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Everything posted by FM-China

  1. To be honest not having a clue why some places are missing on past top3s, but already double checked database and there is no mistake, could be something relevant to a special format covid 2020 season(as mainly it's 2019 and 2020 season entries are most problematic). Also it's possibly due to this German translation was made based on older version db, we updated a lot of historical clubs and entries to ensure a place/title was won by the club with the name they have at that time, historically correctly. In Guangzhou FC's case, before renaming in 2021 titles they won during 2010-2020 of course are entitled to: Guangzhou Evergrande FC. Like we don't say Guangzhou FC was champion for CSL and ACL(asian titles remained there currently due to Asian competition historical records follow later after we sorted out historical record for Chinese database first), but rather Guangzhou FC formerly as Guangzhou Evergrande won CSL and ACL, nor we say Guangzhou Evergrande relegated to first division in 2022. In terms of TM, well they also need time to handle club name changes.
  2. 你好,由于提出的案例很多,请私信联系,逐例讨论,非常感谢。
  3. 目前为止见到过的最认真的翻译讨论之一,非常感谢。 不过这些列出的都偏向为角色role,所以4、Attacking Midfielder/AM——前腰(幺), Defensive Midfielder/DM——后腰(幺)其实和3、Central Midfielder/CM——中前卫 一致便可以——进攻型中场,防守型中场。 即位置缩写的AM:Advanced Midfielder突前中场,其角色之一缩写的AM:Attacking Midfielder进攻型中场 同理位置缩写的DM:Deep Midfielder突前中场,其角色之一缩写的DM:Defensive Midfielder进攻型中场
  4. 和Segundo Volante一样需要咨询真正专业的人士从其源头进行研究,任重道远。
  5. 哎,需要“空档”一词被“专业”泛用的现象先慢慢得到解决。
  6. Unsure about what do you mean by "bad" but if it's about these staff resignation not being announced, yes we can fix. He Peiqi's profile is created by Spanish researchers we will need some time to have his transferred in before some more work into detail.
  7. Thank you for the feedback. Li Hao's duplicated and will be fixed. BJ Univ is from older university dataset when they recruited athletes. GD Prov is the format used for Canton-HK cup and subject to later action based on prospect of restarting this competition after covid. Both will be fixed later. Yuxi Yukun Steel wise, due to much instability at C2D level, we need to wait a bit to see if club runs for long term, before we input more on an inplayable tier leagues and clubs. As long as they don't just dissolve in upcoming winter we can schedule up timetable for them regarding next major update.
  8. No worry Brian, 边后腰 is a very informal creation. 内收型边后卫 however is worth considering.
  9. 推送文章的翻译如果有问题,一样可以讨论的。这里上下文,如同channel的具体定义一样,需要更多的核对这个指令具体要达到什么,是宽度拉开还是纵向横向都拉开。
  10. 难道要中路的球员去抱紧边线?实际上就是让他更多的去场地的半区吧(HALF SPACE) 难道要中路的球员去抱紧边线?实际上就是让他更多的去场地的半区吧(HALF SPACE) -并不是的。 pass into space的space都翻译成”空档“, 对面防线压上后所产生的”防线身后的开阔空间“ -也并不是的。 并没有提到身后。 ”多走肋部“更符合现代足球教练的口语要求 -也并不是的,用词未必需要很贴合口语。但Channel的用词确实可以再斟酌一下。
  11. Please feel free to feedback based on winter update from last weekend with our initial fix to this problem, through forum messaging. The transfer winter indeed was to be balanced better, but it predicted a bit of current situation(2022-23 winter). WH3T repu: with the most financial backing-yes as you pointed out, it's comparative, let's see their action in upcoming season preparing for ACL. Our source and research over there currently focus on how their transition from Tazihu into new training base goes, as it costs money.
  12. Hi there what's the base data needed?
  13. Given it's 2022, therefore Covid caused-played closed door, also replied in another thread. It shall reopen amid 2023.
  14. There was no problem we meant we appreciated your effort despite it was holiday. For the points you don't understand yet would you like to discuss more alongside official support we can provide you?
  15. It's fixed last month thanks. Again honest input mistake out of thousands of stats. For future, we don't refer to 懂球帝. But TM is a dependable source. undisputable/definitely- please also avoid subject opinionating. this is affecting his CA in the game, since Feng Boyuan starts in the Kunshan U21 squad and is behind Wu Yufan, Zhu Zhengrong and Liu Yuhao in the in-game pecking order - The outcome in game is clearly wrong comparing to reality yes, we will fix this as a different issue, as there is no link between stat(which went wrong) and player's status in game(NOT CA). There are many factors affecting AI's choice/selection on individual players, CA is not the sole one. In Kunshan's case, if AI/gamer prefer playing foreign player Covic as single striker up front, Feng Boyuan is not the 1st choice., even Liu Yuhao could be more competitive considering his mobility. Zhu Zhengrong and Wu Yufan are even more different attacking players to compare with. While in reallife Kunshan used alternative formation to accommodate Feng Boyuan, he started at wider position mainly right as wide target man. In attack when Covic roamed, Feng roamed to middle. But to compensate in defending, Li Songyi often started as nononsense FB to cover, and the choice of RWB was more cautious comparing to more attacking Li Zhi on LWB. And farther more factors and considerations putting together for the past two seasons contributed a series of fabulous stat. It's not a solely CA/capability matter even in reality, as Feng the already well known for his physique didn't exceed yet before coming to Kunshan despite there were U23 rules in his favour during 2 seasons. For the sake of active bugscanning during supposedly public holiday, would you like to receive some more official support?
  16. Any other possibility to restrict only national team availability?
  17. Thanks it will be fixed while trying to get confirmation from player himself.
  18. it is necessary for writing the club's name correctly in local language, where the club name itself originated from, it is NOT English. And it's better left to Sawndip-speaking local gamers to raise their perspective if there is better approach otherwise. This is a cautious decision taken with equal respect as explained applying to other minority. Your effort otherwise constructive such as spotting out Sui Hai is much appreciated.
  19. It was a mistake of input. You may restart the game with Dec hotfix.
  20. Denied. 哈嘹 is Han Chinese text for the word's Sawndip Chinese origin. Sawndip is the local language, check the local official usages such as: local official media: http://www.gxmzb.net/ currency bank note: local official offices: And it's currently the only reference available to set up in current game setup to present this characteristic of club's based region. In this case never mind wiki, scwy, TM, we are probably the only one who spent time and effort looking into Sawndip dictionary trying to present the character, as they deserved equally as other featured like Uyghur, Korean.etc
  21. For moderators' reference: Objections on the new instructions, because the wording, though used by current medias, are too verbal/oral, like literally "prop up"/“pull back". The use of such wordings indeed were created to make commentary easier to be understood, but has not been precise enough for tactical instructions. The wide spread use by media, and to some extent use by footballing professionals in China, don't justify the suitability of such vague languages in FM, which supposedly should continue to be well regarded for its relatively high quality. Instead enlightening gamers with more precise wordings conveying the full and clear meaning behind every tactical instruction, helps more to improve the critical thinking instead of only receiving and submitting discounted knowledge. Again, subject to translators and their respective strategy.
  22. Actually fixing spending problem lately, worth having feedback from saves with Chinese league as active but not playable and see what kind of transfer bids take place.
  23. just checked, input was not wrong, so likely a display problem if it misleads. The stadium is by all seated in real life.
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