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Everything posted by Teep

  1. this. no need to start a debate around that newgen contest delaying the patch.
  2. Imagine a company like SI not being able to give ahead of time the date they'll release the one major patch of the year. Like, are they that behind on schedule that they rush on a day-to-day basis to finally get the patch out?
  3. There was 1 other team (PSV) also at 8 points, and Celtic/PSV didnt play each other. Toulon should have been ahead of Celtic because better goal difference and more goals scored. However, it currently seems to put all the teams with the same points in a separate ranking, and in there we'd have PSV 1st with 3 points, +1, Celtic 2nd with 0 point +0, and Toulon 3rd 0 point -1. I have seen a similar case happen on a stream, and hence why I paid attention to it in this holiday test. The save file is not available.
  4. I'm not telling them how to run their business, I'm saying they arent investing money into these issues because they are a business. Their goal isnt to make the best possible football simulation at all cost, but to make money, as it's a company, not a NPO. All of the issues raised, be it long term saves, set pieces, graphics, etc, could be solved with money. Not doing it is a choice SI makes to maximize their profit, like every business is doing. Exactly like most companies stopped making durable products and having factories in the west, to planned obsolescence and cheap labor in 3rd world countries. #profit
  5. I did understood, I'm not saying hire 1 dev, but SI can put time on the issues. Quick math, putting 1 year of work-time of 1 person (so could be 4 people for 3 months, for instance) to fix various issues will cost them 50-100k in salary/benefits, meaning they'd need to sell a few thousands EXTRA copies based on these features only to make a profit. They sold 1 million copies by last summer, meaning they'd need a 0.5% sale increase because of these features/fixes to cover the cost - and they likely saw it wasnt worth it.
  6. I know there is a lot of changes, but if a single person (you) was able to do it, there's no reason SI isnt able to do it either. Be it starting from scratch or taking an inspiration on what you did. We come back to the root of the issue : they dont want to invest money into fixing the game, because they likely saw that under X% people play more than 10 years, and fixing long term saves will not increase their profit margin.
  7. Doesnt look like it according to all the tests that have been made in FM23 and since the update got out ...
  8. Of course I mean you I'm not saying making it the first time was easy, but you've done it in FM22 and 23, and SI has the files. Took you a few days to update from 22 to 23. Nothing out of reach for SI, who has all the "from the inside knowledge" you dont have on top of it.
  9. Unless *someone* has been able to make a mod for FM22 that, if not completetly fixing, at least improve this issue, meaning it IS easy, and it's impossible SI doesnt know about it. Not fixing this for FM23 either means : - they want the game to be broken long term - they dont want to spend a few days of development fixing that issue because it costs money Either way, they dont deserve your money every year with so little upgrades and fixes
  10. i'm getting numerous errors on star-tup, among them :
  11. This skin is breaking my game after today's update
  12. @Jellico73well, i had already move out the skins folder before and it didnt solved it. had also tried the views folder, and the editor data one. i dont know why moving *everything* and putting it back worked. for now i hope it stays fine thanks for taking the time to answer and share some tips
  13. Losing to Japan was the best result they could hope for, so hardly a good example of a "real" game
  14. For unknown reasons, I moved some files out and in of appdata and documents, and it's now working, without changing or deleting anything... i had tried with editor data, views and skins folders, so must be something else. hopefully it still works tomorrow
  15. thanks, already created a ticket, was in case someone here had an idea of the issue
  16. Receiving a ton of warning-and-errors on start-up. Tried to remove cache/preference, verify game file, reinstall, it's still bugged and I cant get in the game Worked fine before today's update FM23_bug.bmp
  17. I'll give an example to help him understand : Current state : Man U finished 6th in PL last year and was then only in Europa League this year -> earn the right to play each year Super League : Man U would be in the super league every year regardless of what they do in PL -> guaranteed every year And lastly, before you add "but there are 2 spots for the top 2 unqualified coefficients with the new CL", yes, but they still earned their UEFA points, it's a little bonus if you had a bad year and lucky enough to get these 2 spots. Still earned and not guaranteed.
  18. My current 2 issues are : - created reserve/youth leagues but they dont appeared - created 2 cups but they dont get played
  19. EDIT : learned I have to do ALL basic rules first, then I can do ALL advanced rules
  20. Oh, I was missing the first part, "Extra league games", but the "Transfer standings" was right. The end standing was as if the transfer was at 100% and not 50%. I'll try it again but on FM23 later today, hopefully it fixes itself. Thanks !
  21. Hey ! I had no idea you could do this in the basic rules, I always went to the advanced rules whenever I wanted to edit something. EDIT: Found out that if you use the first option instead of the 2nd when editing Nation's rules, you get access to a lot of nice stuff, even in basic rules mode, thanks Managed to create a 12 teams league with split 6-6 as intended, but I couldnt get the 50% points despite setting the parameters
  22. Hello fellow editors ! My goal is to create a new league structure for my online save with 2 friends. It will be in France, starting in lower leagues, but will use the league format of Austria, so having each league with 12 teams (22 games) then split into 6 and 6, take 50% points, and play another 10 games. I think I can handle that part since I'd only have to check what's done in Austria and reproduce it in France. (I tried duplicating on my FM20 editor but didnt work well, so my plan is to screenshot everything in Austria and manually reproduce it and modify existing France's leagues) My questions are : - can i create a league in-between 2 others ? (like instead of ligue 1-2-national, have ligue 1-2-3-national, so 4x12 instead of 3x18). I'm kinda scared about messing up leagues reputation, or how teams are fed in the french cup - another option would be to create 2 groups in national, each promoting 1 team to ligue 2, so ligue 1-2 and national A and B, each being fed by national 2 ABCD, however unsure if i can modify national 2 with editor without recreating it since it's a non-playable league (but is displayed by the base game) - my last option would be to make ligue 1 as 12 teams, and then ligue 12 and national as either 12 or 16 teams (as they can handle 44 game seasons instead of 32 with no Europe), but again unsure how relegating so many teams to National 2 (which is unplayable - not sure about editable) would work, + i'd rather have as much teams as possible instead of going from 60 to 36 or 44 Thank you in advance !
  23. Not being able to fix it for FM22 and then FM23 shows that it's not something SI cares about, else they would at least have looked at what Daveincid did in his realism pack and improve on it
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