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Gary James

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Everything posted by Gary James

  1. @Kyle Brown@Zachary Whyte This issue was present in fm23 and was raised in this thread here This issue still exists in FM24. I have transferred my file from FM23 to FM24 and thought I will turn on the ''Keep Scout Report up to date'' in shortlist ticked. I have been playing for about 4 months on FM24 with the optinon ticked and my scouting range has gone to no scouting but once again I am accruing debt. I zm currently on minus 189k and that means I will have to turn that option off before it destroys another save. Are we near a fix for this? File Uploaded - Gary James - Negative Transfer Budget - FM24
  2. @Kyle Brown@Zachary Whyte Hi both, this issue still exists in FM24. I have transferred my file from FM23 to FM24 and thought I will turn on the ''Keep Scout Report up to date'' in shortlist ticked. I have been playing for about 4 months on FM24 with the optinon ticked and my scouting range has gone to no scouting but once again I am accruing debt. I zm currently on minus 189k and that means I will have to turn that option off before it destroys another save. Are we near a fix for this? File Uploaded - Gary James - Negative Transfer Budget - FM24
  3. Sorry I have only just seen this. File uploaded 'Gary James - Job Preferences' This file has been transferred from FM23 as well
  4. As stated in the title there is a typo in this news report. It says today twice in a row for no reason. Andrew Kitchen was alright today today I have not uploaded a save as it is a news report template but let me know if you need one.
  5. When I go to request for Set Piece Coach Wages to be increased it acts as if I have requested it but the request option still remains.
  6. HI all, Sorry if this has been raised already but I could not see it on the forums. I have just transferred to fm24 and lots of staff have their job preferences mixed up and I cannot see a way to sort them.
  7. A player who's contract was running down has been signed by Airbus UK a Team playing in the JD Cymru North. After he signed I looked foir the option to sell him now but it was not there even though their tranfer window is still open.. I am in the Vnarama National if that makes a difference. File uploaded 'Gary James - Sell Now Issue'
  8. Also even if I was to offer him a full time contract it is only letting me sign him from January which doesn't make sense to me.
  9. Erik Tamasi came through in my Youth Intake and was not good enough to be offered a full time contract. I waited until his trial ended then offered him a contract as they usually lower their demands. I was suprised to see that I am unable to offer a Youth Contract even though he is still 16. Is this a bug? File Uploaded - ''Gary James - Youth Contract Issue''
  10. Wage budget after player has sold - 40 pound extra has gone from the budget that shouldn't have. File uploaded 'Gary James - Wage Budget Issue' 1 game to play then the player accepts his move
  11. I am close to my wage budget and monitoring it as I need to sign better players to get me out of a relegation battle. I was selling a player and I knew that I would still be over my wage budget after he left so I was shocked to see that I was under budget once he had sold. Player for sale on 190 a week He has no clauses that would affect the wage budget Wage budget before he transfers
  12. My Former Director was also my HoY and when a new board tookover he was releaseed. When I went to set up my U18's coaches for the new season I saw there was an extra coach listed under Attacking Technical and spotted it was him. He is now unemployed and does not appear in the coaches breakdown but he is on the Overview screen. File Uploaded - Gary James - Former Staff U18's Coaching Issue
  13. You argued that you weren't just posting to be negative and that you had questions about SI's plans. Yet you haven't asked any questions. All you have done say that everything in their statement is a lie and that fm24 will be worse than fm23 without any logically reason do back up this up. Not really hard to understand what I said was it.
  14. So you denied being negative for the sake of it stating your questioning the updates. You have asked no questions and all you are doing is saying that they are lying.
  15. Any reasons for your opinion or just negativity for the sake of it? I can confirm that bugs are looked at as I have been in conversation with SI via private messages to provide further information about the nature of bugs so they can create a fix. It must also be considered that fixing a problem can cause other issues in a large database like this so they have to test fixes before they are implemented as well.
  16. Thanks that's what I thought. Hopefully the club will outgrow the board soon so I can replace him.
  17. In my current save with Welling my Head of Youth Development is also a Director. I am unable to fire him and when I try to hire another the board are blocking it. As you can imagine he has terrible stats as well. Is there any way to get rid of him or do I just have to wait for a board takeover?
  18. Hi all, In my save with Welling I am only able to offer Goalkeeping Coaches, Fitness Coaches and all Scouts including the Chief Non Contract deals. I have never seen this before and was wondering what the cause could be. I am currently in the Vanarama National League and this was the case when I was in the Vanarama South as well.
  19. One of my club Icons just commented on my performance so I decided to check him out. Danny Chapman is listed a s a club Icon as a player. However when I checked his history it seems that he never played for the club.
  20. I have just signed a player and when I click buy now the selling club wants £0 This is very lucky as it is exactly how much transfer budget I have being in the Vanarama south. So I am shocked when I lso see that the message says I do not have the funds to complete the signing. I also do not have enough wages to create a transfer budget to force it through either. File Uploaded - ''Gary James - £0 Trasnfer Budget''
  21. That's good to hear. If we could add any new ones tmas we'll then I'd be happy. Not that I wouldn't be happy with all the other improvements anyway.
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