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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Lonestar Kashmir FC

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  1. tbf, the german lower division sides perform way worse in the cup in fm than in real life and most 4th and 5th division sides look way closer to pro level than you would expect. I don't expect them to necessarily deny this run, but they definetly should behave differently here. Especially Wingers are terrible out of possession as soon as the team has to drop deeper.
  2. Finally someone doing India haha. I'm currently carrying over my FM23 save (with one of the Kashmir teams) where I am one season in and it's going similarly to yours. Finished 2nd, many five star potential players, not anyone who's already outstanding though. Don't have any foreign players in the squad and I was frankly quite surprised we were doing so well. Now, some players have retired which could come in handy for the financial side of things. One question: How do you handle that enourmous time gap between the seasons where nothing is going on? Do you holiday for a bit or do you grind through it? For now, I'm sticking with the latter but it's a bit tiring tbh. Also: Do you also find it a bit hard to find opponents for friendlies? I understand that travel distances are high but it's still a pain for me.
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