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Posts posted by Sinbad7104

  1. So I've reached the winter break in Italy so here's a quick update.


    On the face of it things are going great. Works a charm against big teams as you can see but as with most underdog tactics it can struggle to break down the more defensive and im gonna assuming i'll face this issue even more so in the second half of the season.




    In regards to the goals scored.. I seem to get most of mine from the set pieces and long shots from the center mids.  Here you can see the assist types, Most of them short passes are flick ons from the throw ins i think. Saying that when we do get a CCC we are fairly clinical with them.



    Regarding that tweak i made changing 'Get stuck in' for 'Stay on feet'

    Joint 3rd in tackle completion, Least amount of tackles won because i obviously make less, which has left me the 2nd least amount of fouls made which imo greatly reduces the chances of conceding from set pieces. 

    I've also given away 0 pens, 6 fewest yellow cards and 0 reds so far this season.



    I got a feeling i may have to find a more attacking tactic going forward once they rejig the reputation and keep this for the big games and europe next season.


    Great work again Mr Rosler

  2. Bare in mind my team cohesion is still in the red, i plugged this in my last game of preseason so the team have not fully understood it yet.


    George Graham would be proud.


    Slight change i made was to take off 'Get stuck in' and put on 'Stay on feet' after i picked up 6 yellows in the lazio game. Which has left me with the following that i love because the yellow cards do my nut in.





  3. 14 hours ago, Mr U Rosler said:

    Got so bored of this Match Engine i've now switched to the BETA ME. 


    It's much better seeing some great football and very few of those one on one's.

    This tactic is going very well with a couple of tweaks. Gone back to 2 Pressing Forwards/attack and changed from focus 'play through middle' to 'focus play down flanks'.

    Will probably also have to remove 'get stuck in' as its fairly punishing in the Beta with cards.

    See lots of play into overlapping Wingbacks and some good goals from crosses.



    Small sample size and against weaker op but its very promising.

    More important than the results though is its actually brought some enjoyment back to FM for me. Was turning into a right chore before this Beta, At least now we've got good football

    Screenshot 2020-01-21 at 02.33.19.png

  4. Took over Genoa last season when they were near bottom and managed a respectable 10th place.  Fast forward to my first full season in charge and well.. 

    Board just wanted top half and a media prediction was of 7th. Also manage to reach the Semi Final of the cup before losing to AC Milan.


    Reckon I would of done better but I got proper stitched up with 5 games in 12 days in the run in..


    Some stats from the playmaker and strikers..





  5. End of season round up as promised..

    a very respectable league finish



    • 10th highest goal scorers
    • 9th best defence
    • 2nd highest yellow cards
    • 1st highest reds

    My strikers and wide men didn't really chip in as much as I'd like. For a newly promoted side I guess it weren't to bad though.


    This was my starting XI. McBurnie was brought in at the start of the season and just didn't produce as I'd hoped. Grandsir and Stefaniak came up with me so I'm fairly happy what that chipped in.




    The only thing I really found that let me down was balls to the far post. Any sort of pass between my WB and CB would nearly always result in a goal. They just seemed to freeze, I've seen a few other people complain about this when using 5 at the back so not sure it can really be helped.


    Overall im fairly happy with it. Hopefully with a few upgrades player wise It can kick on again.

  6. So after using it the second half of last season I got promoted with Sheffield United..Currently half way through my first season in the premier and sat comfy 10th place. Pretty much the same squad that got me promoted with the exception of 1 or 2.

    Got the 6th best defence in the league as it stands. 12th highest goalscorer.


    I'll post up some stats etc at the end of the season.

  7. 3 hours ago, kr10 said:

    Definitely not luck!! Dominated Tottenham in shots on target too!

    By match prep, do you mean more sessions (attacking movement/defensive positioning etc)? 

    I would say also focus on playing strikers who are in form -  I’ve found this makes a much bigger difference than their stats/abilities, for whatever reason. 

    Good luck and I hope your team can carry this form through to the end of the season. 

