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Everything posted by PAFC_Dugout

  1. Took this advice into the community shield, finally won my first shootout. Thanks man!
  2. Short rant post. Just had my 14th or 15th penalty shootout loss on FM24. Never managed to win one. Multiple different saves. Champions league finals, semis, FA Cup finals. I lose them all.
  3. Hi Knap is there a 4-2-3-1 this year with one of the 2 DMs pushed up into CM, similar to one I used of yours last year? So 1 DM, 1 CM, 1 CAM? Thanks
  4. Nah man what's the point? wont get fixed. An SI member posted somewhere on this forum a few months back they were aware of the issue and it would be fixed for FM24, and it wasnt. Other than that I really cant complain, game is amazing and much improved this year
  5. Game is great this year but last I saw the touch team were aware of woodwork issues (the bar/post being hit minimum 3-4 times every game) and were planning a fix for FM24 but this clearly hasn’t been touched? Frustrating
  6. This reads to me like the game wasn't really ready to be released? Haven’t started a save yet and now probably won’t until we get a fix
  7. I’m a bit late to the party, will be getting the game on Monday. What’s been the Meta tactic/formation so far on the beta?
  8. Absolutely buzzing with the news. New features and UI in general look great, cant wait
  9. With this and mobile being on Netflix looks like this year will be my first without playing any form of FM since 2008. Sad.
  10. Don’t think it’s coming. They’ll just announce new features for Switch some point this week and that’ll be that.
  11. If you read below seems everyone agrees with me. And where is this “abuse” you are referring to?
  12. Can anyone at SI tell us how much longer we’ve got to wait to find out if there is touch mode on Apple Arcade for FM2024 as promised twice in June? Longer it goes on the more I worry it’s looking less likely.
  13. My biggest regret was not buying FMT21 on my iPad. Didn’t think I needed it at the time, didn’t think there would be a chance they’d remove Touch from PC.
  14. The waiting’s killing me 😂 just really hope there’s an option to play on iPad. Hopefully won’t have to wait much longer to find out
  15. anyone at SI answer this for me? Simple yes or no will do
  16. I’m not asking for a free copy. I’ve purchased every FM since 2008, FM mobile since 2014 and an Apple Arcade subscription for the past year for FMT23 on my iPad. I have no issue paying £40 for the game. My issue is the recent trend of expensive subscriptions to play the “lighter” versions of the game
  17. Can anyone tell me if I can continue to play FMT23 after the release date of FM24 on November 6th? I understand that for now the only release of FMT24 is on Nintendo Switch but I’d love to carry on playing my save on the current game on my iPad under my Apple Arcade subscription if I can
  18. Sad reality is that there are many many upset and disgruntled FM mobile players who will be boycotting, but to be quite Frank, SI won’t give a flying **** because they’ve already got their money from Netflix. Never saw FM going the way it’s going but I’m pretty sure over the next few years the series will be viewed the same as FIFA and NBA 2k etc is now. Hopefully over the next few years someone else will come along and create some improved competition for those of us who don’t have time to play the full game and are done with the constant subscriptions, lack of communication and transparency etc.
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