that makes a difference
  11. Hi, where would I find the file that controls the inbox news panel? Trying to customize the Mustermann skin and that's the one panel that I can't find at the moment And also how would I go about adding a customizable tab to the match tablet like the Tato skin?
  12. In fairness, how often do you see this in real life? Doubt Liverpool would strip VVD of the captaincy if he did his ACL again. That's what vice captains are for.
  13. As said in the title, injuries that happened after the your world cutoff date are still there in game. Olise and Timber being the big two that I've noticed so far.
  14. On Timber's injury, even when starting a game in the 'Your World' mode, where everything should be as it was on July 3rd, Timber is rightly still at Ajax, but also still has the ACL injury he picked up at the start of the season. Injuries sustained after July 3rd should also not be included in this mode.
  15. found it and it's working perfectly now, thank you so much
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