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Issue Comments posted by Yellowbucket58

  1. So I just noticed that my post might not be clear in pinpointing a specific bug, so I'll mention it in this post. Certain attributes on regens differ greatly when compared to the  players at the start of the save. I know the the talent level on attributes such as crossing, finishing, heading, etc will not be exactly the same in the future when compared to the start of a game  and variation is necessary to maintain an enjoyable and different database when progressing into the future. However, certain attributes decrease/increase an abnormal amount when progressing a save and Regens take over creating an unbalanced database. Most issues appear to be on technical and a few physical attributes.

  2. Just a quick update. I advanced both uploaded save files about 7 years and the number of players with 15+ crossing further decreased. There were only 22 players with 15+ crossing in the first save and only 30 in the second save. All them being regens. The save started with 371 players with 15+ crossing but once the real players started to retire the game wasn't producing enough regens with good crossing attributes to replace them.

    Save files uploaded:



  3. @Michael Sant Sorry for the late reply but with work and regathering new data per your suggestions it unfortunately took some time. 

    Would like to first bring about the topic of only including "out and out fullbacks/wingbacks" and not include those capable of playing in midfield in the data/presentation. If this criterion was applied to the Real players in the beginning of a save, the following players would be excluded from the data:


    All these REAL players are considered "Natural" at fullback/wingback and are also capable of playing further up field in midfield positions according to the game. Despite that they are still capable dribblers and crossers. Their ability to play multiple positions has no effect on their crossing/dribbling ability, however, in your post it is implied that if a regen is natural/accomplished at fullback and also able to play midfield positions there crossing/dribbling ability are somehow negatively affected?


    Furthermore, I collected data as per your suggestion. Only including the crossing and dribbling ability of natural regen fullbacks/wingbacks that aren't capable of playing in advanced positions. So only "out and out fullbacks/wingbacks." The table below shows the top Regen fullbacks/Wingbacks by current ability across two saves.  The results were as follows:


    Not at all different from the initial data/presentation. Despite the regens being "out and out fullbacks/wingbacks" their crossing and dribbling ability remained poor compared to the top real players found in the beginning of a save. I have a hard time seeing how this might be considered "subjective" when actual numbers are being used, not hunches or suspicions.

    Further observations and data (Probably the evidence that strongly suggests something might not be right when generating regens):

    When starting a game with the following leagues loaded:


    There are initially 371 players with a crossing ability of 15+.

    After about 13-15 years once the game is mostly regens as in the two test saves, the number decreased to 72 in the first test save and to 61 in the second save. Furthermore, the first test save only had 7 regens with a crossing ability of 15+ while the second test save only produced 18 regens with a crossing ability of 15+ after about 13 years. Initially I found it hard to believe at first, but it is indeed true, only 7 an 18 regens respectively were produced with a crossing ability of 15+ across 13-15 years, resulting in the crossing ability across the database to decrease massively as the game wasn't producing regens with good enough crossing to replace the players that were retiring. Again, I find it hard to see this as "subjective" when actual data points to something being wrong.

    Saves Uploaded As:



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