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Everything posted by CTxCB

  1. Also, as a forethought: If this change is implemented, despite keeping UK & Ireland, as part of the 'Nations Treated as Non-Foreign' section of those aforementioned nations, it might be prudent to add England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as nations to the suggested new Commonwealth agreement, simply so there is some future-proofing, on the off-chance that the agreement is ever needed to be used in another Commonwealth nation, such as Australia, India or South Africa, which are all playable nations, the UK nations are not unintentionally excluded from that agreement.
  2. I've checked in the Pre-Game Editor, and such a change (making a Commonwealth agreement, and adding it to 'Nations Treated as Non-Foreign') would only apply to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland only has a Non-Foreign agreement with UK & Ireland nations. Attached is a example image of how such a change could work with the database, made with the Pre-Game Editor.
  3. https://www.brabners.com/blogs/football-and-immigration-considering-various-routes-entry-part-2 from January 2022: "For those players and club personnel who do not meet the GBE criteria for an International Sportsperson Visa, and where there are no family-based routes available that would give individuals the ability to live and work in the UK (such as an Ancestry Visa or Spouse Visa), Clubs may be inclined to consider using the Visitor Visa route where short-term, limited entry is required." https://newfieldslaw.com/news/the-new-immigration-rules-for-uk-sport/ from August 2020: "An individual with a sportsperson visa is restricted in their entitlement to take up additional work for another employer. Supplementary employment is restricted to 20 hours and should generally be confined to work as a sportsperson. A sportsperson in the UK on a different type of visa (such as the family or ancestry route) will not be restricted." https://www.restlessworld.com.au/blogs/news/what-you-can-and-can-not-do-on-an-ancestry-visa from March 2021: Paraphrased - "When we think about all the UK working visas, the Ancestry Visa is one of the most expensive BUT also one of the best visas to obtain. Yep, that's right, you want to play and get paid for professional sport or be a professional coach, this working visa allows that. You need to have a Grandparent who was born in the UK and you are a commonwealth citizen. If you do not have either of these you are not eligible for this visa. If you have lived and worked in the UK for your 5 years, your aged between 18 and 64, you've spent no more than 180 days outside the UK in any 12 months of the last 5 years you can apply for settlement (ILR - 'Indefinite leave to remain') and eventually end up with your very own British Passport!" https://www.gov.uk/ancestry-visa: Paraphrased - "You can stay in the UK for 5 years on this visa. If you’ve lived in the UK for 5 years on this visa, you may be able to either: Apply to extend your visa for a further 5 years, or apply to settle permanently in the UK (apply for ‘indefinite leave to remain’). With a UK Ancestry visa you can: Work; Study; Bring your partner or child. Your work can be: Paid or voluntary; Full-time or part time; In self-employment or in a job where you’re employed by someone else. You must prove that you: Are 17 or over; Have enough money without help from public funds to support and house yourself and any dependants; Can and plan to work in the UK. You must show that you have a grandparent born in one of the following circumstances: In the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man; Before 31 March 1922 in what is now Ireland; On a ship or aircraft that was either registered in the UK or belonged to the UK government. You cannot claim UK ancestry through step-parents, but can claim ancestry if: You or your parent were adopted; Your parents or grandparents were not married." The last quote from the UK Government is probably the clearest, the impression I get from is that the person can work in any industry as long as they can prove that they are able to. Because of how specific the ruling is, the best way to apply it in FM, would probably be disregard the 17 Year Old portion of the ruling, and to just assume that any player you sign from a Commonwealth Nation has UK Grandparents, and give them the same Work Permit circumvention that are currently given to players from Overseas Territory Act nations, by making them also Non-Foreign.
  4. IMO, in Fixture Clashes, later rounds of any cup regardless of their comparative reputation or assigned priority should take priority over the other (with the only exception probably being those with Friendly Priority), in an effort to end competitions as soon as possible to their intended schedule. I don't know the inner workings of FM, but it might be prudent to change how the game looks at clashes, where it not only weights the fixture priority, but how far along a competition is, so for example: Imagine there's a match listed as Domestic Cup Low, and another match listed as Domestic Cup High, but the Domestic Cup Low priority match is the Semi Final of a competition, but the Domestic Cup High priority match is the Second Round, FM should see the collision, prioritize sticking as closely as possible to the intended schedule of a Cup Competition, and move the Domestic Cup High match instead. In the above issue with the FA Cup Fifth Round and the Carabao Cup Final, the Fixture Priority of the Fifth Round and Final are both Domestic Cup High, so I'm assuming that there's a secondary, behind the scenes check that compares the competition reputation of the two competitions in Priority Clashes and the Carabao Cup Final gets rescheduled due to that.
