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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Hello SI could you review these niche features (They are from reddit,youtube,twitter) They are the most liked 1) hard mode where you don't get to see player stats at all and have to go by only what your scouts say and when you see them play. 2) Staff feedback need rework. Why are you suggesting that I sign a physio with 12 physiotherapy rating when I'm managing Man Utd? Individual training suggestions anyone? 3) Why can't we talk to players about the same situation more than once? 4) newgens don't ever get non staff favorite personnel 5) In game Names for the training sessions are unreliable ( Concerning which attributes do they affect ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X3t1EjdKByk ( watch16:18 ) 6) Manager mentoring- I feel like as a manger you should be able to mentor certain players in the same way older players mentor each other this would make attributes such as Working with youngsters, Man management and discipline a lot more relevant. Imagine mentoring you're star youth product into a top player or turning a troubled player with low professionalism into the model player, or trying to get your goalkeeper or defender to stop making mistakes. This would mirror real life with managers like Fergie mentoring players or Pep Guardiola working meticulously with certain players It should also be able to fail and change the dynamics of the squad or lead to a poor relationship with that player. 7) players CA's changing as their position is retrained So many professional players changed positions while they are young or in a youth team or whilst they break into the first team and end up finding their best position and their CA improving and the position changing and retraining taking place quicker and more intuitively if their stats are matched to the new position Gareth Bale is an obvious example of this 8) MLS to not being allowed to hire coaches for your Youth/B team because coaches ask too much money (Coach in spanish first division is 2k/week and my B team part time coach asks for 300k/week??) * Simulate unplayable league promotions. I have a save with over 20y and my B team has still not promoted. You check their (simulated) stats and the XI has over 30 goals each, keeper with 6 conceded over the whole season. There is no chance that team wouldn't be first. * Fix dual nationality for serie A players (south American) (important for numbers of foreign players alowed) and other western european countries with common dual nationality (France/Francophone African countries,french carribean) (UK/Carribean,African) ect... Plus some fixes made by the community and realistic changes should be looked AT by Sports Interactive more seriously . In order to be added in the future (exemple : https://www.fmscout.com/a-increase-realism-megapack-fm23.html 9) Set a default training schedule. it is such a bother to manually set a training every week. 10 ) Players to understand squad rotation better. 'Important players' should still understand that I might rest them against league 2 sides at home in the FA cup without kicking off about it. Transfers should have a mechanism for integrating squad building AI. Like if you play a lone striker, a star striker should not be "Extremely Interested" in joining your team if you already have a star striker. Potential transfers should not be happy to be offered a "Star Player" role when there's an obvious "Star Player" already in their position, and if they join there should be stronger contract guarantees for playing time. 11) - Player interactions - why does everything have to end with the player falling out and never speaking to you again? Is it not possible to disagree and the player be a bit miffed but still have a fairly amicable relationship? 12) They should introduce sports psychologist or psychologist session in training who can change mental stats or even personality, but that would depend on footballer engagement in work with psychologist. 13 ) I’d like to finally be able to state why I’m leaving a club and for that to have an affect on my relationship with the club and players. The fact this still isn’t in the game is annoying from a role playing perspective. 14) Punish a player or a group of players to train alone or unwanted players to train seperate from the main squad (transferts or punishment) in a isolated group (isolated hub) 15) Mass "Praise" or "Criticize" in training. The overall training session as a team . Collective Grades in training as a team 16) Use wages earned to take coaching badges, sick of asking my £3.5 million in debt Swedish club for the last badge only to be rejected as we have no money. 17) I want to be able to tell my players how to attack vs certain opponent players (not only zone of the field or how to defend individually) Atm we can tell them how to defend (tackle hard, mark tightly, always press, show onto foot), but I'd like to be able to say 'run at this defender' 18 )The game needs to feel different at different clubs. You can manage at the 3rd tier of Northern Ireland and then go to Real Madrid and it feels pretty much the same. You get many of the same media questions, player interactions etc. There’s no sense you’ve really taken on a new tier of work, so to speak. Sure the budgets and staff are bigger but that’s kind of it. 19)Better conversations with players/agents to help with the promises system. Currently I’ve got 35 year old Neymar doing well in AM as an Enganche but I foolishly promised he would play as LW (IW). He doesn’t t have the facilities for That in his age so he’s bombed every Game Ive out him there. It would be great to be able to say “I know I promised this but you’re playing much better in a different role” OR “I know I promised this but you’ll get more Game time if you’re happy to be more flexible” 20 )Much less precision in player attributes, especially in scouting. The real world doesn’t work like it and it’s the reason fm is so easy to cheese by just buying up all the good youth players. Scouting precision is crazy op. There should be a version of the game where you never get much precision at all and you have to rely on statistics and the eye test just like teams do in real life .Also there's a skin that completely hides attributes and another that displays them as a colour bar rather than numbers.Could that be in the game natively as an option ? (Hard mode for veteran) 21) All I want is for it to show a clubs facilities ratings when a club offers to loan your player instead of hunting through each clubs information screens 22) Shout out of the manager from the bench should not impact the overall tactic for the rest of the game but only a short period of time.Also the impact of shoutout should be focus on the mental aspect during the football match first and tactical aspect second.
