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74 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Great career so far, really enjoying it. If I were you, I would go to either one of the Canadian MLS teams or maybe to Scotland and take over Aberdeen or Hibernian and try to break the Celtic/Rangers dominance.
  2. Looks like a well balanced skin, I like it. I'm gonna testing it for sure once it gets released. I hope you keep the one with attribute bar as well.
  3. Fantastic read, as always. I am interested in the training you use. Are you using the periodization system similar to the one on FM23 or do you have something else in mind for this year?
  4. Congrats for the first season. The rebuild starts now and I'm very much looking forward to! I wonder, will you dive in the loan market as well or do you plan to make only permanent deals?
  5. Is it possible to somehow show the bars on this panel? I am using the attributeless version but the attribute numbers are visible in the training report I get in my inbox...
  6. Congrats on winning the league. I think this could be a very nice end of this save... or did you maybe consider to continue on FM24? You have my full admiration on how deep you went with the tactics and team building principles. And I will certainly follow you in the future as well. Do you already have something in mind for FM24?
  7. I couldn't find this in any of them. I guess the color is set with the name "title", but this isn't in any of the above mentioned xmls. Nevertheless, thanks for your great support.
  8. How can I change these colors? I'm sorry if someone asked already, but I would appreciate the answer so I don't need to go through all 12 pages. Thank you in advance for quick feedback,
  9. How can I change the player/staff attribute color? I'm sorry if someone asked already, but I don't want to go through all 11 pages for this. Thank you in advance for quick feedback,
  10. I have a questions as well for the manager creator. Is it possible to define the manager's experience (badges) and favourite clubs during creation? I couldn't find these options...
  11. I would agree with AF (a) but before that I would try to play the PF (a). He will be operating similar as an AF, but he will put more pressure on the opposition defense and rush the central defenders to make quicker decisions. This could be especially effective against lesser teams in your league.
  12. Does anybody know how to change the notification circle colour - pink on the picture below (btw, I'm still on FM22 but couldnt find the thread).
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