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Posts posted by LukasZ_VCF

  1. In FM19  should I make tactic balanced with using all sectors of the pitch left/middle/right or should I focus on one for example like playing LEFT side (because I have fast LB and LM Gaya-Guedes and can put fast Striker Rodrigo or Origi on left side) to overload opponent?


    I am playing 4-4-2 but I see I have problems for example with 4-2-3-1 wide I think if I remember correctly and I see as longer I play I have worse results with weak opponents...I am in 3rd season now...

  2. 1. Are loans really good? I found that players didn't improve much even if I will choose team with great training facilities or above that level and they are playing almost every match...I don't see much stats increased or value... for example in my team when they are playing they improve and their value as well... I loaned Ferran to Espanyol they have like almost max training grounds and they played with me in CDR Final and a lot of games in CL and his value or stats did't increase... the only one player that I loaned had improve even if all of them played and he improved in Real Betis not that good team but he was a striker and he was scoring some goals

    and the worst thing is they might get worse personality and I am sure that they had a drop in determination...


    2. I won CL in 3rd season and value of my players went up but in like  July it decrease so much even if I am the best team by reputation on 2nd place right after Man City... how it works? why so fast drop ?


    3. Might be some problem with algorytm that it could be different than normally playing? I simulated next season and in the middle of it I had like 100mln Euro on transfer budget with rejecting offers by board checked and at the end I had twice as much...not sure how I got that money there wasn't any info, changed chairman etc and he never give me money for transfers I play with Valencia, I will check that but it will take me a while to get there with normal playing :) I checked transfer history but I didn't find anything and no future transfers out... I have like 10 loans of players when they will pay me 185k-230k for each player depend if he will play or not and cover his salary, maybe it's adding the entire income salary+fee to my transfer budget?  I just wonder if there is something I don't know about :)



    4.How the underwritter chairman works ? If I will increase my wage budgets costs and will spend all the time the transfer budget, improve facilities etc he will add money just to be at 0 at bank balance ?


    5. Can player get change in foot preffered? If it is Left or Right can it be changed to Both?   Also position if player is LB but have small dot on RB can he become natural in RB?

  3. 21 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    I'm pretty sure it's the second option. It's why I don't like to have it, wages can quickly spiral. 

    yes that's why I am asking :)


    If I find young players and I want to sign them and don't want them to choose another club I am leaving it sometimes just to not to fail on negotiations because I will have to wait some time to try again, or for players with low wage but for players at my club that are playing I am mostly deleting it.

  4. On 30/10/2018 at 13:28, sammo10 said:

    I’ve picked up Kondogbia in my second season. Stats look insane  

    I've lost Kondogbia in my 2nd season - January window with Valencia since he got offer from PSG at the start of the game and I couldn't even offer him a new contract because he wanted to go to better team and Tottenham bought him using release clause fee.

    He was amazing in first season he got like 6 goals  games in a row shooting from distance! So many balls won in the middle, goals after corner etc... I bought Gedson Fernandes but he doesn't play that well stats almost maxed probably, already at the end of 3rd season...

  5. I had similiar situations like this but I am playing Valencia, the most that I remember it was with girona in 1st season spanish cup I was winning 3-0 than they scored 3 goals and I lost because of away goals... and the best thing is that they always score from set pieces like this or long distance with very weak long distance shooter or finishing... the second one was yesterday same situation with Las Palmas and in spanish cup too... draw 4-4 at HOME ! but first match away I won 2-1 so I proceed to the next round... 31 shots 21accurate for me and they had 8 shots 6 accurate ...

  6. Quote


    It is advisable to run a proper pre-season, whether this be from our list of pre-season templates or your creating your own. If left to the Assistant, he will run pre-season according to his preferences.