  2. I think like there is an "influence of supporters on the board" and "relationship of the board with the supporter" on club vision there should be like in real life an : 1) New bar on dynamics A New bar of satisfaction " Relationship with the supporters" on the overview page . "( on dynamics) ( a new graphic bar ) Based on the perception of the overall Supporters on the team . Based on the monthly supporter review ( Squad grade on club vision) 2) New element of hapiness relationship with the supporters Also ( on dynamics) on the hapiness tab a " relationship with the supporters" for each first team players. Based on the perception of the players on their relationship with the supporters. (See : relationship with the players hapiness bar on club vision) (see 3) ) 3) Relationship with each players And a " relationship with the players " (an hapiness bar liké on dynamics but for the supporters on the club vision tab) on the supportes tab ( club vision) for each first team players . Based on : performance, numbers of years at the club, desire to renew contract, refuse to renew his contract, favorite person at the club 4) Why All of that with new interactions dialogues which would influence: - influence on the supporters confidence grade - The Squad grade for the supporters confidence - Each players individual hapiness on dynamics - transfers request (Bad relations with the fans - Long terme commitement with the club (Great relations with the fans) - team dynamics : ( the New bar ) 1) -favorite person at the club (these players would always have the support of the fans no matter the situations This would help to strenghten the gameplay and interactions in football manager .The "team dynamics" tab and the supporters tab on club vision would get closer to realism because in real life the supporters who are not neutral ( like the media) or (rational, professionnal and discrete (like the board) represent a big influence in today's football not only on the manager but also the Squad and on each players individualy. We can see that on social media where supporters if each club gobe his opinions on their favourite team but also on each players individualy (youtube,twitter x, tik tok, facebook,instagram ). But also on real life ( near the stadium with the fans interview, in the stadium with their praise or critics. This would get the game Closer to reality because in today's game each players Can feel the opinions of the fans . We saw this this summer where players left clubs because of the Bad relation with the supporters (Messi an neymar) Whereas some stay thanks to the fans and didnt accepte bigger offerts(oshimen,Modric) Plus some players like Sergio ramos didnt accept Saudi arabia because of their relationship with their former club and the supporters. This new features like the "influence of the supporter on the board" on the supporters tab would help to create more interconnexion of influence between the main club actor ( supporters ,players,manager,board) and realism. It could trigger new interactions and push deeper the supporters features on club vision and the overall dynamics features on FM. This is why i think the supporters should have an influence on the team as whole and on the players individually.
  3. A lot of french players from what i've seen on social media are confused by the translation of the Squad planner tab on FM since its introduction.It's a wrong and innacurate translation. In french "compo d'équipe " means "starting eleven" or "formation" But that is not what the Squad planner IS about. And it IS confusing for casual players,veteran like me and New players who are getting into FM and will think it IS where you select your starting eleven . Instead the accurate translation would be like the one sport interactive (you guys) wrote for the New features for FM 24 Squad planner : " Planificateur d'effectif " For me it's the best translation.But "plan d'effectif " Can Work as well. So please Sports interactive it's a very Quick change to make but important for New players , the immersion and an accurate translation in the french version of FM 24 and going forward. Thanks
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