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Everything posted by affe1802

  1. Firstly, 2 new sentences for the press. If the Club (opponent) already qualified to take part for (Cup), they have already qualified for the cup by reaching the final. Since the team cannot qualify for the cup, they are already qualified for the (cup) by reaching the final.
  2. I had already chosen the option. But it's not about the DFB cup directly. It's much more about the state cup. Using Mecklenburg Vorpommern as an Example, Clubs from the region are playing there, all Clubs that play higher than league structure level 9 ( From 3.Liga, Regionalliga Nordost, Oberliga Nordost St. Nord, Verbandsliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Landesligen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (3) and Landesklassen Mecklenburg Vorpommern (5) are qualified for the state cup (except B, C and D teams). Now the problem is that the winners of the district association cups (except B, C, and D teams) qualify for the state cup. But all teams (except youth) play in these district association cups including B , C, and D teams and if one B, C or D teams wins is at the moment in game qualified. Now it has to be started at the root. Because when i took the last winner i already added the option and selected it but that wasn't successful. Now i'll try the cup fate actions .xml.
  3. And i wonder why, even thoght Hansa Rostock has a second team, there is still a B-Team shown after Hansa Rostock If this has already been solved in FM 23, please let me know.
  4. It's half mistake, because if the B team is designed like the club, for example Hansa Rostock (Club) and Hansa Rostock II (2.Team) via affiliation, blocking the cup doesn't work . For Example Since Hansa Rostock II is also the first team in the game. The Problem I have is that all 2nd and 3rd teams are designed like Hansa Rostock II. Now I'm creating a Germany file and trying to keep it as real as possible . Since in the lowest leagues of the district associations, 2nd and 3rd teams also play in the district association cup in many districts. Now the winner of the district association cup qualifies for the state association cup for next season. But the 2nd and 3rd teams cannot take part in the state association cup. Now it is the case that all 2nd 3rd 4th 5th teams are created like the first team, the 2nd 3rd 4th 5th teams in the game are all first teams. Even if there are current affiliations as a affiliated club and the type is II team was selected. And at main club, is main club is selected. If this has already been solved in FM 23, please let me know.
  5. Example of the time saving: I have a slightly older database from FM 20 with the league system from football associations of Mecklenburg Vorpommern and the 6 subordinate associations with leagues, clubs, cities/villages and stadiums and the same from Niederrhein. Since I started a new database with FM 22 with Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, i'm currently in research for Sachsen-Anhalt and would be now use the old database from FM 20 with this one that I am currently working on. The data merge entries for Mecklenburg Pommern are double. Like cities, clubs, comps and stadiums. I am currently removing every city. I do this manually via the database city with filter Mecklenburg Vorpommern. I still have to do the same for clubs, stadiums and comps. So that I only add the data from Niederrhein to the current database. But with stadiums the problem is that there is no local region filter because the local region is not on the stadium. Example If Stadium, Club, Competition, City also had the local region and in Database Changes you could select the local region as a filter, you could delete all data entries at once with one click everything would be deleted. And i have now also saved a lot of time from the entries from Niederrhein.