    During pre-season players will most likely be at their minimum level of fatigue, the exception being those returning from summer international duty. When fatigue is low a player that works hard physically (sessions that increase fatigue) will improve his long term fitness, meaning he can stave off jadedness longer into the season. However, when a player is already becoming fatigued, sessions that are overly physical (increase fatigue) will tire the player further, meaning he will eventually become jaded.
    As such, if you run a proper pre-season the players will remain fitter and last longer into the season proper. Under-working the players in pre-season or over-working the players during the season itself will lead to fatigue.
    Of course, too much physical work at any time raises the risk of injury, but this can be an acceptable trade-off if you wish to work the players hard.
    Pre-season is also a great time to work on those physical attributes that simply cannot be worked on in any great amount during the season itself due to the fixture schedule.


    1.How will I know if I am not under -working or over-working?


    2. How to increase pace and acceleration during the season ?





    Other than during pre-season or periods of deliberately working the players hard, say a week with no match, it is not advisable to run more than 2 sessions per day, leaving the Extra sessions as rest.


    3.What if I am putting there in the extra sessions low intensity trainings like shooting or match preparations - defense,pressing, passing that will add bonus in next match ? It doesn't increase intensity that much, btw how it work? Can I have bonus with passing,marking, pressing, set pieces all in 1 match ?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Seb Wassell said:

    Small attribute adjustments take place all the time. I wouldn't worry about a small red arrow every now and then, especially if a player is at or close to their PA where they would have to lose something in attribute A to gain something in attribute B. 

    Yes but actually it is my style of playing high tempo, hard pressing and direct long passes and it was working great, now they dropped point or more in pace and acceleration and I have worse results, they were faster than defenders and now are the same I think like them...

  8. Just now, Seb Wassell said:

    Yes the AM's style influences his choices.

    So if I will have this one which preffers fitness he will make more pace and acceleration training ? how much of a difference is there? and which one is the best General then because he will train everything? not sure if it's up to AM style or just they were loosing pace and acceleration from the start of the game slowly and now they dropped 1 point...

  9. What about players loosing their attributes (arrows down) if they play, I have good grounds(playing Valencia) and signed great choaches like 4/5 stars

    I see that even then it shows they loose stats not sure why is that



    And more in this season 3rd one I changed my assistant manager to someone with better stats but his training preferences are psychical, and the old one was general... I see I start loosing pace and acceleration on Rodrigo who is 29 and had 17 &17 and Origi who was 15/16 and Pace 18 I used them to couter with long balls and they scored a lot now they are slower and its like they don't score that much;/


    I was adding stamina, pace etc trainings in pre season, there is not much time when I could add this kind of training during the season, but in first 2 I was fine, now I changed AM and start loosing is that because of him ?

  10. Does it matter if my assistant have training style preffered as psychical, physical, general etc? will he set the training plan according to this? for example physiacl more pace, accelleration, stamina etc? I am adding training with pace etc but keep dropping my stats at players aged like 24 etc... ;/ I changed assistant manager for better the previous one had general training preffered, this new one have psychical...

  11. On 05/12/2018 at 21:20, KlaaZ said:

    No complaints here, won the CL in my third season after a rather 'easy' knockout draw with Monaco and OL until the semis, then managed to contain City (with Simeone as a coach) thanks to an emphatic 4-2 home win and just about edged Liverpool in the final. 


    Squadwise, I managed to hang onto Veltman, Schuurs (who developed really well), Tagliafico, Blind, Neres, Dolberg and Gravenberch (for now). Main additions apart from regens now are Ludovit Reis (very comparable to Donny in stat distribution), Kik Pierie, Xadas (very cheap and very solid development), Nikola Moro, Robert Gumny and Thiago Almada (ridiculous Argentinian, see screenshot). I'm hoping to challenge for the CL again but had (once again) a very tough group draw even with being seeded first: Milan, Stuttgart and Liverpool... Drew first place with Liverpool but they had the better goal difference so I got Juve in the first knockout round, sucks to be me. 


    Financially I'm very solid with 270M in the bank. My reputation also skyrocketed. :)

    Don't know if you can pick him up but I picked up Josip Posavec in my third season for 5.5M and he's been very consistent. Nice attribute spread and a spirited personality.

    Thiago Almada_ Overview Profile-5.png

    World_ Clubs List.png

    Josip Posavec_ Overview Profile-3.png

    What Tactic do u use? Because if u won CL with Ajax, then probably better team than that should win it easily ?

