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Everything posted by paracoolo

  1. I would also love to know how does the shape translate in the game? Like does it play like a 4-1-2-1-2( or 4312) when the team has the ball?
  2. I would argue that Kaka was more of a AM-AT than SS-AT SS-At is more like Nkunku,Rooney( early 2000s after that its more AM-AT), Havertz ( Leverkusen) and I'd add ( dribble more , roam from position , take more risks ) But with the rest of the tactic I agree. I'd add" More direct passes " For pirlo but yes Ancelotti is a manager that adapts with his player. If he sees that his squad has a great playmaker he'll play around it if he doesnt see that he always adapts depending on the team
  3. it was a 442 that transformed into a 442 diamond I think I did a post about it let me see but if not theres a video where Ancelotti talked about how he did it against Manchester United Is it possible to replicate it ? Sadly not really since FM has not brought the movement of RM to RCM in offense or the reverse hence why replicating teams that defend in 442 but attack in 4-1-2-1-2 is hard to do. But If I remember correctly the defensive shape was like this: and offensively it woud look like this:
  4. I've decided to change the Trent role to FB-SU and add ( get further forward+ more direct pass,take more risks , dribble less, sits narrower, run wide with ball,cross more often,cross more deep) and he stays more deep in the build up kinda like trent. I love it. Also theres no role that emulates the Henderson role so I decided to go with a CM-SU with ( run wide with the ball, roam from position, mark tighter, stay wider) Wijnaldum role : VOL-SU ( Move into channels) Robbo role: FBAT - Stay wider, More direct passes,Run wide with the ball VVD role: CD-DE : More direct Passes Other cd-de : take fewer risks IF-AT ( Mané role): Pass it shorter , roam , sits narrower DLF-SU ( FIrmino role): Pass it shorter, roam W-AT( Salah role): Cuts inside,pass it shorter, roam
  5. Based on this video: To begin with; The Buildup: As you see here, Allison really often goes short and passes to the defenders mostly. But sometimes we can find fabinho dropping in between the cb or wijnaldum acting like a 3rd cb: The 19/20 Liverpool team are a very vertical team, looking to attack quickly and often. The team utilizes overloads often and let the wingbacks(+VVD) send diagonals and long balls in FM terms that would mean focusing play down left and right. Attacking Shape: Liverpool when attacking are really fluid, down the left firminho can often come deep to prevent the opposition's midfielders to follow Wijnaldum's left wing run: Henderson would sometimes find himself to be the most wide player on the right side while Trent attempts early crosses: He would also try underlapping runs to try and take marker off salah to allow him to cut infield: And when both WIjnaldum and Henderson would hold position, the wingbacks would go higher up and send some early crosses to both mané and salah and Firmino who would arrive late: so it would form a 2-3-5 shape Also, the front three would often roam and roam around inside the box and Klopp would allow the Wingbacks to cross as much as they want, allowing room to failure. When they would need to score in some important games, Wijnaldum would often find himself making runs late to receive a cross from trent( or robbo) When the ball is central, Firmino would often come deep to give flick-ons to either mané or salah: And so, I will try to replicate this tactic in fm24: This is what I've gone with:
  6. its really hard prolly u need to be really agressive and give aggressive instructions
  7. do you think that with dlp, it will still do that 3-2-1-4 shape? or it will look more like a flat 3-3-4?
  8. Even in the DMCL position, kova operates too much in the halfspace so I've decided to try him DM and look at the results: its not perfect but at least its better than Before. Probably if i do IWB instead of L-SU , the rpm will probably stay in the middle much more
  9. On the Pitch: theres already an issue with trying kovacic as a RPM in the cm position is that he goes too much up and not enough in the middle, so I'll try to put him in the DM position to see if it helps
  10. Pep Guardiola in the 2nd half of the 2020/21 season used a 442 with double f9 and dominated with it to win another PL. The tactic: As I try to emulate this tactic with 23/24 City, I've decided to create my own variation of it. ( Since Cancelo and Zinny are not there anymore, it is very hard to reproduce what they are doing with aké and gvardiol. So here's my variation: and this is the shape we want to recreate: so turning a 442 into a 3-3-4 kinda... Interesting isn't it? So in this thread, I will try to find a way to make the variation look like the 334 shape. Enjoy!
