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Everything posted by Miragepredator

  1. I did in the other thread, i am not sure how to close this thread.
  2. 12 seconds later and the other side can have up to 5 players in support
  3. The striker can often drop into the near channels too
  4. Here is the tactic (In my retro save) The first question that will come to your mind is how did I do that with the CB's. Here is a link explaining With both CB's as WCBs on attack, the obvious question is, what happens to the rest defence? Truthfully, I have become addicted to using double halfbacks and have to incorporate it into my tactics. So with 2 Half backs, what happens to the team shape? I will answer both questions With the WCB(a), once in settled play, the near sided WCB can join the attack and with the addition of double half backs where one will drop into the defence, the other will become the sole pivot. At times they will push up to join the attack which helps overload a side. At times there can be up to 6 players on one side of the pitch, I will attempt to show this. The build up for the most part will be a 3-1 but if you want more security, switch the CM to a BWM and it will become a 3-2 in build up and for the most part in rest defence
  5. Just like the previous systems, it is inspired by a lot of IRL players and the rotations that do exist in real life. For example, you can at times see Kroos or Trent drop into the defence(whether central or to the side of the defenders) to facilitate build up. Or Under Tuchel, you could sometimes see Reece occupy the right half space, or KDB overlap Mahrez at City. With Bastoni, you will understand what I am trying my once I upload the tactic If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  6. MP's DRM TM v3 This upcoming tactic is different to the previously attempted tactics in this thread but it includes different aspects that I wish to incorporate into a single team. I will attach the individuals who inspire each position and how I went about replicating them Would like to mention this again. My preference in playing this game is incorporating different aspects of real life and combining them into a tactic. It is why I love replicating existing tactics, it allows me to slowly understand IRL tactics bit by bit and improve my own understanding of football. So I do use in-game editor to give/remove traits, but I do not like to edit attributes. I may make a new thread for this tactic
  7. Sorry for the really late reply, only just seen it Its Vinchup FM24 skin
  8. When you choose the area that a player crosses to, does that influence how players act? So if I asked for a back post cross, does the ST or far sided players attack the back post more often? Perhaps doing this can lead to more players attacking that area and thus more frequent crosses. I have also previously tried to use the player I want to cross as a winger/or other wide roles but also have a WB(a) behind him to overlap and create space for crosses but I was not sure if it worked and have not really tested it since
  9. 9.) Should have an option in the team instructions to play positional play or not 10.) Let players make more long range passes. I find that even though i want a player to make more long range passes, he at max tries it 3-4 times a game, i have even checked the analytical data and his pass range and it reflects what i see. I want to replicate a TA-Arnold esque pass range and i can never seem to get even remotely close. I want to be able to use a creator deep in our own half but can rarely get him to make the kind of passes i want. 11.) Should be able to specify the player criteria that the DOF goes after. Which also should apply to the max amount that he offers in wages to the players (both signings and players in the club) 12.) The Offside trap should come back 13.) The IWB should be able to cross the ball 14.) Less highlights from throw-ins need to be shown.
  10. In the past, i always thought of this trait as a negative trait until i saw a thread explaining why it was necessary for the CB's when replicating De Zerbi. Then, for whatever reason, i just started to assume it should only be applied to defenders. But, is it not essentially what tacticos call "Pausa"? If so, it should make sense to add it to offensive players right? Or am i misunderstanding it?
  11. This is the newer version of this topic that i will continue on the same ideas however with a focus on more of my favourite modern players. If possible, could moderators end this topic please.
  12. Reece James: I wanted him to be a possible goal threat down the right side with him attacking the inside right channel which he does quite often. I could have used him as an IWB(a) however that effected the positioning of the midfielders which i am unsure of, however i may still change it. I want him to behave like he does in real life where although he may start wide, he almost always attacks in the inside right channel which is where he picks up most of his goals (you can even see this in his assist this weekend against City ) . I have found him to do this quite often so i kept the FB(a) I have added 2 traits to him, which are gets into opposition area and moves into channels. Here are his stats Although the goals are relatively low, i found that the "Beckham role" has bagged quite a lot as well as the striker so that has most probably effected it. Here are the instructions: I think this has mostly been explained already. Although i do want him to cross early at times, i want him to mostly do it from the byline as i have other players to do things from deep.