  12. Which tactic that you can download is the best as far as it goes for everyone?


    I was playing with my tactic 4-4-2 I set it for Valencia and in first season I was 2nd in the league 3 points after Barcelona(97 points, they had 100), lost in CL final with Liverpool 5-4 in added time playing with 10 or 9 man because I had 1 or 2 red cards even when I said to tackle more easily.

    In 2nd season I won Spanish league, lost with PSG in CL quarter-final 2-1 in first game (had Neto injured, Gaya, and Parejo, Coquelin suspended might be more don't remember now) and won Spanish Cup.


    So basically it's random about CL it depends with who I play I am trying to set my team vs opponent weakness but you know the game sometimes you can loose with same tactic,same opponent same squad etc...


    And I wonder if there is some tactic that work for everyone that I could train as 2nd tactic and use when I am loosing to check if it would be beneficial...

  13. 1 hour ago, LukasZ_VCF said:

    Hi I have really important fast question (because I want to proceed with my game ;D)  I am wondering because in last season (it was my 1st season) I had holidays after almost end of June because my reserve team was playing playoffs to promote to Segunda Division in Spain, they are safe there 4th place I think, so now I can go on holidays like on 8th of June, but I can add training session and then it change to another week...


    So can I train my players still without any problems later, or if the holidays will be too short I might have some problems later like players complaining, something bad with morale, stamina, jadeness or something?


    How long it should be?


  14. Hi I have really important fast question (because I want to proceed with my game ;D)  I am wondering because in last season (it was my 1st season) I had holidays after almost end of June because my reserve team was playing playoffs to promote to Segunda Division in Spain, they are safe there 4th place I think, so now I can go on holidays like on 8th of June, but I can add training session and then it change to another week...


    So can I train my players still without any problems later, or if the holidays will be too short I might have some problems later like players complaining, something bad with morale, stamina, jadeness or something?


    How long it should be?

  15. 5 minutes ago, Lathund said:

    Under the "Rest" tab in the training screen you can set up intensity according to their condition %. Any player set to "Automatic" intensity will follow those instructions. I have mine set to "No pitch/gym work" for the lowest level of fitness, half intensity for the next two, normal for 80-89 and double for 90+. If that's optimal or not I really don't know, I suspect it might be too conservative. But adjusting the training intensity to their fitness levels seems to at least make some kind of sense, more than sticking to the same intensity at all times. And it saves you a lot of micromanagement. 

    Will it work if I set general training to AM, and individual to myself? because I want to manage traits and skills, because my AM put throwing etc skills that I don't need to improve to everyone

  16. The thing is even if u have players like I use because I want to play fast offensive football - Rodrigo 17 acc, 17 pace,   Guedes something like that too, Origi 18 pace, Soler 16 I think, and  they are much faster than defenders and reach the end of the pitch and they just stand there waiting for defender to reach them and than they try to cross ... same with long shoots, can dribble players run fast and they slow down or stop and than shoot straight on opponents player...

  17. 21 hours ago, Cal585 said:

    Training is still important but the quality of the matches they are playing is the most important (assuming they don't get really low ratings). If he's rated at a 2nd division level, he's better being loaned out than staying at the club and playing for the youth/reserves. If you're going to give him occasional game time with your firsts however, then less (but better) game time and better training facilities may be more beneficial. The older they are the more regularly they will need to play I've found. Simply, after age 18 Match Experience > Training.


    So what if my B-team play in Spain in Segunda Division (2nd league) and they are on 4th/5th place most of the season as far...I am in april...



  18. 6 hours ago, Cal585 said:

    Not seen a test but it's been stated before that from 18+ a player's development prioritises match experience over training (though both are still important). However this is playing at an appropriate level. Players will still develop on the youth team but the poorer quality of the matches (at youth/reserve level) they are playing will see a slower development than if they play in the first team or go out on loan (which has it's own problems with lack of control).


    What about putting them to the 1st team so they would get their  training and make them available to play for U-19 or B team?


    E: Or what about like average or good training facilities and 1st team when they are loaned vs Valencia's very good or great training facilities + 4/5 star coaches with less matches?

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