  5. Currently, In FM, for UK Nations, nations which circumvent the Brexit Work Permit rules are one of two additional elements of the UK Ancestry Visa (https://www.gov.uk/ancestry-visa), which occurs by making Overseas Territory Act (and UK & Ireland) nations treated as Non-Foreign to England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and I think possibly [Republic of] Ireland). My question is why is the secondary element of the UK Ancestry Visa, Commonwealth Nations, not also treated as Non Foreign? Would it not make sense to make a new agreement called "Commonwealth Nations", add all member states to it, and make them Non Foreign to the same nations?
  6. This is still an issue with the recent update. I've attached a database file, highlighting where the General Draft is selected, and set up correctly, something which is "general" and should NOT be hardcoded to only work with the Canadian Premier League. I've also uploaded a save file through the ownCloud, "Seati Seaby - Draft Test A.fm", as Bournemouth, which highlights the issue wherein, the "Draft" appears on the schedule, but the schedule progresses past it, as if it isn't even there. Draft Test.fmf
  7. According to the Pre-Game Editor... Name: Jesper Kallsen Unique ID: 27110277 Incorrect Birthday: 29/11/1911 Correct Birthday: 29/11/1991 Sources: https://www.transfermarkt.com/jesper-kallsen/profil/spieler/283256 https://int.soccerway.com/players/jesper-kallsen/854452/ Pretty funny that a 31 year old player is, according to the PGE, listed as aged 100 (as that's the cap for ages), if this were real, he'd be playing football currently aged 111.
  8. @Zachary WhyteI have a question about this. You say that: "The board objectives are all now generated from the board person as the board club vision is set by the current board. The ones stored on the club are the supporter objectives as they are the ones who remain at the club no matter what." -- This sounds very damaging to situations wherein something has to be fixed in place long term. An example from FM22 (they're extinct in FM23) would be Akropolis IF, they were a team in Sweden that were formed by Greek Immigrants, so they had a policy of bringing in a healthy number of Greek Players. In FM22, they had Sign Players of Nationality (Greek) as an ongoing board objective. How does that work if the club itself doesn't have its own Club Vision? If you were to put that on the Owner or Chairperson, couldn't it end up being lost when somebody replaces them? Having individual staff members having their own Club Vision set, things they tend to have done in the past, for when they go into ownership positions, is a good idea, but there also needs to be a Club Vision view in the IGE for the club itself, so that things ongoing are not lost when a club has a change of ownership.
  9. As an update, this is also the case when Silver Goal is selected, instead of Golden Goal.
  10. Here's an example of the issue. I set it so leagues in England could not finish with a draw, more like American Sports and how the MLS used to be. I set it so each league and cup competition (including playoffs) had these Matchday Rules: Extra Time; Penalties; Golden Goal; Uses 10 Yards Penalty For Dissent Rule. What should happen, is that Golden Goals are in effect, in the two halves of Extra Time, as has been the case for previous versions of FM, but instead, goals scored in the Extra Time do not end the game, and the full 30 minutes is played, regardless. It's also notable that the Match Rules on the league, one reads as, "Extra Time played if scores are level after ninety minutes", and doesn't mention Golden Goals, as it would do on previous versions of FM. This has not been resolved with the recent 23.2.2 Update. I've uploaded both the database and a save with it, they are both on OwnCloud with the names: "No Draws in England.fmf"; "No Draws In England - Start.fm".
  11. Simply stating that everything that is "not possible to do in the editor at the moment" is a Feature Request is not really a good practice. The issue is that the Process Results Into Stage and Take Results Into Other Stage features of the Pre-Game Editor (and FM) don't act as expected. The ability to process results into a league table from two teams that are part of the same club (e.g: Reserves and First Team, Under 18s and First Team, etc) should've been possible when the feature(s) were originally conceived. I see that as a bug. If I were to ask for something substantially new to be ADDED (e.g: the ability to edit the breakdown of nationalities given to newgens in a nation), I see that as a Feature Request.
