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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    1. FC Magdeburg

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  1. WTCS Gold v1.2 > Settings > WTCS6v1dot2 settings > delete the two lines under <!-- TACTICS PITCH -->
  2. Lovely update, as always! One question, though. Is it possible to have this 'staff role' info box in the bottom right corner be a selector on the new club screen? It's kind of pointless to me to see how many staff other clubs have.
  3. Yeah, tried that for a bit. But I don't like it all zoomed in, 100% gives so much more information. Thanks anway
  4. Scaling is set to 100% in both Windows as FM. Your scaling seems to be set different? As I can see 24 clubs on the league positions table
  5. Loving the 1.1(.1) update @bluestillidie00! Ther are a few graphics that look a bit wonky on 1440p 100%, however. Club logo's get cut off in the Club info screen Player pics get cut off on the right side on the key employees tab
  6. Thanks, it was in the settings file, forgot that TCS uses custom bg's, so had to edit those as well, fixed now!
  7. I wanted a bit darker of a skin, but I don't know why these panels in the player overview stay blue-ish, do they get controlled by a different file or am I missing something?
  8. The stadium picture is the default for the @bluestillidie00skin. Did you add stadium pictures to your graphics folder?
  9. Looks really good! Could you maybe share the files? Especially that nation screen looks great
  10. What controls the colour of the player name? It's invisible for me
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