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Everything posted by SC00P0NE

  1. yea, it's a box and the part where they usually write " you're highly encouraged to talk about this topic" is in a different color, too. Basically, it's the screen in your inbox which leads to the press conference..
  2. well, like @turnip said, your promise should eventually expire, once that happens the player will probably want to talk to you again.. Look out for any answers in that conversation which point out that the player didn't want to sign one. Otherwise, I would post this issue in the bug tracker since it sounds rather illogical indeed when a player agrees to a promise first but then doesn't want to follow through with it?? Edit: Perhaps the agent is the issue? The player might be fine with a new contract but the agent wants his client to move to Bayern for more money? Agents play a bigger part in the game compared to the past in FM, just a thought though..
  3. he probably wants to play for FC Bayern and not for FC Rapid, I would guess?.. Ambition also means low loyalty, they are usually the ones which always complain about everything and try to jump ship first whenever something mildly inconveniences them, I don't like them.. Did you ask him about the key player thing before or after Bayern came knocking?
  4. Is it possible to use the editor (not the in-game one) to alter the current amount of allowed coaches of a club?
  5. It should also matter when someone is subbed in... Like, subbing a youngster in when it's 0:0 during the clasico or ucl knockout stage or something might mean the yongster would have preferred to stay on the bench because of tension, not laziness... But yea, atm it seems off..
  6. buy the in-game editor? I have similar issues at Barca, apparently PSG is the coolest thing ever to football players :/
  7. Make sure you use all of your 3 tactics slots often enough. As long as these three are different enough, I find it quite easy actually to get out of a bad run of form.. For example, I often find FM wants to sabotage my wingers, so I play with 2 strikers for a while instead. Basically, tactical variety seems to be the remedy in my mind once I feel the game tries to sabotage me. To play with comprehensive highights is important for this though so that you can try to stop your team from sucking before it's too late.. Edit: In FM23, I find the team mentality button is really overpowered, so make sure you use it wisely depending on the current state of a match often. In FM21, team mentality certainly wasn't as powerful as it is in FM23 in my experience..
  8. look under responsibilities -> scouting, at the bottom of the list. I don't remember the default..
  9. Gerard Piqué & Sergio Busquets are waaay better in FM than in RL.. Both have ~10 acceleration and agility but I hardly ever see them somehow being bad in highlights because of it.. I think SI should really nerf their concentration value so that their age shines through a little more.. I also play Dani Alves as CM, and he still kicks ass.. I think Radamel Falcao might be a very good old player for cheap..
  10. These two have 15 WR, aggression is 11 & 14 : https://fminside.net/players/3-fm-23/67293495-pedri https://fminside.net/players/3-fm-23/2000049413-gavi Here is Pablo Torre with 10 WR and 12 ag : https://fminside.net/players/3-fm-23/2000040347-pablo-torre Torre is way more active and diligent in highlights compared to the other two what I find surprising because his 10 in work rate suggests he's lazier than them.. I would expect a midfielder with 10 WR to stand around a lot more and be generally less of a focal point in highlights..
  11. I am playing without an ass_man, so I get no silly comments during matches.. In previous iterations, however, the game forced you to use one but that doesn't seem to be the case in FM23 anymore.. So I guess the question is, why are you playing with an ass_man when you don't need/want one?
  12. yea, I have to join the "attributes don't really matter crowd", too. Work rate, especially in midfield, doesn't seem to make a noticeable difference. I have two midfielders with 15 at WR and one with 10, and yet the one with 10 is constantly buzzing around the pitch in every highlight..
  13. well, you would think that if the human player wanted to loan a player from a higher reputation team (a richer one, one from a higher division) the AI club would be more concerned with getting a decent playtime and position agreement for its player rather than rubbing its binary hands in greedy anticipation.. Would certainly sound like the general rule of thumb to me as long as we talk about benchwarmers above 18..