  12. I've been experimenting with this functionality more, and I still cannot get it to work in this way. I do not know why the 'matching' for Process Results Into Stage and Take Results Into Other Stage is so strict. Personally, I feel that level of strictness is unnecessarily preventative.
  13. Both Process Results Into Stage and Take Results Into Other Stage don't work if both teams are not an exact match. E.g: For an experiment I made a competition where there are two leagues within it that run side by side, one for the First Teams, and one for the Under 18s teams, what I wanted was to process the results of the Under 18s games into the league with the First Team results, so that the final tally of points, wins, losses, draws, etc is a culmination of both those teams results. But, because [Insert Team Name] Under 18s are not in both leagues, Process Results Into Stage and Take Results Into Other Stage do not work. This shouldn't be the case if both teams are internally the same club (e.g: not an external club like Dortmund II or Barca B are to their club), the check should instead be done so the Next Higher Team is checked against until there is a Match (e.g: If it was Liverpool Under 18s and they weren't in the other league, it'd check if their Under 23s are there, and then their First Team).
  14. In the Pre-Game Editor... The new General Draft only works within USA / Canada, and not with any other nation tested with, even if the similar Draft Rules are used to the ones in the Canadian Premier League. I can understand all the MLS-specific drafts being hardcoded only to work in the USA, but I have no idea why this should be the case for a general, all-purpose draft, especially seeing as those drafts could be a powerful tool for database creators to use in improving streamed Online Knockout Tournaments (i.e FM Playoffs, Road to Legends, etc).
  15. Not sure if this applies to other translation regions too, but shouldn't that be expense and not expensive? Those are two different words with entirely different meanings. The latter makes no sense whatsoever.
  16. This is not a bug per se, but its also not really a feature request, and would probably be very easy to implement. Is it possible to have "Never" as an option on "Arrange a meeting with the backroom staff?" Dropdown Menu, and that the Backroom Staff Meeting after creating a club wouldn't occur and future ones wouldn't take place (unless Every Week, Every Fortnight or Every Month were reselected in the Staff Responsibilities)?
  17. File is uploaded as DoF Suggestion Issue - Wrexham.fm, and below is a GIFV of the issue that I encounter. https://imgur.com/a/jNLCZP2
  18. When clicking Director of Football > Suggest Transfer Targets or Request DoF Suggestions. If Free Transfer is selected, and the choice made results in, "No players have been found", Transfer, Loan and End of Contract then do not work for any position, and return "No players have been found".
  19. Where should this be then? Because "[Wales] (Official) League Specific Issues" sounds like it'd be specific to issues with the actual structure of the league; Sub rules, fixture issues, etc?
  20. I feel like this affiliation "contract" should also include an Option to Buy Clause and a Loan Clause. The Option to Buy Clause is typical for this type of affiliation, where the main club owns the affiliate club, as opposed to it being between two unrelated clubs. The Loan Clause should be added because its obvious from the players who are currently at Atletico Ottawa, and those who have been in recent years, that Atletico Madrid send a healthy number of players out on loan to Atletico Ottawa.
  21. Another example of this is, as Liverpool, trying to ask the Agent about Mykhaylo Mudryk. He's on £5K p/w, and wants between £54K p/w and £75K p/w:
  22. At both clubs in the aforementioned game world, I've tried to ask the agent to lower the player's wage demands and at both clubs, I've got this message above the dialogue:
  23. I've started a brand new save, and in the same game world have managed Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. Liverpool gets a slight reduction in wages of around £10K p/w (but that's as an Emergency Backup, which makes it even more obscene). But they're both pretty high wages compared to what he's already on. The saves uploaded are: Seati Seaby - Nottingham Forest A.fm Seati Seaby - Liverpool.fm
  24. Why is BBC Radio Wales not a new source for the clubs in Wales (JD Cymru Premier, JD Cyrmu North / South plus whatever cups are in Wales) plus Welsh Clubs in the English League System (Cardiff City, Swansea City, Wrexham, Newport County, etc.)? I feel that the news sources that are dedicated to Wales overall are lacking, and as an avid listener of BBC Radio Wales, I can confirm that they have radio and social media coverage of Welsh Football (although mostly the teams in England).
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