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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Thanks all, will give some of these ideas a go and report back!
  2. Hi, I'm managing Berwick in the Scottish League 2. I'm trying to play with a defensive 4-4-2 diamond which hits teams on the counter, but I'm conceding a huge number of goals, a lot coming from crosses. I know the 4-4-2 diamond is weak on the wings but I'm dealing with 30+ crosses a game and eventually one of them finds an attacker and they score. Any advice? I've put the tactic and some screenshots from the match analysis below
  3. Does anybody have a list of the countries where in the bottom division the clubs are professional? I know Italy is one are there any others?
  4. How are you finding the lack of technical development? Feel it has affected the game yet in any way or because the players are so poor doesn't make a difference?
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