  6. Hello, I would like to help make the game even more realistic. But the FM Manager also needs innovations for the editor. For example, in the qualification rules an option with dynamic promotion and relegation rules. I think outside the box when it comes to ideas. Because I'm working on a large database myself and have come across missing things that are missing for a real game. How. - Blocking B teams from qualifying for the cup. - In the Advanced Rules editor for the tables, the option Parent competition according to local regions (football association) and then the leagues of this local region (of this football association) create a new local regionand select a local region as the parent region is also missing. - The local region and the football association should be selectable for the clubs, stadiums and leagues but unfortunately this is not possible. - Database changes In my opinion, a few filter options such as for stadiums leagues and club's local region and football association are missing. - For B team as a partner team, there is no option that in the last league the main club and the 2 or 3 team can also play in the same league. - Founding a B team in the game at user files it should be possible for the B team founded in the game to start in an active league if there are no relegation places. Und die Höchste Liga in der eine Gegründete B Mannschaft Starten Kann sollte höchstens die Liga mit level 6 sein. Wenn ein Team auf den aufstieg verzichtet oder ein Team Zwangsabsteigen muss. - It should also be possible to found a U19, U19 B and U18 and U18 B team in the game! - And an option for clubs regional leagues "last league in the association" I have tried to implement this myself in one or two clubs and leagues. But since a lot of the languages are encrypted, it fails. Now to why I'm trying this. Advantage 1 the filtering is even more precise means that if the association works as a filter for the clubs or leagues. In Essen (clubs) only clubs with the name Essen are displayed and not Hessen Kassel and (leagues) the leagues from Essen and not those from Hesse. Advantage 2 If it were possible to choose the football association as a subordinate association and the leagues of the association, the league system in the game would look even better and tidier. Advantage 3 if the filter options Local region for the leagues, stadium, cities and for clubs. And the football associations in leagues and clubs would also be available in the database change, which would bring an immense time advantage. I would like to donate my time and work on solving this but since a lot of things are encrypted I can't do this properly. In order to create new entries such as football associations I have to create entries in files such as: In order for a new entry to appear in the database like football associations, it must be in db record lists.xml and db record.xml example.ltf and languages.ltc such as german.ltc english.ltc For what the new database entry should have a new example football association.xml in the database folder, and football association ui.xml in the database ui folder For the football association types, for example, the enum.xml still needs to be edited here and depending on where the football associations such as club.xml, competition.xml should appear. Since you from the SI team are currently working for FM 24, I would like to do this and, if successful, send the files to the team.
  7. Hallo ich würde gerne dabei Helfen das Spiel noch Realistischer zu machen. Doch dazu brauch der FM Manager für den Editor auch Neuerungen. Zum Beispiel Bei den Qualifikationsregeln eine Option mit Dynamischen Auf und Abstiegsregeln. Ich blicke hier bei den Ideen über den Teller rand. Da ich selber an einer Großen Datenbank arbeite und da auf fehlende dinge gestoßen bin die für eine Reales Spiel fehlen. Wie: - Das blocken Von B Mannschaften für die Qualifikation am Pokal. - Im Editor Erweiterten Regeln bei den Liegen die Option Übergeordneter Wettbewerb nach Lokalen Regionen (Fussballverband) und dann die Ligen dieser Lokalen Region ( dieses Fussballverbandes) neue Lokale Region anlegen und eine Lokale Region als Übergeordnete Region wählen felht auch. Die Lokale Region und der Fussballverband sollte bei den Clubs und Ligen wählbar sein doch dies geht leider nicht. Bei Datenbankänderungen Fehlen meiner Meinung nach ein Paar Filter Optionen wie für Ligen und Club's Lokale Region und Fussballverband sowie die Lokale Region als Filter bei den Städten. Bei B Team als Partnermannschaft fehlt die Option Das in der letzten Liga auch der Hauptverein sowie die 2 oder 3 Mannschaft in der selben Liga Spielen können. Gründung im spiel einer B Mannschaft bei user files sollte es möglich sein das die im spiel gegründete B Mannschaft in einer Aktiven Liga starten sollte es keine Abstiegsplätze geben. Und die Höchste Liga in der eine Gegründete B Mannschaft Starten Kann sollte höchstens die Liga mit level 6 sein wenn ein Team auf den aufstieg verzichtet oder ein Team Zwangsabsteigen muss. Zudem sollte es auch möglich sein eine U19, U19 B sowei U18 und U18 B Mannschaft im Spiel zu gründen! (Dafür sollte meiner Meinung nach bei Vereine unter Reservemannschaften bei zu Erzeugende Reservemannschaften erfolgen) Und eine Option Bei Clubs Regionale Ligen "letzte Liga im verbend" Ich habe selber versucht Bei Club's und Ligen dies zu realisieren. doch da viel im languages verschlüsselt ist schlägt es fehl. Nun zum Warum ich dies Versuche. Vorteil 1 das filtern ist noch genauer soll heißen wenn der Verband als Filter geht bei den Club's oder Ligen bei Essen (Club's) nur Club's mit den namen Essen angezeigt und nicht noch Hessen Kassel sowie (Ligen) die Ligen von Essen und nicht noch die von Hessen. Vorteil 2 Sollte es möglich sein die auch bei der Übergeordneten Liga nach Fussballverband als untergeordneten Verband und die Ligen des Verbandes zu wählen würde das Ligasystem im Spiel noch Besser und aufgeräumter Aussehen. Vorteil 3 alle Die an Datenbank Erweiterungen arbeiten würde sich über eine oder andere option glücklich schätzen. Ich würde gerne meine Zeit dafür bereit stellen und daran arbeiten dies zu lösen doch da vieles verschlüsselt ist kann ich dies nicht richtig machen. Um neue Einträge wie zum Beispiel Fussball Verbände zu realisieren muss ich Einträge in Dateien wie: db record lists.xml db record.xml example.ltf languages.ltc wie zum Beispiel german.ltc, englisch.ltc football association ui.xml football association.xml football association columns.xml football association filter.xml Für die Fussballverbands Typen noch die enum.xml bearbeiten sowie noch je nachdem wo die Fussballverbände wie club.xml, competition.xml auftauchen sollen. Das Team was gerade noch Für den FM 24 arbeitet würde ich gerne dies erledigen und bei erfolg Euch (SI) die Dateien zukommen lassen.