  13. In my next edition of MP’s DT tactics: It is a team filled with some of my favourite players (past but mostly present). I will slowly show the roles and traits I decided for these players with a rough explanation. And the next post will show the system. I would also like to mention that although i will use In-game editor, it will not be used to alter attributes or ability. I could have used players like Pedri,FDJ and Haaland but i felt like it would provide a better representation of the tactic if i use some players who have similar play styles/attributes and just use traits to mimic. In my main save, i use these tactics as i update them and make new version so if necessary i can post the stats for them later.
  14. The halfback has been improved a lot with its movement but i believe the hard coded "dribble less" should be removed, you should be able to use the role in a more De Jong way, as in he drops in but he dribbles it out to evade the pressure or dribbles it into the wide open space infront of him
  15. When i applied take fewer risks on a few of my players, those players key passes increased, so i was wondering if this has happened to others or its just a coincidence. I have not noticed a difference in progressive passes either
  16. Tbh i'd just say he's a FB(automatic) with a team mentality of positive, he overlaps often and from what i remember, his positioning is slightly wider and higher then Saliba and Gabriel
  17. Ive seen a few twitter analysis of them from accounts i dont follow and read a few articles very briefly but ive seen a few youtube videos Here are 2 that i do remember I am just watching this now but seems good.
  18. Here is the current version of my tactic, i have been trying to maximise the Trent role (the right HB). With 2 HB's, one of them can drop into either side of the CB's or join the IWB in the middle so it often switch to a 3-2 or 2-3 shape. My idea behind this is that, i want them to drop into space deep in the half so they have lots of time and space, which they do often but i find that even though i have tried lots of instructions and even the player traits suggest Fabio should spray passes about, it ends up with simple passes. His stats show he does not create chances and although his progressive numbers look progressive, it never looks like it. After playing the matches, i use comprehensive highlights to look for anything he does and he positions himself in what i believe are ideal spaces but does not really make use of it. The WB and WM only have 3 instructions, cross more often, cross aim centre and cross from deep (for WM), cross from byline (for WB) For comparison, here is his partner who i made take fewer risks (and have even played as a CB quite often) A thought i had is perhaps i should make him take fewer risks aswell as i have that instruction of both the left halfback and IWB(who has 70 key passes) I know a lot of you will say to switch to regista but i want to make this role work especially as the movement and positioning is exactly what i want. So please suggest any idea you have of how i can improve his creative output.
  19. I initially used it because i saw a Zealand video (i think) about trying to be like Ancelotti and so i used it so that for matches that i do not really feel like micro-managing. Then i realised, i can use it so that my team changes shape so i made a 3-5-1-1 system, inspired by Nagelsmann that could morph into a back 4 system(truthfully i forgot the middle system) and then into a 4-2-2-2. Then i tried using it to make use of Maximum/Minimum width by changing between 2 tactics every 25mins. The big problems that come to mind are that sometimes the Assistant can make player changes that are not ideal but you can disable the choice for them to make substitutes. It can be annoying to make sure that every situation is covered. On the page where it shows all the scenarios, it does not say which tactic you are using for each scenario rather it just says 'Custom'. You have to make sure that each player switches to the right position between system 1 and then system 2 if you are changing shape These are what come to mind but its still the ideal for me as i want to be more hands-off while watching my tactic Here they are, might not be the fully updated versions and the match plan 4-2-3-1 (3-2 Build-Up).fmf4-3-3 (2-3 Build-Up).fmf4-3-3 (3-1 Build-Up).fmfMixed Build-Up.fmf
  20. Heres a bonus This is my Barcelona inspired tactic that i created while experimenting during the season. Here, Fabio is used like FDJ and he does drop into the LCB spots at time
