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treble_yell_:-) last won the day on August 28 2016

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458 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. They said they'd fixed this a version or so ago so lower rep/ability players would attract offers. Doesn't seem to have worked.
  2. PC. It's a strange one, can't find anyone else having similar problems and other skins are showing up fine 🤷
  3. For some reason this isn't showing in the skin drop down for me..I've downloaded others to make sure and they show. Can't for the life of me work this out
  4. What do you have your render scale set at ? I'm playing on a 1440p monitor and setting the render scale to 200% has the CPU getting pretty noisy. Probably not worth is for the tiny improvement on IQ.
  5. I still hate transfer ranges. What benefit is it to me saying the a player is worth 40k - 3.5m. In what world is it ever possible to get a player like that for 40k. Then you ask the agent looking for a bit of clarity only for them to reiterate the 40k-3.5m range.
  6. It works fine apart from bringing the on screen keyboard up doesn't let you type into search boxes. Performance wise its fine, ive probably 30+ hours of the beta played on deck. Enjoy your purchase, it's an incredible machine
  7. In the history of the EPL, 7 teams have won it, 2 of those were fluke years (Blackburn, Leicester). Arsenal haven't won it nearly 20 years Manchester United in nearly 10 Liverpool 1 title win. Picking a top 6 side shouldn't mean you're just winning everything.
  8. There seems to be *a lot* of wide players getting to the line or beating their man and making way towards teh box/line and then just.....stopping, double back, play a ball backwards
  9. Amusing given how they often bat for SI. They aren't even overly negative. The video and the points they raise are simply the ones being raised elsewhere. Best only stay on these boards if you want to avoid negatively over this year's release.
  10. Honestly I've just used the same 433 DM Geggenpress from '22 and hard pressed to see if it's less effective. From what I've watched of the Zealand/Benji/Wts video that was put out the other day, looks like they're thinking the same. They've maybe tweaked the fitness levels etc to make it harder, by the squad management of a player controlled team Vs an AI controlled team pretty much negates any of the tweaks they make. SI put out the stats for the beta so far and shock 433DM is favourite tactic
  11. Why though. Pick team, 433 DM, geggenpress > win things Don't see many folk complaining the game is too hard tbf.
  12. It's flawless with the exception of being able to use the on screen keyboard in search bars. Whenever you put the cursor in a text box and bring the KB up it just goes wonky. I started the save on PC and just continued on deck with cloud saves.
  13. Super sampling. It'll render the game at whatever % (of your chosen resolution) you select. If you have a beefy PC just say it to 200% (it'll render at double you're resolution and then scale it back down giving a better image) Alternatively if you have a weak pc you can set it below 100% and the match will render at a lower resolution but leave the UI at the chosen one
  14. What's this The casual FIFA crowd are playing FIFA, no matter how easy FM becomes.
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