    Are you also using the set piece instructions? I’ve found that I score a decent amount of goals from corners as well. 

    I changed them but was also scoring a lot from them so no real difference.

    Turns out that Tottenham game was luck..Everything fell apart after that..1791264854_Screenshot2019-06-15at01_23_40.thumb.png.49ac44309eade673a946bf586cfaef0a.png

  8. I picked up some wins using another tactic but weren't really enjoying it so I'm going to come back and stick with this.

    What I am going to do though it change my training and have it focused more on match prep and hope that pays off.

    I've saved the recommend player attributes into the game as filters so I'll try and build a team as close as possible to that.

    Got 9 games left of the season and I'll report back after.

    First game back with this tactic and new training though ;) Luck? Who cares!


  9. Half way through the season with Sheffield and I'm 4th which aint bad, Same old problems with the strikers and I just can't get my head around how to fix it. Seems its defo one for better quality players.


    Currently 5 games without a win so think I might have to abandon this until I can get some better quality in. 

    Worked brilliant in earlier saves with better quality players so that's what im putting it down to.

  10. I hear that but what meant was the actual roles, So maybe changing the Pressing Forward to a False Nine etc.

    It could be due to ppms but I don't think so as I've used different strikers and had similar issues. Don't get me wrong I still score goals I just feel like I'm not getting the most out of them.


    My 2 Advanced forwards form..


    PPMs : Runs with ball through centre, Cuts inside from both wings


    PPMs: Moves into Channels



    My two Pressing Forwards..

    PPMs: None


    PPMs: Plays with back to goal



    I've just taken the Sheffield United job so will see how these lot get on.


  11. 8 hours ago, kr10 said:

    Very nice to hear your success, 7th with your injuries is certainly a good result, I hope you can push on to champions league qualification next year. Good to see that the tactic is working well for you. Also encouraging to see both your strikers performing so well, and getting in amongst the goals and assists. 

    Im trying to now figure out why it wasn’t working as well for the above poster. Could you please answer the below questions?

    1. Did you use the tactic I posted or the mirror image version?

    2. Is the AF on the same side as his strong foot (right striker slot, right foot)?

    3. What were the stats of the WP (goals/assists)?

    I believe there are some elements that the ME is sensitive to, if I can nail these down it should help adopt the tactic more successfully across the board. One issue, like I said above, could be putting the AF on the opposite side of his strong foot. 

    1. I was switching between this original and inverted deepening on who was fit etc.

    2. I didn't find it made much difference tbh. He scored goals both sides.

    3. I actually left Leeds and took over a Lazio team the wrong side of 30 and in need of a major rebuild. My WP on the left   got 4 goals 5 assists in 18 starts and 6 sub, he however had a lot of traits that could of been detrimental.


    My WP on the right, who I retrained there this season, got 2 goals and 1 assist in 15 starts 4 subs. which I'm sure would of been more if he was natural there 


    I found often though they were involved in the build up but not necessarily getting the assist.

  12. 4 hours ago, kr10 said:

    Great to hear, looking forward to seeing your progress. 

    Not a bad season in the end. Was predicted 14th and it would of been better but my main keeper got injured in march and I started shipping goals



    My advance forward got 19 goals in 30 games, 9 assists too, which aint bad considering he's inconsistent and plays with his back to goal..891153998_Screenshot2019-05-19at02_04_28.thumb.png.d4c9e8c9651afd87efabd9d210b67863.png


    My Pressing forward got in on the act with 19 goals and 6 assists as well



    very much enjoying the tactic 

  13. Just took over Newcastle in 2020 and will be using this, the finances are in tatters, due to fail FFP and the squad aint in great shape. 

    My plan is to introduce a 'Fibra' DNA to the club. Hard working team that's solid at the back and hard to beat.

    The plan is to use the 442 at home 4141 away again.

    Hopefully that'll stop me getting bored for a couple of seasons.



    For those who aint familiar with Fibra I recommend checking out 



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