  21. This tactic is inspired by a lot of IRL factors that i wanted to fit into a system and by using the match plan, i switch between the system in game automatically. My explanations will be brief but feel free to ask any questions and/or suggest improvements. Key Factors that I incorporated: 1.) I wanted to reimagine my right flank as having three players, Trent Alexander-Arnold as the deeper creator, Beckham as the wide creator and Reece James as the possible goal threat while being a creator too who can both cover both of the right lanes. Its not completely loyal to IRL facts eg; i use Trent as both a HB and AP(s) but they function how i expect them to IRL. Henceforth, Fabio is the Trent, Cardoso is the Reece and Batista is the Beckham. 2.) The AM / LCM role, Initially i wanted to have a Deep Target man, much like Fellaini, but i could never find the right profile this far into my save. So i gave up on that for now but decided to go ahead with my second choice, The Julian Alvarez type, shadow striker, I have been switching between AP(A) and CM(A) as i like the freedom AP(A) offers but will probably switch back to CM(A). Gasco (My Alvarez) is a striker who when i used as a sole striker averaged more then a goal a game but this season, his output fell off as i was experimenting a lot but still got 12 goals,8 assists in 37 games. System 1: Inspired by Liverpools Current System This is the base system that i start the matches out in, a 3-2 shape and ultimately just feels secure. I ease into the matches before moving into a 2-3 shape. I did not watch the Lpool vs Villa game but i saw an analysis of Trents game from MOTD and this is what inspired me for the choice for his role. I liked how deep he picked up the ball and sprayed it about. Due to the IFB, the HB does not actually drop into the back 3 hence i chose this role, I did not really like the Regista tbh, His movement as a HB feels so much more free idk why though. I chose Cardoso to be a FB(a) as in FM23, i liked how it both underlapped and overlapped but right now i am not sure if its the right role as it does not get up in time. Please suggest what role you think Reece played while he was at his best under Tuchel and what roles or instructions to use. System 2: Inspired by Arsenal Still secure but slightly more attacking in a 2-3 build up shape. Once the 25th min has come, the match plan switches to this if its still 0-0. As an AP(s), Fabio sometimes occupies the right half space but he is mostly on the right of the 2-3 shape at the back. Cardoso makes the over/under lapping runs. I view this system as close to a mirrored Arsenal system from last year with tweaks factoring what i wanted. System 3: Inspired by Girona Similar to System 1 however, Fabio is pushed further up and and Cardoso is more aggressive to push up. Again, due to the IFB, the HB does not really split the defence that often. This system creates a 3-1-6 shape and is for when we are pushing for a goal late on or down a goal. I also use this for when i am home against teams lower in the league. Girona use this and the idea is that they push teams down one side and use wing play to beat the oppositions deep block (from my understanding) Does not really show much but heres the Match plan. I have only used this match plan for like the last 15 games or so but just wanted to show my tactic and how i use the match plan This is a continuation of one of my other topics that i have made with a different focus but similar ideas if you would like to read it.
  22. 1.) For the SK(a), you should be able to use them as an additional CB in build up (Like Ederson,Alisson,Raya,Steele and etc;) and to be able to give them suitable traits to them. 2.) Similar to the "Get further forward", their should be an option to "Come deep to get ball" or "Drops into Defence" as PI's rather then just as a trait 3.)This is just incase it does not happen, But the Inverted Fullbacks should also have the option for being Support or Attack like the IWBs and WCBs 4.) Im not sure if this is already in place, but if a player has been instructed to do something for a long time, it should improve their attributes, eg; if a BPD averages 60+ passes, his composure and passing should improve. It could also become one of his traits, eg; If they are continuously told to take more risks (not the hard coded instructions), it should eventually become a trait. 5.) For training, their should be an option to make all players in certain positions train a certain role, certain attribute or even traits in both senior and youth academies. eg; I want all my CB's to have "Tries to play out of trouble" 6.) The Loan manager should give you a detailed report on the teams they loan players out too . I remember reading that City loan their players to clubs where there is an emphasis on what they can offer to the player. So they should tell you how good their facilities are, style of play, how often they develop players themselves, and the depth of their squad and should keep you up to date with their progress. 7.) A few player role requests, a Ramdeuter in central attacking midfield slots. A Target Man in central attacking midfield slots like Fellaini did for David Moyes. 8.) You should be able to view the highlights of individual players. eg; I want to view my how my goalkeeper performs in the build up. Will add more as they come to mind
  23. Seeing as FM24 is nearing, id like to point out that this problem is still occuring
  24. I do saves where i take over teams and just replicate tactics based off IRL systems. Here are a few that i have done. #1- Chelsea FC If anyone wants to replicate the depressing tactics of Chelsea(the problem is the curse placed upon this club in the final third) #2- Arsenal #3- Aston Villa #4- Brighton Dribble more and take fewer risks on CB's. I use W(s) on both wingers sometimes. #5- Manchester City You can swap Rodri and Kova. Doku has PI of W(a). Stones is an IWB(s) to replicate when he plays as a DM
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