  8. - Gründung von Jugend Mannschaften im spiel wenn der Verein im spiel keine aktive Jugendmannschaft hat, - U19 Verbandsligen hinzufügen - Wenn die kosten für B Mannschaft zuviel wird auch die Abmeldung von Spielbetrieb und Auflösung der Mannschaft - Dynamische Abstiegsregeln Option damit das spiel besser wird ...
  9. Ich wollte gerade eine Umfrage starten zum Thema Dynamische Abstiegsplätze. Was sollte dabei nicht fehlen? Die Höhere Liga aus der Abgestiegen wird. Szenarien Wiesele Mannschaften steigen ab wieviel auf. Bei gewisser Anzahl der Absteiger erhöht sich die Anzahl der Mannschaften für die nächste Saison. Doch beim erstellen klicken komme ich zurück auf Neues Thema erstellen und die Umfrage wurde nicht erstellt. Warum schlägt dies fehl?
  10. 1. View By needs my opinion more options to choose as Order and Record - the Database Types 1. Competition 2. Club 3. Stadium 4. City 5. Person 2. If local region or better (sorry for my bad english) Football Association choosable in Competition, Club for Stadium and Local Region can be Parent Region have . You could be filter for these entries Example if Football Association in the Database exist and in Local Region is it possible to choose the Parent Region. You could be filter for Competition and Clubs then Local Region or even better Football Association - Football Association are better in Germany has Local Region Nordrhein 3 State Football Associations.. I've written more ideas here Here i tried to get football associations into the Editor myself but unfortunately i haven't managed it yet I don't add in the languages.ltc like german.ltc so i tried but this languages file is crypt here are the ID's written possible and don't add it to example.ltf because the ID's i want spend my time i know that the team is busy right now, so i would like donate my time and, if successful, send the files to you football association.xml football association ui.xml local region.xml local region ui.xml comp.xml comp ui.xml club.xml club ui.xml db record lists.xml db record.xml club filter.xml comp filter.xml local region filter.xml football association filter.xml comp columns.xml club columns.xml local region columns.xml federation asociation columns.xml
  11. Here i have wrote more Ideas these are the link
  12. 1. Create B Team in game : -IN Clubs Reserve Teams section The Reserve Teams to create should be the option for create B. C or D Teams in game and the The Youth Teams U19 and U18 should be create in game. - The Reserve Teams to Create section should be the section for Create Team Types in game Example if if this possible can users for Team Type set the league in Division where the created Team play The Reserve Teams Section should be for Existing Team Types and Please More than 3 choosable like 6 minimum or more 2. Competitions tab - For user files create in Competition option too choose "is Last League" (no Relegation places) so that created B Team plays in active league. Example if these option choosable and choose Created B Team in game Starts in ACTIVE League. If these option not choose Starts the Created B Team in Inactive lower league. - Local Region too choose - and Football Association 3. Local Region: - in Local Region Should be Choosable The "Parent Local Region" option too choose 4. FM Editor and Game - Basic and Advanced Rules that can be a Parent Competition also choosable Local Region and subordinated Local Region Example if these possible in the game if a player want starts with a club that plays in lower or lowest leagues there the parent competition has 50 or even more subordinated competition, he can select the desired region or association then the league and then club. Example 2: Nation Germany > Bundesliga 2. Bundesliga 3. Liga Regionalliga > Oberliga > Liga Niveau 6 > Liga Niveau 7 > than Region like ( Berlin) > LIga Niveau 8 > than Region like (Nordrhein Westfalen) > Subordinated Associations (3) > Westfalen > Mittelrhein > Niederrhein > Liga 1 Liga 2 Liga 3 Liga 4 Liga Niveau 9 > than Region like ( Mecklenburg Vorpommern) > Subordinated