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Posts posted by lucasnake

  1. 4 horas atrás, NineCloudNine disse:

    This is so frustrating. Historic appearance totals only include national division performances, but once the game starts the state leagues are included so it gets imbalanced like you say.

    I have looked for a way to change this in the editor but the state leagues seem to be set as a stage of the national league. I tried changing them all to cups but this made no difference and then I ran out of editing talent.

    I have managed to fix it in some FM editions way back, but I've forgot how I've done it. Also, usually there's someone who makes an Brazil data file without State Championships, so I just download one of those.

  2. Em 19/12/2023 em 06:42, monobloko disse:

    They also need to fix how it appears in history-careerstats!

    After having played like 1 friendly for a b-team, then gets this:



    Though I was the only one who absolutely hates this, seeing historical records is one of the most fun parts of the game for me, and B-team entries ruins the whole career statistics of the player. It's crazy that they never bothered to fix it. (Another thing I hate is that the history of players in Brazil includes state championship games, which ends up inflating the players match and goals count. I wish someone would fix that too, but I'm off topic now lol)

    Just showing my support for @rusty217 to do the rest of the leagues, would love this. 

  3. 1 hora atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

    Attached without linking. It is a Sunday, my brain is 100% not engaged fully today is it?:lol:

    Haha, no problem.

    1 hora atrás, gpassosbh disse:

    So, as I understood,  this is not compatible with version 21.3, right?

    If when you start the game you select the 21.3 database => Use the Africa Extended Leagues v1p4.fmf file.

    If when you start the game you select the default database => Use the Africa Extended Leagues for 21p1p1.fmf file.

  4. 2 horas atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

    Alright, I managed to fix DR Congo. This is now only using the correct league, and the other one has vanished. Cameroon is just being all around weird. I switched back to the official version, and for some reason the new version is still in the DB despite being deleted. I have no idea why, it must be being referenced somewhere but I cannot see where. Still, everything is still working, and hopefully I can eventually chase the Cameroon thing down. 

    New versions uploaded. 

    Yeah, i faced similiar problems before, of trying to delete some leagues and they would still appear in the game. Well, maybe there's nothing you can do about it, it is fine.

    But by the way, i think you didn't upload the files correctly? Only showing the players file here for me.


  5. 9 minutos atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

    Ah yes, I had forgotten about that. I think I have the teams in the official SI league now though (which is ranked lowly apparently), and the other one is the one I added in FM20 because there was no league in the database. I switched everything over, and I was sure I had deleted the unused league. Apparently I did not do that. Still, I am pretty sure the league being used is the official one, so the rating is correct. I can take a look at it when I next get the chance, possibly some time tomorrow. It is a trivial fix, I just need to check which is the correct league (I think I used it, but I will double check) and delete the one that is not needed, and verify. 

    I see, but actually, it looks like the league used is not the original one, the original should be the "DR Congolese Premier Division", listed on the screenshot. You can see this because if you look at Mazembe's trophies in the game it says that they won the DR Congolese Premier Division 18 times.  

    If you are interested in fixing that, i think that recreating the league on the original one would be difficult, so you could just delete the original one and copy the reputation and champion history.


  6. Checked again, and actually the Cameroon league despite working faces the same problem, there is another league called "Cameroonian First Division" which is the same as your real league, but unplayable. 



    I'm wondering if this was intended, as in, you had to create those leagues from scratch instead on working on the one that already was on the database because of some limitation? Because all the other leagues except those two seems to be based around the leagues that was already present in the database, i can see this because they all have an logo assigned from the logopack i was using, except the Cameroon and DR Congo ones.

    Those things don't make the mod unplayable, it only affects immersion a bit, because if you go to the teams page and see their trophy history, it will show that they won the unselectable league rather than your league, and then in the save when they win your league there would be 2 separate trophies in their history, which should be the same.

  7. Thanks for the update. It all looks perfect, except for that problem in the DR Congo that i mentioned, as you can see in the screenshot, the playable league of Congo sits at the 24th in the African leagues ranking. 


    But if you click on the African leagues ranking, you will se that there is an unselectable league of DR Congo at 6th place, which i think it was supposed to be your real league there. 


    All the other leagues are fine, just the Congo one that seens duplicated. You can see it in the nation overview too, the highest reputation league in Congo is unselectable, while your league is down there with 1 star.


    EDIT: I have just checked, and this problem is present in both the 21.1 and 21.3 versions. 

  8. 1 minuto atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

    Which previous files? From FM20? That are still in the old thread.

    Oh wait, the file you uploaded yesterday was the first version of the mod? If so then i apologize, i thought the mod was already released before that, and then you replaced it with a new version.

    If that's the case, it would be great if you did one for the default db, but i will not pressure you into doing it as it would take more work.

    Just as a note, the error when you try to play with the default db is that it wasn't tested in the editor. I tested it on the editor then i tried the mod on the default db, it actually seems to work fine, except for the DR Kongo league, which is duplicated, with one high reputation fake league, while the real league of your mod has a low reputation. If you could fix this i think it would be perfect. You don't have to change the players file, as you said, because they already work fine with the default db.

  9. 2 minutos atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

    For the leagues I will have a look if it will just work directly tomorrow. If it does, that is trivial for me to do. If not, I will see if it is easy to modify. Either way I can let you know tomorrow. 

    For the player file, that will only be compatible with the 21.3 database, there is nothing I can do about that unfortunately. It is entirely unfeasible to maintain files for each update if I did not plan it in advance (which I did not here, sorry).

    You just have to reupload the previous files, you don't need to change anything. The previous files worked with the default db.

  10. 4 minutos atrás, francis#17 disse:

    What type of mods are you referring to??

    Some league mods, particularly the leagues that play from January to December (i.e J. League), when they update those mods they update it to the new season, so if you play with the old game database it will mess things up.

  11. 6 minutos atrás, Brother Ben disse:

    Myself and @Junkhead had this very conversation recently and I think you're right.

    You could I suppose start in January by loading Brazil but all of the leagues and results would be different 

    Sorry, didn't see the later posts.

    The problem about this is that even if you start in January, the game simulates the season with the transfered players being there since the beginning, so it is no different than starting on the beginning and playing until January. This is an minor thing really, but since i like to aim for the most realistic game, i can't play in the new database because of this.

  12. Am i the only one who never plays on the most recent database they release every FM? I think it's very unrealistic to have updated transfers since you still start at the beginning of the season. But i never see anyone talk about this, and it's really annoying that all the mods update and then they will only work with the new database. 

    Would be really cool if with the new database you would actually start at the mid of the season. 

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