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Posts posted by HarrisFFC

  1. As a falkirk fan I can say that that is nonsense, the demise has nothing to do with a 4th stand as this was only in the initial planning and has never been talked about since; with an average attendance of 5000 why would a 4th stand we needed when the stadium without is just below 8. Also the temp stand has been removed since being relegated from the premiership over 10 years ago.

    The thing stopping falkirk has nothing to do with money considering we were and still would be one of the wealthiest in the league.

    The MSG ( group of idiots) who run the club has drowned us with monumental errors for some time especially since the play of final, one of the biggest being hiring Paul Hartley who signed 16 duds last summer who are now all released.

    Also scraping the academy was pretty stupid considering we have made large profits from this, you can google for yourself all the other errors like blaming fans for certain stuff.

    The club are also in takeover talks but unfortunately the idiots currently who are in charge seem to want one more year.

  2. 12 hours ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    Depending on what Ryzen 5 processor you're on about, yea, it would have been a big boost, you'd have been able to include quite a few extra leagues/countries. If you just use England and Scotland though, you might be alright.

    Thankfully last night I managed to cancel it before it was too late. Decided I might as well spend more if I’m going to have it for a while. What option would be better out of these 2 or would there be any other suggestions around the £500 mark. Cheers again




  3. Hi, I have just purchased a new laptop online and kind of rushed into it(idiot). I bought an HP laptop with AMD ryzen 2200u with 8GB of RAM. I should have bought the ryzen 5, but will this still work with football manager with several leagues and not be slow? Thanks 

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