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Posts posted by thehig2

  1. 26 minutes ago, tropicsafc said:

    Me too. I get that it's difficult to keep everyone happy in real life too but it's a bit much on this edition. I always have players on as low a squad status as possible. It becomes difficult after a few contract extensions though.

    I've literally had a 16 man squad in one save got an injury crisis and went on a loosing streak hahah 

  2. Press conferences are bad & need an overhaul, but at least you can just set them to your assistant and forget about them.

    Board Interactions are infuriating, there is next to no room for negotiation with them.

    When you get your vision they rarely alter anything, then there is the issue I made a thread about of boards halting your development so you can't leave them.


    Then player interactions are just the worse, too often your in a position were what you need to say isn't an option.

    A save I had a few months ago, a player was complaining he wanted to leave because he wanted to play champions football and realistically that isn't going to happen here.

    There wasn't an option to say, "errr you know were top of the league with 5 games to go right ? " 

  3. 3 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

    That's not the point though - your club is actively blocking you from being more attractive to a club thinking of poaching you. I've found myself in this position - I narrate my frustrations in my thread here:


     Rossvale Academy's chairman explicitly refused me permission to study for my badges in order to keep me at the club; in the end, it was the reason I resigned. In the interview for my next club I asked to be able to do my badges and the board agreed.

    In a Journeyman career where you start at the bottom, getting your qualifications is all-important. If the club won't play ball, walk is my advice.

    Thinking of walking, however I'm curious to see how I get on next season with this team.

    Im looking likely to gain promotion to Welsh premier, and the club are professional so I can probably build a team that can stay up.



  4. I'm Currently in a journeyman save, started unemployed with no badges and past being Sunday League footballer. 

    At my 3rd club now, after starting at Swansea Uni and gaining promotion with them. Moved on to be DC Congo National manager and got sacked for failing to qualify for African Cup Of Nations. Now I'm at Baglan Dragons in Wales Second Tier. 

    I've managed to get my Continental B Licence but the board at Baglan Dragons wont fund anymore for me. The Reason they give is they dont want me to get another badge and leave them for a bigger team. Yet in the conversation you can threaten to leave if they don't grant it and there pretty happy to let you go ? 

    Frustrating this, 



  5. 12 minutes ago, Weller1980 said:

    I've just started another save with Kettering Town in the vanarama North, predicted to finish rock bottom 20 games in and sitting in 3rd spot, it's crazy how part time players can play gegenpress to such a high standard. 

    you have me picturing Kettering Town Gegen Pressing like a prime Jurgen Klopp team now lol

  6. I'm finding it similar to past games and so far I achieve the same amount of success I normally do. 


    In my 4th season with Everton, finished 8th, 5th, 9th, and 4th. 

    Also won a Europa Conference league, pitiful opposition played my second string up to semi finals 

    Tactically fairly simple direct counter attack 4-4-2. Two big strong centre backs, two good defensive full backs as they dont forward much. Two pure hardworking athletes in midfield, bit of flair on the wings. A fast advanced forward and brutally hard working Pressing Forward/Target Forward. 

    Pretty much Simone ball.

  7. On 12/11/2022 at 20:06, Weller1980 said:

    Once again gegenpress is so overpowered and this makes the game too easy for me, currently any team can play gegenpress tactics from vanarama teams to prem team with no consequences. Gegenpress should only work with players with good work rate, high stamina etc. and teams who don't have the right type of players for this tactic shouldn't be successful with it. We should see more injuries etc. 

    For the last 3 versions gegenpress has been overpowered, I remember watching a video where SI said plug and play gegenpress is a thing of the past but guess what that simply wasn't the case. It's still a click and continue tactic. 

    This year the ai was supposed to be better defensively and make tactical tweeks in accordance to how the match plays out I don't see any evidence of that. 

    I was hoping this year's version would reduce the effectiveness of gegenpress and smarter ai would combine to make the game more difficult but guess what none of this has happened again. 

