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Posts posted by karlcole

  1. 8 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

    I'd start by removing "player overview panel" and "player personal details panel" in panels/player if you have them in your skin.

    These two panels, by default, control the player profile screen, although quite a few other panels are used also.

    A blank page normally means some bad code somewhere. A missed </container> or somesuch.


    Yep its defo these that are the issue. Any idea how i could fix it ?


    they worked perfectly fine until the update




  2. 1 hour ago, _Ben_ said:

    The club overview shouldn’t be impacted in this release as I haven’t created panels for it. I removed them all before I zipped the skin, meaning the panels should be default games ones. Can you show me a screen shot please, in case I have forgot to remove something. 

    Sorry mate got confused into thinking this was on your skin but your right it’s on the base board confidence screen.



  3. Hi guys,


    currently messing around trying to combine a few skins into one i like.


    As you can see i have used the TCS player profile at the moment but would like to add in the tabs above the attributes if possible, as per the 2nd pic.


    Does anyone know the easiest way of doing this?




  4. 32 minutes ago, GIMN said:

    The fact the spaces are black, suggests the code is either pointing to a colour or an image that isn't defined (or just misspelled).  My guess without seeing the xmls is that it's a colour issue.

    Dont suppose you could point me in the direction of a potential fix?

  5. 4 hours ago, GIMN said:

    I've developed the touchline tablet idea a little more.  No more notable events or dugout panel.  If you want information during the match you need to pull up the tablet.  If you're looking at the tablet, you're not able to focus fully on the game going on (it is also the only thing that appears in between highlights):


    Wow unreal stuff this! Could be the GOAT skin!

  6. Just now, karlcole said:
    6 hours ago, hrmantovani said:

    Sorry man, I'll only have access to my PC on Tuesday now... I have shared a similar file yesterday so if you want I can help you edit it to look like the screenshot above.

    In the mean time you can try the file I'm sending now. I edited it on my phone so I haven't tested but I think it will look the same as the screenshot. Just remember that to get the EXACT same look you have to download TCS4 skin from last year, copy its 'competition' folder and replace the file below inside. 

    competition overview panel.xml 8.06 kB · 5 downloads

    Hi mate,


    how would i get the tabs across the top with manager movements etc?



  7. 1 minute ago, GIMN said:

    I think, realistically, around a week after.  Only minor changes needed now, and I'm playing through a save right now just to see if there's any lingering bits I've missed.  I expect it will be mostly news items.  Then on release, I'll check through to see if anything has changed (usually there's one or two things).  Finally I need to work out options - my initial thoughts are:

    • Themes (different setting files for different accent colours)
    • No attributes, graphical attributes, normal attributes
    • Resolutions (currently built for 1440x2560, 110% zoom)

    Great work mate looking forward to getting my hands on this 👍 as above if you need any testing I’m on FM most nights and happy to help any way I can.



  8. 1 minute ago, GIMN said:

    That's kind - I'll give you a shout when it's close.  I'll almost certainly appreciate other people having a check for any bugs, feedback on different resolutions, etc...

    Now time for some controversy - and this is likely to only be included on my personal version (e.g. not released) - I've redone the tablet: made it landscape, tried to get it close to 16:10 resolution, removed the fade when the ball goes behind it and severely restricted which widgets are available (shot maps, pass maps, and player stats only).  Will eventually remove general info and body language, too (as this can give you information about the opposition you wouldn't necessarily have available, whilst you're able to find it out for your own players from the console at the bottom).


    This is looking really smart mate. When you likely to release, on release date?

  9. 31 minutes ago, hrmantovani said:

    Sorry man, I'll only have access to my PC on Tuesday now... I have shared a similar file yesterday so if you want I can help you edit it to look like the screenshot above.

    In the mean time you can try the file I'm sending now. I edited it on my phone so I haven't tested but I think it will look the same as the screenshot. Just remember that to get the EXACT same look you have to download TCS4 skin from last year, copy its 'competition' folder and replace the file below inside. 

    competition overview panel.xml 8.06 kB · 0 downloads

    Legend will try it out later. Thanks man 

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