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Everything posted by Loda

  1. Been away for a while, is there no longer the huge database add-on? FM20 files aren't increasing the player count. Thanks
  2. Like I say in my original post, it's more a question of if it's compatible with the automatic scoreboard, divisional changes from the original UI (as for once that's something I quite like that came in the box). My personal coding and personalised titlebars, which is admittedly 3/4 years old, is having some effect so I had reasonable confidence this could be repurposed.
  3. Ok cheers @DamienQilBormliz and @a31632 it's kinda what I suspect. I've had a look at the coding and I think there's one thing worth trying (which I highly doubt many if any have tried), not 100% sure I'm right but if it works I'll do an explanation to help others (it won't be a quick and easy fix though). Progress is slow at the moment, having a nightmare with fonts on the match titlebar crashing everything.. on the whole fonts always used to be/have been on regular screens easy enough but it's not liking anything 'digital'... hopefully I'll be in a position to start looking into this more soon though.
  4. It seems the scoreboard selector can be repurposed for fm23 (from the above and given my old coding is having some effect although it's not fully working)... but just how compatible is this with the automatic scoreboard changes? It's probably the only part of the standard UI which I quite like, albeit limited to a few divisions. I'm committed to having to add at least one proper match titlebar given my skin's theme but this would be good to know in advance before I go ahead and start creating 8/9/10 different titlebars/scoreboards.. cheers.
  5. These are irritating to find. Have you searched within news_item_panels for stuff like 'transfer' 'speculation' and/or 'target'. Not a lot of stable text to help unfortunately. If it was me, I'd trial a number of these panels by putting them in my skin and making an obvious change and clearing cache and reloading. Bit of a pain but not too arduous, 10 mins tops.
  6. The full squad list and the tactics squad list (match tactics incl.) do all use the same id so I have my doubts based on this and general logic but... Rather than point it to a panel (I'm assuming you're doing that with tesA). Have you tried pointing it to the actual table and id I allude to above? ... i.e. <widget class="tactic_player_list_table" id="pltb" column_spacing="0" customisation_context="play" database_table_type="1" view_setting_name="stored_match_view" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows, printable, store_sort_state, drag_rows, drop_on_rows" column_mode="resize_columns, move_columns, custom_views" row_spacing="1" row_height="35" fixed_row_height="25"> If I was intent on this, I would play with the 3 variables in every permutation (i.e. tesA, pltb and the file locations, I'm unsure if pltb is tied only to the team and match folder and/or if tesA is tied only to tactics and match, I suspect there's more laxity with the latter...(?)). So in essence just a bit more experimentation suggestions.
  7. Team Squad.xml Line 82 in default files. Edit the row height. <widget class="tactic_player_list_table" id="pltb" database_table_type="1" customisation_context="play" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows, printable, store_sort_state, drag_rows, drop_on_rows, show_bullets, select_rows, select_multiple, show_insert_column_popup,keyboard" column_mode="resize_columns, move_columns, custom_views" popup_menu_class="popup_button_table_header" row_height="20" navigation_container="true" default_focus="true"> It'll be exactly the same in team squad tactics panel.xml, although a different line. Search for it easily by using the same id, just needs a bit of common sense to find. If you don't have these files extract the base files using the resource archiver. If all of this is alien to you, you'll need to do some homework by reading the skinning guides.
  8. Looks like an overlay issue. I would start by asking what have you done in the client_object_browser... I would take it out of your skin temporarily and see if it's back to normal. If it is, retrace what you've done and/or compare to the base client_object_browser to identify changes and what's amiss. These are good troubleshooting strategies in general.
  9. There's an app called WhatTheFont... it's free, easy to use and most importantly works. Just need to capture the font with your camera.
  10. Get familiar with the contents, look at the graphics, look at the accompanying configs to see how it relates. Look at panels, get familiar with the coding. Download any skin, use it as a dummy and experiment. Edit the code, reload the skin and see how you've effected it. Extracting the base files is a decent place to start. See the guides if need be re. the resource archiver. When you're ready. Start on one screen or one part at a time. Use the search function in the forum to assist. There is a lot of information on here, just requires a bit of initiative.
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