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Invisible Witness

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Issue Comments posted by Invisible Witness

  1. Some data issues i've noticed but not sure where to report it. 

    Some players with dual nationality only speak one language and it's the language of country they chose to play for. For example Matty Cash(Aston Villa) listed as speaking only Polish( he actually doesnt speak it). Another example Nicola Zalewski (As Roma) listed as speaking only Polish(which is true) but he's fluent in Italian. Had a save going in Italy and Zalewski "wasn't interested in learning language" (Italian). 

  2. 2 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    Choppiness generally happens when the resolution of a tablet isn't matched by the processing power it has, some new tablets have ludicrously high resolution but the processor hasn't increased in spec to the same degree as the resolution.

    For example if you have a 1024x768 screen with processor A, but then go to 2048x1536 on a new system then you are shoveling 4x as many pixels to the screen each frame ... if the processor is only twice as fast as 'processor A' on the original device then you might see a little jerkiness in some cases, as always we'll keep optimizing things and do our best to keep you running smoothly in the future.

    What about Stretch Display option? I'm playing without Stadium view but would like to stretch the view to full screen to cover empty grass view behind nets. It doesn't seem to work that option .

    Looking for this view:


  3. So i turned off option "Render Stadium" and that seems to help and the dots are moving smoother now however there is a big gap on screen behind each net. I tried option Stretch Display but it's still the same. 

    BTW: I didn't see Render Stadium option when I was playing on my older iPad. Is it strictly for androids? Also on my iPad there is no big gaps behind nets. 

    Surprised that new Android tablet can't handle 2D...

    Any recommendations what other android tablet will handle 2D with no problem? 


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