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12 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Attributes are not in the same order between Player profile and Training
  2. When a work permit is rejected there is the option "Renouvellement complet" which is not meaningful. What it does is renew the contract anyway, so it should be translated as "Renouveler quand même" for example.
  3. I've made it clear that you're no longer in my plan etc.
  4. At the start of the game the maximum wage in this league is about 10k€ p/m. The new signings however get 36.5k€ p/m (and always exactly this).
  5. When you click on a player from Twente or Heracles (first team) and they have played one game with the Reserve it shows the logo of the Reserve (Twente/Heracles Academie)
  6. I think it should be "Expected Goals contre par match" not contrés
  7. In data analysis reports, "high scoring" and "low scoring" in English are translated as "score élevé" et "score faible" which are not accurate translations It should be something like "beaucoup de buts marqués" and "peu de buts marqués"
  8. I had a scout report for him in my save that said he would be a starter for my Eredevisie team, and he is wanted by a Portuguese League 1 team too. His last club according to the website was a level 6 French team two years ago so I would assume he is not that good of a football player.
  9. His last club is a French club that’s why I posted here but I will post elsewhere
  10. Eudes Dagoulou https://www.footballdatabase.eu/fr/joueur/details/118851-eudes-dagoulou appears to have better CA than he sould given his career. In my save he is Ligue 2 level
  11. Seems a bit early, they would usually wait until the last minutes of added time
  12. Something I noticed : AI managers usually select 15 players on the bench, while being limited to 9 or 12. This means players are being left out and it's usually forwards because the usual order on the bench is GK, defenders, midifelders and forwards.
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