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17 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    a team full of Ivans

About Me

  • About Me
    a team full of Ivans


  • Interests
    a team full of Ivans

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    a team full of Ivans

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  • Currently Managing
    a team full of Ivans

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  1. Wow you are deleting my messages, very kind, that's the best way to treat a customer. After having collaborated several times pointing out bugs and investing my time in making sure you have a better product. Classy!
  2. Wow you are deleting my messages, very kind, that's the best way to treat a customer. After having collaborated several times pointing out bugs and investing my time in making sure you have a better product. Classy!
  3. Wow you are deleting my messages, very kind, that's the best way to treat a customer. After having collaborated several times pointing out bugs and investing my time in making sure you have a better product. Classy!
  4. my goodness Ben, you are making it very difficult for me to stay away from the game until FM24 comes out.... great job, getting better and better every day.
  5. Hi,, because the game where I realised I had 20 "Ivan" was modified, I just created standard one without any changes, clean as a whistle. I set it to generate newgens and the result is the same. 10000 Ivan, something tremendously exaggerated. Attached photo
  6. Same here. Ivans everywhere!! Is there any new information? Thanks
  7. Yes, I've tried all that, but nothing. As Ben says, it's one of those unsolved mysteries heheh, thanks anyway!
  8. Guys, I've searched because I think I saw it some time ago in the forum but I can't find it, sorry to repeat it. I just reinstalled the skin and these dots appear in black instead of blue according to their meaning, do you know what can happen and what to do? Thank you very much! NOTE: I have deleted all other skins, cleared cache and restarted the game. I even downloaded version 3.12 again.
  9. BRILLIANT! Question: Is "How to increase realism in FM22 by Daveincid" still valid for FM23, or do you think you would recommend something else this year?
  10. Hello, first of all thank you very much for this skin, it's wonderful and I love how you are evolving it. I would like to know how to customize the views in Squad planner as you can do for example in the Squad tab, to add more columns.
  11. With a screen resolution of 3440x1440, the text is out of place and to the right of the gap in this version. Is this normal, and is there anything I can do to fix it? Thanks! EDIT: If I play in windowed mode instead of full screen I can set it to fit. I usually watch something at the same time as I play anyway, so it's not a big problem.
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