  14. so what's really dumb in my opinion.. A 35 year old at my club, team leader, comes to me and demands to be sold since, in his mind, there wouldn't be anything left to achieve at the club, allegedly.. So I am like "but.. but.. you are a team leader and important to the team! WTF??!!". His reaction : "Oh yea? Well, but I really.. really WANNA!..". I, compromising : "Can you at least wait until the end of the season???" Manchild, turning petulant: "NO! I really, REALLY need to leave NOW!" So I'm finally like : "Fine.. fine.. if you are so hell-bent on running away, you can leave.. *sigh*" Next thing you know, another guy comes to me accusing me of intentionally selling an important team leader like I had a grudge or something and all my options to answer were exclusively indicating that I absolutely wanted to sell the player for financial reasons which I obviously didn't.. My suggestion, the game should recognize the fact that I, the manager, am not resonsible for the player's desire to leave, and that I merely did what was asked of me..
  15. I find that drawing teams during UCL ceremony needs to be more obvious, convenient and pleasant on the eyes. The current way feels inconvenient and hard to follow, The UCL screen is too small and text moves too fast, it makes me nervous.. Si, can't you just show us the individual drawing cards like here: Like, the cards popping into the middle of the screen once one is drawn?
  16. yea, you would think an ass_man with 20 tactical knowledge and some points in motivating, people management & juding player ability should totally be capable of leading a match. So what you are basically saying is that you want an option to let your ass_man lead a match from the get-to, tactically, but with the option to overrule or correct what your ass_man does whenever you feel like it, while you enjoy watching the match engine? Otherwise, I know there are skins with an instant result button, perhaps that's what you want?
  17. Well, quite clearly, SI care at the very least about their customer's hardware, so perhaps it is time now to seriously consider difficulty levels too, isn't it? I, for example, just defeated Man City in my UCL group 3:1 at home and managed to get a 1:1 away against them, and dealing with Haaland the entire time was a serious pain in the bee, so I'm obviously quite chuffed that my attempts at micromanaging the big guy, tactically, born fruit.. SI could create a default, or realistic, difficulty setting but also perhaps split difficulty into different categories like match tactics, morale management, transfer market et cetera, so folks like many in this thread could pick and choose. After all, SI care about our hardware, so why unsettle their more *laid-back* crowd now with, in their opinion, a too challenging match day experience? The only thing I really care about is a FM experience as realistic as feasible, especially less robotic people management, please, but if people wanna buy, for example, every wonderkid there is with minimal effort or just click to win matches, I really don't exactly care about their business as long as I can pick a difficulty setting that tries to resemble the world of football as we know it..
  18. I'll admit, during beta I've had a hard time, too, even with barcelona. Then I figured out why I wasn't performing too well, and now it's all good. Are you confident that you've tried long enough to make it work? For example, team mentality is way more powerful in FM23 in comparison to FM21 in my opinion, I kept losing points during beta because I always had it set to offensive mentality which the game quite clearly did not like.. If you have no clue why you are losing, start out with a balanced mentality and adjust it according to what you see on the pitch. Do not play with elaborate PIs, that will only make tracking the reasons for losing down harder.. I apologize if I sound somewhat condescending
  19. yes, teamwork + match practice will greatly increase TC. As long as you train these two religiously, I don't find building TC that hard at all.. I also never bought players based on if their personalities fit into the team, and yet, I always managed to fill my TC bar over time notwithstanding through appropriate training sessions..
  20. I have this issue, too, albeit you can still see their results here: scouting -> Players -> Scouted Players As you see, my scouts did scout 1155 players, but just as it is happening to you, they constantly send me inbox messages reporting that they can't find any players.. So what I do is, I just go to "scouted players" and look through their findings myself..
  21. I did play half a season with barcelona during beta, and I didn't see any of those reported ME issues, like bad defending, some users seem to be up in arms about. Maybe mental attributes are even more important now in ME, so you see the alleged ridiculous stuff in defence more often especially in lower league matches where the average of attribute points is obviously lower? I am certainly surprised by @(sic)'s video earlier, didn't see such things at all, and I play every single game on comprehensive highlights.. Players running away from the ball all the time is, however, obviously a bit too much to not complain about it.. So is the impact of mental attributes a bit too extreme in lower leagues perhaps, at least, as far as watching ME is concerned?..
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