Association (6) > 1 > 2 > 5. The League system Should be look like so - like Local Region if lower league Bundesliga than 2. Bundesliga than 3.Liga than Regionalliga (Nordost) than Oberliga (Oberliga Nordost Staffel Nord and lower like the regional divisions Tab in Clubs > Competitions > Regional Divisions 6. Football Associations - Association Types World, Continental, National, Regional, State (like Germans Landesfussball Verband), and District - the Football Association should be have like Local Region the Cities Example Football Association Details: Name , Short Name , Local Region ( state District), Local Region (State), Nation, Parent Association and Logo Competitions League Name Number of Clubs Cups Youth Team Competitions Youth Team Cups. 6. Advance Rules Dynamic Relegation and Dynamic Promotion - To Relegation Rules if more than (number) relegated from and no team Promotet (League) must be (number) Of teams relegate scenes minimum 6 maximum 12 - > League > Stage > General IF Number Of Teams (18) don't hide Max Number Of Teams these should for Dynamic Relegation For Cups Fate Actions "B, C, D Teams can't Qualify for Competition. and please add these For German nation ID 771 Affiliated Club 7. For Clubs that have share Team Types like U19 set the team types to affiliated clubs and set these " Withdraw from collaboration" - For Clubs that share Like U19 Team type with a other Club " if 1 Team withdraw from the collaboration rename the Team name to The Club Name. in game. if the name has like Club1 Club 2 U19 Name same for all Team Types like B, C , D, U19, U19B, U18, U18B. Example SpG Großlehna /Lützen/Zorbau U19 these clubs share the Collaboration TSG BW Großlehna 35 %, TSV Eintracht Lützen 32,5 %, SV BW Zorbau 32,5 % in the next year plan SV BW Zorbau here own U19 Team now should the Team Name look like so SpG Großlehna/Lützen U19 and after the new season TSV Eintracht plan TSV Eintracht U19 and the name should be TSG BW Großlehna U19.
  13. So far so good. Now look for U21 and U18 Team details section set the leagues and stadium. If you test the rules test it in game if no U21 league or U18 league possible to choose you have put these competitions under the national lie. then test the rules then start the test game. But I think you must Copy The team and rename it to U21 or U18 and set this as affiliated club to main team If you don't can be choose your U18 Team You must set these leagues under the domestic leagues Hansa Rostock II is a U23 Team but it plays in a Domestic league.
  14. @Kyle Brown@Daniel Dawson I tried to add U19 C Team Type With Xcode 10.1. But I don't find this Team Type but other like U23 B with enum="43" without translation_id that was not in the enum.xml stored or example.ltf where are comes the enum="43" that in the FM Editor displayed U23 B Team and where are the translation_id´s stored? Why I ask Example Local Region needs the parent section and there is no translation_id for this. I think that .dat files are these files for translation_id and enums. Correct? Here in this thread are my plans.
  15. Ok there have I create for the test below the last one entry and wrote the id´s with name and this don't worked. So I think, I must ask the experts from SI.
  16. So look in the advanced section for the Youth Teams division would Division type is it set? But you want train a Youth Team You must set The divisions below the national division to train Youth Teams1!!
  17. OK I understand what you want. You want start as Youth Trainer. 1. Reserve Rules U21 and U18 section set it to Youth Team (disabled until needed) than have all teams no youth team because you removed all reserve teams. 2. In order to train youth teams you will most likely have to create below the main team´s divisions. And I think the child comp section can in the original just max 20 levels. 3. You can than only train one Team U21 or U18 4. I think you must have the U21 and U18 in Club in Reserve Teams section right site in Reserve Teams and set in the detail section there the leagues and stadiums.
