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Everything posted by slevinr87

  1. Managed to find the issue. The issues was the order of the Competition in the nation's rules. So in Nation -> Competitions you must have the leagues in order before any cup, super cup or youth competition. Not sure why it prevents teams from promoting/relegating properly, but it definitely was the issue. I had my interleague super cups between the two leagues mentioned above and as soon as I moved it it all worked perfectly!
  2. Does anyone know how to "force" friendly to start later for leagues that start later? I have a nation rule where the top league starts mid-August and friendlies start in July as expected. however, in the lower leagues, the matches start in mid-September but their friendlies still start (and end most of the time) in July. Is there a way to push preseason friendlies to later dates (in my case I'd like them to start friendlies in mid-august for the lower leagues) thanks
  3. Hello Friends! I am having this issue where my lowest league doesn't want to play nicely based on the rules I've put in the editor (or at least think I have correctly applied) My 6th tier league should be demoting 8 teams and the 7th promoting 8 teams as well. However, I get inconsistent numbers all the time, had as low as 7 being promoted/demoted to as high as 11. Should add that the number of teams being promoted/demoted are always equal. My league system is a bit all complex, especially towards the lower end 6th tier (National League 2) consists of 4 leagues where 2 teams get demoted from each league 7th tier (Perifereiako Protathlima) consists of 8 leagues, each league is further divided into 4 groups, the winner of each group goes into a mini group and the winner of that is the individual league winner and gets promoted This inconsistency of teams being promoted/demoted creates a problem with the 8th tier (again inconsistent numbers) but I'm assuming since its an inactive league and will stay that way there is most likely no issue in those rules. I have included the editor file (HFF 24....) if anyone is able to give it a look and help out. I also include a similar editor file from FM22 (HFF 22....) which pretty much has the same rules but works as should. (I haven't included any screenshots as it is a bit hard to do so with pretty much 12 leagues being involved, but if anyone that might look into it needs some clarification i can try posting some if needed) Thanks in advance! HFF HFF
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