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Posts posted by whyidie

  1. Definitely getting less breakaway goal attempts, though it feels as if the conversion rate is higher. Less frustrating for sure. 

    Haven't given up any easy goals on throw ins, which was probably the number 1 way the other teams would score on me. Throw in on one side, cross to to the other, goal. 

    More variety in terms of goals being scored, with my midfielders and wingers finally getting in on the action. 

    Tactically I play a reckless style, expecting scores high scores with an occasional beating when I play a better side. The prior ME did not reflect this as I was often getting 1-0 or 2-1 score lines. Now I'm getting the expected 3-2s with the occasional 5-3 beat down when I come up against a more skilled side. 

    Seeing a lot more penalties and a much higher conversion rate. Was missing so many that I was considering buying someone specifically for penalty duty. 

    Enjoying the change. 

  2. Star player has me in a pickle. He wants a new deal. I told him I'd give him one. When I approach his agent, I'm told the player has no interest in re-signing. Players perspective of being too good for the club is understandable as he is far and away the best player on my team (Bordeaux) and he would easily fit into top half teams in one the better leagues. Meanwhile I'm battling  for Euro Cup II places. 

    I resigned myself to having to sell him as he was in the last year of contract, but hate that I'm going to take a hit to my team dynamics due to not following through on the promise of new contract.

    Bug or are agent and player (player wants new deal, agent says no chance) pulling a fast one on me ? 

  3. Funny how many fans of different games want to be developer/PR/whathaveyou of the game they love. Maybe next year they'll release an FM Developer sim and folks can properly manage a release.

    Suppose  it shouldn't be too much of a surprise as for many the main attraction is "I can do job N" better than people in real life. 

    In real life I've found people who have a reputation for being "bad at PR" are the ones I work best with.  Hard workers, internally motivated, direct = incredibly efficient.  Great people to work with. 

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