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  1. Hey, thanks for the help, but that did not work unfortunately. Just to try it out I actually deleted the whole person properties xml file out of the game to see what would happen and absolutely nothing changed in the attributes, so it really feels like I am in the wrong place maybe?
  2. Hey guys, quick question: How do I change the name of a player attribute (e.g. from "Pace" to "aaPace")? I have tried to change the value marked in the screenshot in the properties --> person properties file, but it does not seem to do the trick, when I look at player profiles in-game the attribute is still called the same as before. Am I in the wrong place? To give some context as to why anybody would want do this, I want to rearrange the attributes so they are grouped together more sensibly (e.g. having acceleration next to pace etc.) and simply changing the names of them so the automatic alphabetic order sorts it the way I want seemed to me the easiest way to achieve that.
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