  18. The Regions id 19 is located in comp editor/format/extractor/extractor.xml these is for database like comp editor/format/database ui/db record list.xml and db record.xml. If you look in the path /steam/steamapps /common/data/database/db/22../22.._fm/ there is lang_db.dat and a view more .dat If you have a Mac click the editor icon right klick and view package contents/Resources/ icudt65l.dat that could also be a file where something like enum_id´s are in there.
  19. So the enum="" in enum.xml file has to be somewhere again because I tried several for U19 C Team but found nothing. Only other things like U23 B Team which is not in the enum.xml file either. And I assume that these are in the .dat file.
  20. Hm for example in the original enum.xml under "rstm" can't you find U23 B´s If you copy the U23 Team type entry and paste it below and delate the existing "translation_id="292977" and change the enum="9" to 43 and change value="U23 Team" to "U23 B Team" will be show the team type under reserve team and no no blank name in the details section for reserve team but is you change this enum="43" to 29 will be the U23 Team displayed as U17 Team type. So the enum=""" is for type´s like team type or division types like U19 Division and more but if you try other enum numbers some one give a blank name and some one shows the other things. So somewhere on my Mac the enum="43" so that the U23 B Team appears in the name. So I think these are stored in a .dat file. And did you mean example.ltf? Then language.ltf I can´t find.
  21. Stored in lang_id.dat? That is the Problem because encrypt. I have open it with app "file info professional" checksum sha1 sha256 MD2 MD5. And where are stored enum_id? These enum´s are for types of regions and federations !!!!! Did You open these files ?
  22. Hello again now a other question where stands the translation_id´s ? My plan is for local region a parent option to choose and a sub option for the parent local region but this needs a translation_id and these is the case. Example: Nation USA have 51 local region like California and possibly have California sub ordinated district region. I don't know it. But Example: Germany like Mecklenburg Vorpommern have 6 sub ordinated district´s region if I create a new local region like in German "Landkreis Rostock" I must have the Parent section. Because for "Landkreis Rostock" is Mecklenburg Vorpommern the parent region. Mecklenburg Vorpommern is in German "Bundesland" in USA would it be "State" . The Idee is that the Local Region tab in German have the name "Bundesland" and a new Database option District in German " Landkreis" so The Club and Stadium have the "Bundesland" and "Landkreis" and the second Idee is a other database option Football Federation in German"Fussball Verband" with types, like World, Continental, Nation, Regional, State and last one District. These should have For Competitions like Verbandsliga Meckl.-Vorp. have state federation and For Club district and state federation. I found out where to set, but since there is no translation_id and the editor crashes. I tried translation_id´s below the last one from example.ltf without succeed. Here I´ve let out "translation_id="fffffff" because no existing id. It is only a test and learning a little bit programming.
  23. If want create more leagues level like me lower than level 6 you will eventually hit the limit 50 to change these limit 50 open the nation.xml in path comp editor/format/rule group/advanced open the nation.xml and search for " number of child comps " change these: 50 <integer id="max_value" value="50" /> to what you need in editor looks it so
  24. if you want have more reserve teams as 3 in reserve teams to create open the club.xml in database folder search for " reserve teams " in <!-- Reserve teams (to create)--> <integer id="maximum_items" value="3" /> and change the maximum_items to what you need In my case looks it so
  25. If you want have U23 B´s as team type go to enum.xml open it and search "rstm" then Copy these lines <record enum="9"> <translation id="name" translation_id="292977" type="use" value="U23 Team[COMMENT: editor; type of team]" /> </record> and paste it below U23 Team now change the enum="9" with 43 and delate these translation_id="292977" now it should look like this <record enum="43"> <translation id="name" type="use" value="U23 (B-Mannschaft)[COMMENT: editor; type of team]" /> </record> translate value="U23 (B-Mannschaft) in your language like English U23 B Team. If you want have these in the reserve teams to create section search for " Rsty " and copy these added lines to " Rsty " below U23 Team and to " tmty " before you ask where are the enum="43" comes. I can only guess at the moment, my guess is the enum and translation_id stays in .dat files in 2240_FM folder that are encrypted. in Editor looks it so Team Type U23 B details U23 B´s
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