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Choi seung won

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Issue Comments posted by Choi seung won

  1. Currently, the position of inside forwards is too concentrated in the center.

    If you watch real football, you'll see that players like Man City's Mahrez and Arsenal's Saka stick to the end of the touchline. You will need to adjust your position.

    You need to adjust the option so that it can be located at the end of the touch line.

    This creates space for the wingers and allows them to hit the dribble inside. Currently, the gap between fullbacks and wingers is too close by default.

    That's why I think inside forwards keep failing to dribble inside and go up to the end line like wingers.

  2. On 2023. 1. 13. at 오전 6시 13분, Michael Sant said:

    We're not in a position to share information about changes prior to updates. In some areas of the game, especially such as the ME, there's a lot of considerations to any changes that may be implemented so things can be up in the air until very late in the development process of future updates. When we have more information to share we would look to do so, but we do appreciate the examples that have been provided here. 

    please I hope to see the inside forward and inverted winger movement or dribble fixes in the next patch.

    Currently, the match engine is not as fun as many people in the official feedback thread have put it.

    In particular, this problem has been reported countless times since fm22. It is not being resolved ....

    #Michael Sant

  3. On 2022. 12. 15. at 오전 7시 35분, Michael Sant said:

    The match engine team are constantly working on improvements in all areas and so it is hardly a case of ignoring any issue. When its an issue which impacts your playstyle, naturally it is going to become more of a focus and feature greater levels of presentation in your save. Changes in ME behaviour have to be tested and there are many instances of intended changes and fixes which just haven't worked out because they create issues elsewhere within the ME that are more jarring or even worse than the original issue. 

    I'm not looking to make light of any individuals contribution to the thread, but even in the instances we are getting pkm's we're only seeing once or twice per game mentions. Are there other examples where the player exhibits the wrong behaviour but it works out to the players benefit and they don't report that? It's possible. Are there other examples happening in these same games which perhaps people haven't noticed? Also possible. Is it the case that players are getting presented with multiple opportunities to do this and just once or twice a game they make the wrong decision? 

    These are examples of some of the possibilities, and for narrowing down something like this its very tricky so the more pkm's the better. If you're finding a match where one player is doing it correctly, but another player always makes the wrong decision information like that can be useful to assess whether its attributes feeding into the erroneous decisions and so on. 

    Dear Michael Sant

    In fact, this problem doesn't require pkm at all.
    Because you see it every game.

    All inside forwards or inverted wingers always go up to the end line like a winger and cross or back pass.

    Especially despite being able to dribble and get inside.

    Please watch carefully even for a game.

    This problem has been going on since fm22.

    It absolutely needs to be fixed.

  4. 21 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    As detailed in the thread attached below, we are committed to making changes, but the complexity of the match engine means it isn't a quick fix, or something we can solve overnight. 

    The movement of IW and IF is something that has been heavily criticised, it's not something we are about to ignore. 


    Don't just talk about the difficulties of fixing the match engine.
     Think about making it right one time. 
    With every year release for the past decade, how come there are so many bugs each time?
     Do you properly review before releasing?
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