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31 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. What panel would this be? Love to add it to the base skin replacing the season stats at the bottom ?
  2. Think I remember reading this is hardcoded but would there be a way to add my clubs chant to the team sheet screen just before a match. similar to the champions league music but specific to my club?
  3. Thanks guys. So many good guys here!
  4. Last silly question! is there a list of colour codes anywhwere? thanks
  5. Ah great thanks mate! newbie question what do I do to change it to primary and secondary colours of the team?
  6. Will check that out see if I can figure it out! thabks
  7. Can anyone remember how to change the colour of the polygons in the data hub? Sure in a skin view used in the past I’ve been able to have these the same colour as my primary kits. Cheers
  8. Thanks mate. any idea what controls mate lineup preview etc played around removing and adding your xml back but still having issues so thinking it’s more than one xml I will need to move
  9. Thanks mate, for some reason the background colour wasnt set to bg custom green, Cheers
  10. Hhmm strange when i remove or add another one im still getting colour issues with the squad names and numbers. Any idea what it could be? thanks
  11. Hi mate, dont suppose you can point me in the direction of changing the map colour in the scouting overview? Seems to be a bit faint for me almost like its matching the background colour of your skin. I have taken a scouting overview from another skin. Thanks
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