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Posts posted by thehig2

  1. 1st SEASON 2019

    So Blaze joined Lokomotiv Gomel toward the end of the season, with 4 games left and the club in 14th (15 teams in the division bottom team relegated).

    The squad is made up of woeful footballers, very small with several key positions not covered, due to this Blaze fielded teams with excess of 5 centre backs in the starting line up, a back 4 of centre backs and some times two holding midfielders who are also centre backs. 

    All 4 games were defeats, a 3-0 loss to Slonim, a 3-0 loss to Naftan, a 3-1 loss to league winner Smolevichi and a 6-1 humiliation at the hands of Rukh. 

    Lucky enough Gomel avoided relegation only because Baranovichi are even more hopeless.


    Tactic being used is aimple 4-4-2, calling it simple is understatement. It consists of simple roles and no PI or TI because the players are so bad they cant be trusted to do anything. 


    Update for 2020 season with Lokomotiv Gomel due, the 2020 Blaze will have a full transfer window to work with and a pre season to attempt to make a team that will be competitive in the Belarusian first league.

  2. First post of this career update will be told in past tense and will be brief, as I'm already in 2022 of my game.

    My Journeyman is a manager with a stupidly macho name, but in reality hes a weak little man Born in "The Settlement" in the "British Virgin Islands" with a big dream to be one of the worlds greatest managers. He faces several obstacles he has to overcome to be a success. he was only ever a Sunday league footballer, has never managed before and doesnt even have any coaching badges. Add to all of this hes a terrible uninspiring coach who cant motivate, cant man manage, and  has no determination.

    Many months were spent carpet bombing clubs with applications to be manager, most clubs laughed off his interest and a few gave pity interviews such as Albion Rovers in Scotland, in the end had no interest. 

    Finally a club offers Nottingham an Interview, it was Lokomotiv Gomel in the first division of Belarus (2nd tier) 

    Nailed the Interview and landed first job in football management.


    A fairly new team they were founded in 2008 under the name of Gomelzheldortrans, in their first year as football club they won the Gomel Oblast championship. This is tournament against other teams in regional leagues were the winner would gain promotion to the Belarusian Second League. 5 years later Gomelzheldortrans were promoted via a 2nd place finish to the Belarusian First division. In 2016 they changed their name to Lokomotiv Gomel.

    Lokomotiv Gomel play their football at the Stadion Na Sozhskoy, (seated capacity of 1000) the entry in Wikipedia claiming they play at a 8000 capacity stadium called the Lokomotiv stadium is incorrect, this stadium is actually called Centrainy Stadium and its home to FC Gomel, a much bigger team who play in the Belaruisian Highest division. 

    The ground is actually rented for match days from Gomel state sports school, due to this the complex is well funded and in good condition. The pitch is synthetic 3G. The complex also has training pitches both indoor and outdoor and a basic gym. Compared to other teams in the Belarusian first division the facilities available to the players are very good.





    Gomel is the second most populous city in Belarus (behind the capital Minsk) with a population of over 500,000 despite the area still feeling the effects from the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, several parts of the city are exclusion zones due to high levels of radiation. In recent years the Belarusian government have invested heavily in School and sports facilities to promote healthy life styles and attract citizens to move to Gomel.

    The official language in Belarus is Belarusian & Russian (football manager thinks its just Russian) if you speak Polish or Ukrainian you would be understood by most.

    The culture of the city is heavy influenced by Russia as it was a part of the Russian empire until it declared independence in 1917, however Gomel was occupied by the Red Army up to 1919 which lead to a major revolt, insurgents took control of Gomel and executed several soviets and the city was passed to the Belarusian SSR.

    Image result for GOMEL BELARUSimage.thumb.png.806513ebdcdad246cb7fbaa3dbfe8c6f.png

    Above a photo of City of Gomel, and a drone shot of Sozh river taken from above the Stadion Na Sozhskoy



  3. 1 hour ago, Maldini's Heir said:

    Is the editor a bigger cheat than restarts?

    Especially when using the editor to adjust for real life.

    Cutrone is a completely realistic signing for Milan. I was only prompted to make the signing when he moved in real life. 

    Meanwhile why would Maldini’s kid want to leave Milan especially when I’ve given him appearances?

    Personally the way I see it if I use the editor to fix what I think are flaws in the game or to update for real life then it’s not cheating. If I signed  Mbappe or someone that would be cheating.

    I’m going to rule - it’s not cheating in MY game!

    I’d be interested here other people’s moral dilemmas.



    You could use pre game editor for that?

    As people have said your the judge of your own game.

    Yeah your right save scumming is probabily worse, you can force any result with enough restarts.

  4. Resonses here are about right, cheating is what you consider to be cheating.

    However if you post career updates gloating about success then a game were the editor has been used or save scumming has been used id consider that cheating.

    Personally I loose interest fast in a game I know I've used the editor or save scummed.

    I normally start a game with use of editor prevented

  5. 17 hours ago, jere_d said:

    I always play a high press and I assure you the goals in that other thread happen against me a hell of a lot more than for me.

    Posting your tactic on the tactic forum would help, I agree the ME isn't great and those stupid headers happen.

    But you can minimise the frequency of it and with a more balanced solid tactic things like that and other annoying things the match engine does (over the top punts for eg) happen less often.

    I don't want to be the its your tactics guy, Im acknowledging the match engine is dumb at times, but the fact many other users dont have this issue as frequently points towards tactics being the difference, as other users are playing the same game


  6. If your ahead way ahead at half time I always park the bus second half and kill the game.

    Start out with a lower mentality like cautoius or defensive and remove any risky instructions like overlaps, maybe change a few attacking roles to more balanced ones.

    If I havnt conceeded in 20 ish minutes I take off a forward for another.midfielder or defender and put time wasting on, add be more.disciplined and just see the game out.

    This normally works for me


  7. On 05/01/2020 at 14:40, Carlf788 said:

    So I am going to start a Eastern European journeyman save with the aim being to bring the European cup back east after a long absence. 


    My question is what's the best way to increase your star reputation in order to progress to better jobs? Is it just a case of over performing at a club so if we were predicted to come 9th and we came 4th we would get a increase? Or do you have to win trophies? 



    id recommend starting unemployed and working your way up if your doing a journeyman save.

    Starting at a big team could be problematic if you start with low reputation and no coaching badges.

    If you have to start with a big team id make your manager the recommended rep and have a pro licence to stop the sqaud whinging when you take over.


    Its super satisfying to start out in the Finnish lower league (for example) then 8 years later managing Sevilla

  8. 3 hours ago, Angus Osborne said:

    I have since tried training players to Round the Keeper, but my staff don't want to train anyone with a reasonably high Finishing attribute. I've got an MC-AP type and an AML-W type trained to do it, but haven't seen them end up 1-1 yet.

    I used editor on an experimental save to have a look, never happend.

    To be fair didn't play that many games though 

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