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Posts posted by ranks39

  1. Walking into the team, Rank has realized that the entire Squad, including Reserves and U-19's need a re-tool.  He has spent all night on the phone searching for a staff to help fill up each squad within the two months before the season begins!!!  

    First signing is a chief scout - not the best in the world but certainly passable to help me quickly build a side!


    We have also signed up a new Head of Youth Development.... Not great on judging players but he'll do for a year!


    We've also rushed to sign up an assistant coach - really there were not very many options out there so we had to settle for Gega.... at least he's Albanian!


    And a new scout!



    Still waiting on the final piece of the recruitment team, the General Manager......  We'll see how that goes.

  2. Rank has taken charge at Shenkolli of the Albanian First Category - Group B, the second-tier of Albanian football.





    We may be a bit short-staffed.....


    At least our finances are in solid shape!


    I thought that I had set it up to fill teams with actual players but I guess not - I'll be scrambling to fill a team as well as my backroom!  This will be an adventure.....

    Here are our facilities:


    Let's roll!

  3. Rank has spent months and months traversing all of Europe, personally handing his CV to anybody wearing a kit on the streets.  Finally, the luck seems to be ticking my way!


    Hey, it's a Welsh second-tier side but who am I to turn anything down at this point???  Oh, I've got some interviews in Malta, Andorra, and Albania - sorry, Rhyl - you'll have to look elsewhere for now....best of luck.  *Feigns bad cell reception*

    My second offer comes from the Maltese second-tier(first division)....tempting.


    Along comes an Andorran second-tier side as well....


    And in come a Maltese top-tier side......very tempting:


    Bala Town from the Welsh Premiership have approached too.  Unfortunately, my heart is set on the South of Europe...


    Another Second-tier Andorran side...


    Now, an Albanian second-tier side...


    So sorry to tease you all but I'll reveal my choice tomorrow :D

  4. Hello, all!  

    It's been a good, long while since I've decided to post career updates and having read quite a few of them, I'm itching to get back at it. 

    I've created a young manager with no experience or qualifications to speak of:


    I'm playing with almost every European League and have added a number more(Faroe Islands, Andorra, San Marino, etc.).  I don't really have an endgame or set of defined principles that I'm playing by - I will just see where this save takes me.  



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