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  1. Is it down again? Not letting me and brother play an online game together on steam? Was working earlier but was constantly booting him out of the game. Now it won't let me even create a new one due to the same error message above
  2. yeah you're not wrong there! but yeah you've done a solid! much appreciated
  3. You know what.. for the sake of the hard work you've both given... seriously.. amazing help the both of you, thanks. i'm just going to use your original file.. kazak can stay out of europe completely. i'm just happy to have my nation competing on all fronts if you happen to find a fix for double germany though, let me know haha
  4. i've managed to add them back in no problem with the euros... however... germany for some reason appear in group A and D in the nations league. they replaced Gibraltar. despite Gibraltar still being in the list of registered teams. i increased the teams allowed by 1 (55 to 56). al works and loads in game.. just have that double germany problem now haha i've attached the file.. where i've added kazak back in... would you mind taking a look to see what it could be? please NL kazak v1.fmf
  5. This is amazing... but what if i dont want to lose Kazakhstan? rather kazakhstan be in group C and Europe and ireland join group D... no substitutions What do i do then? just add kazakhstan back into europe and re-add them to nations league and fifa world cup quals?
  6. That guide definitely helped. As I now have an extracted nations League. I'm starting to realise that I am so dumb with this though... haha i've attached both files 1) Nat Lea (nation League extracted) basic 21.4.0 update file 2) costaloupe v2 AR (finished new nation, leagues, cups, teams etc) saved to the 21.4.0 database. here's my dumb question... how do i get all the information from the costa file and merge it with Nat Lea? I won't be able to find Costaloupe in the Nat Lea file as they don't exist for that database.. could it be as simple as.. loading my nat lea file.... create a very basic costaloupe from pre-ireland? (when i say basic, im talking like changing the name pre-ireland to costaloupe) then following your steps above to add costaloupe to nations league? save that to the nat lea file.... then just load (tick both files) Nat Lea and Costaloupe v2 at the create a game page? would the game be that smart to be able to load the clubs and leagues and everything else i've done in my costa file and load the nation change and add to nations league into the same new game? if so... i think we've nailed it haha costaloupe v2 AR.fmf Nat Lea v2.fmf
  7. I have a question, i know you've answered this differently when you continue this tutorial... at the stage where you've removed the database changes and now have to delete the nation rules.. is possible to add a new nation to the teams registered list before deleting stuff in notepad? i've basically taken pre-ireland and created a new nation and want to add the new nation to the nations league. the headache that i've got is the copy and paste job at the end of your tutorial. i've done so much detailed work to my nations database and the only thing missing is that nation playing in the nations league. so you can see why i'm fishing for a quicker fix haha
  8. That guide will definitely help thanks. only issue i can't get the nations league to look like yours does in advanced rules. that's where i am failing i think. yours has groups and everything. mine has nothing, thats how stuck i am haha
  9. sorry forgot to put attachment costaloupe v3 AR NL.fmf
  10. Hey again From what i could see, i wasn't able to get workshop file for the nations league. not any guides on how to create this yourself. i am really stuck. i just can't seem to get my head around how to even start the advanced rules for the nations league. I'm great at doing competitions for clubs (sub divisions etc). but when i am in international rules, with the nations league having sub divisions (due to the promotion and relegation setup). i don't know where to start. all i want to do is add a new team to the existing 55 to make 56. i've added my nation to the database in group D. next step of doing this in advanced rules, i need help. i've attached my file, if anyone including yourself, Rusty is experienced at adding my nation to the nations league
  11. Hi rusty, This could be a lot of work, I’m not too strong in the advanced rules, there’s just too much information to deal with haha. I was thinking of downloading rainbows fix and re-editing his league system and adding more teams.. but the file is still in advanced rules. And I’m too scared to mess with it haha ill have to give one or the other a go though, or I’ll be stuck forever.. appreciate the info and help.
  12. hi using fm21 editor. could someone please help me too. I’ve took the pre Ireland route also. And made the nations coen points match Gibraltar’s (as they play in the euro qualifiers, nations league and World Cup qualifiers). Figured if it was as simple as coen points this would be a quick fix…. However.. im having international issues still.. when I start a game, my u21s start in the u21 euro qualifiers (however, this is the first and last time they enter). My u19s and main team never play in any qualifiers or nations league, even 10 years later into the future. and my u21s play in 1 qualifier and then no more). 1) what needs to be done to get my nation in the nations league. 2) what needs to be done to get my nation in euro qualifiers (including the u21 and u19s also). 3) same as above for the World Cup qualifiers (and u21, u19s if they have these)? i will attach my file too, if this speeds things up. the nation is called Costaloupe thanks costaloupe v2 AR.fmf
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