    @devs why is gegenpress still so overpowered after all these years and will its effectivness be better balanced in future updates for fm23. Please answer my question and help me understand. 


    At first I didn't believe this, been trying low block with ok results but I believed SI in thinking gegenpress wasn't so overpowered now. 

    Decided to change my tactic to push up further, close down more, step up, counter press etc. 

    As Everton went on a run of 5 wins in 6 beating Liverpool, Arsenal & City along the way lol.


    Seems to be less thought needed into the tactic if you go gegenpress as it works too well.

  8. On 09/11/2022 at 23:22, Petros7 said:

    It's a terrible idea! They just changed it to make sure that all the teams from the top 4 leagues make it to the next round and get all the money, i.e. a Super League!

    well in game I like it, scraped in to knockout round with Everton finishing 24th 

  9. Agree i get this a lot too.

    Also this is linked to unhappy sqaud players, for years the player conversation system has not been fit for purpose.

    An example recently in my Maccabi Hafia save, I've been champions 3 put last 4 years, currently half way through a season about 15 points clear so looking to win another title.

    A player I have wants to leave for Hannover 96, because he wants champions League football.

    I promise him well qaulify this season (we do every season because the league isn't competitive only my team or Maccabi Tel Aviv ever win the league).

    He says that realistically were not going to qaulify ?


     what? I need an option to say "We've nearly done it now we're a couple of wins away and we've done it every year the last 5 years."


    Instead I either have to make promises I can't keep, like vague transfer promise or youth promise, or upset him and tell him he's not going.

  10.  this happened with me at SA Ashdod in the Israeli National league, they kept saying that I might look for a bigger club if I get the training, finished the season in 4th (team were expected to go down). Rating with board was A+ at this point, I asked they said the same thing, at this point Hapoel Nof Hagalil in the Premier Division offered me an interview, I took it moved and they gave me coaching course on my first day. 

    Agree with thoughts in this thread that coaching badge training should be something you can put into contract talks, also there should be more room to argue the toss with the board over it and the option to give an ultimatum about it (with a chance of the board backing down) 

  11. 21 hours ago, Fatkidscantjump said:

    Here is a gif portraying what I meant : https://imgur.com/a/HYSC7Ay

    That is something I've seen happen a lot, and it really shouldn't happen. Regardless of the outcome, I don't want him to do that.

    I use Play out of defence TI and also Shorter Passing. He has like 5 passing options. Number 29 is unmarked and is playing as a DLP on defend duty. Striker is an AF, not a Targetman. My goalkeeper has 15 decisions and is familiar with the tactic. Why is he doing this ? Is this expected sometimes, players will just disobey instructions or is this some kind of bug ? I'm going to try with the "Take less Risks" PI but I mean it feels like I shouldn't need it.

    could you post a screenshot of what tactics you are using ?

  12. To expand on this, I started a save with Crystal Palace, finished first season in 6th, a very good season with just the Palace team, no signings. When the board update the club vision they slipped in "Sign players under 23 for first team" and would negotiate at all on it.


    They started blocking any transfers I made for players over 23, so I left the club. 

    When questioned by media why I left the club there was no way to say its because the board had a vision I never agreed to, and when the board force that club vision, there is no way to protest it, or give an ultimatum. 

    Got the Blackburn job after leaving Palace, finished 2nd and got promotion. Good signs as the Blackburn board didn't sneak sign under 23s into their club vision. 

    Finished mid table in the premier league, success was from experienced players I brought in, like Mihajlovic (31) Jedjav (26), Albornoz (31) these 3 players were my best 3 players and the reason were were not involved in a relegation battle. 

    2nd season in Premier league, Blackburn sneak in "Sign players under 23 for first team" wont negotiate it either, so thats it ? 

    I dont want to just develop young players, so I'm going to have to leave the club again because I cant sign the players I want, and when I leave I cant even explain why

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