  11. I woiuld try switching am-at to AP-AT and switching WB-su to IFB and IW-AT to w-su, too much people cutting in the middle.
  12. you're right. I realized there's less injuries than before. When there was a lot (I think in the first version of fm24) I used to complain about it but I realized it brings the opportunity to play my younger players too and to also rotate the squad more. It also helps in making leagues more unpredictable. (per example: City may be less good than last season because Haaland and KDB are both injured. )
  13. Imo a quick fix to that is to make tactics like Gegenpressing,Tiki-taka,Vertical tiki-taka harder to master ( Tactical Familiarity) and it gets harder depending on the avg CA of your squad or the league in general. This would replicate irl a bit. Since its hard to have a very sound pressing system that works against most teams.
  14. I agree with you on that. Most people that say gegenpress is op and look at the physical condition often forget that somegames you have around 60% possession. If you have more of the ball you will run less. The ball goes faster than the players. Hence why some people can play gegenpressing and manage to keep their players with good physical conditions no matter the stamina stat. Remember also in Gegenpressing, your playmaker is the pressing! So its like counter attacking but instead of regrouping and pressing in your own zone, there's plenty of pressing traps to win the ball quickly and counter from there. Gegenpressing is not just some players running around like dogs when they lose the ball. There's a preparation/organization behind it. if all the 11 players ran to the opposite team player that just gained the ball, the player could easily pass it back to the gk or long-ball it to the front.
  15. would be better to remove roles than team instructions tho... Roles imo is what sells FM in terms of tactics but atst since some people think it doesnt behave the way they want it or FM describes it, its better than removing team instructions. If you remove team instructions, you cant decide what style of play you want to play and that literally kills the purpose of FM? You're a manager. You are the one that decides how your team plays.
  16. Same. Lots of ppl say the game is too easy for them but I cant even win. Like i dont know what makes me lose ngl. Prolly morale
  17. Every year , there's always a bunch of players who are unhappy. The game is still the best manager game EVER and no other game can come closer. FM24 is the best FM i've played ngl. Huge improvement compared to FM23 especially the Match Engine, tactics, stats.
  18. then why do you think the winning( by winning i mean more wins than draws/lose combined) teams of the top 5 leagues play high pressing?
  19. they win 1-0 , 1-0 games and its not like they dominate. Winning teams in the top 5 leagues mostly play high pressing idk how it's not a fact.
  20. It's kinda funny that everyone here complains that high pressing is easier to win but it's the same irl.. So what do y'all want, a more tactially-fair game or a realistic game? Because realistically, the last 5 CLs winners all play some sort of high pressing tactic. 2022/23: City 2021/22: Madrid 2020/21: Chelsea 2019-2020: Bayern 2018-19:Liverpool. The only team that didnt really play A high intensive pressing was Madrid but if u watched the game, Liverpool dominated the game with their high pressing. So it kinda makes sense that high pressing works better than the others.
  21. just so you know this is the passing map.. if they are mezzalas, liverpool is playing very narrow. And no , trent is not IWB-A, Iwb-a goes too much forward for him. Trent is deep so he's a support duty. I'd play him FB-SU with: Sits narrower,take more risks, cross more often, cross from deep, cross aim far post, dribble less, run wide with the ball ( or wb-su with the same instructions. Anyway here's my replication( I may be wrong tho):
  22. the tactic here isnt really accurate since Anelka was on the right side and morientes on the left and also I think campo and karanka switched side too. anyway here's my replication of it : if someone wants to test it, please give me some feedback after it. I would love to see how the tactic fares in FM. Enjoy! Real Madrid 2000 UCL Final.fmf
  23. This is how I would do Fergie's 08/09 Tactic ngl. Tevez can maybe switch to PF-SU if you want and all the 3 attacking players have ( Roam from position on) I added tackle harder for DLF-SU ( Rooney's role) you can also add close down more for the dlf-su ngl
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