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duesouth last won the day on March 9 2020

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556 "Wax on, wax off"

1 Follower


  • Biography
    Played CM a bunch in my younger years - played FM for the first time with FM19 - and every FM since.


  • Interests
    NFL, football, cricket

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Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Victor San Marino, San Marino NT and Cosmos

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  1. I've been using this one with no problems - I'm in season 4. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2776261068&searchtext=italy For the San Marino League, I used classen's one and just validated it for 22.4 in the pre-game editor.
  2. I've done it with 2 "managers" managing 4 teams. Manager 1 with Victor and the National Team; Manager 2 with San Giovanni and the National Team Under 21's. It takes a little getting used to, but look for the club's badge in the top left corner of the screen or on the bar in the top right where it will give you the manager's name or initials - then you know where you are. Some custom skins make it easier as they change background or menu colour so you know which manager you are far easier. Hope this helps and good luck!
  3. I've re-started - found this one online, I'm in season 3 with no problems: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2776261068&searchtext=italy It works with 22.4, so there are a few data changes. Emiliano Pedrazzini no longer qualifies to play for San Marino in the second season of the save. Striker Voinea is no longer with the club and we are lacking a decent AF/Poacher. The youth facilities are also way down on the original database. Anyway, given dynamic youth ratings aren't dynamic, I bought the Editor and I'll make them dynamic - nothing crazy, indeed I won't lift it until we are established with a world ranking above 150. Not doing updates or achievements on here, just playing for fun - and not racing to Serie A - going to keep the club at the level of its intakes, so if that means 5+ years in Serie C, so be it. My first FM22 save was too much like my FM19 one - so enjoying being able to attack it a different way.
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