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Posts posted by CKBrahMa

  1. Il y a 3 heures, Jaye a dit :

    The WCBs don't attack at the same time. They attack like a pendulum. The ball-side WCB will attack, while the other one stays in his position and only goes forward when the ball is switched to the other side. So it's not suicide at all.

    Besides, he has one WCB on defend duty. They hang deeper and play like a deep pivot, rather than overlap/underlap.

    That's what I thought. I think i'm going back with my 2 WCB (one on def, one on support maybe)


    Il y a 3 heures, Jaye a dit :

    These two things are probably related. 

    Using regroup means your team is funnelling into a back five. In a narrow shape, this hurts your chance creation because your two most important outlets, the wing-backs, are too busy defending. You end up depending on the strikers and AM to hold the ball up so players can get up the pitch. 

    Aggression isn't required for counter-pressing. Work Rate, Stamina, Anticipation, Concentration and Decisions are more important. If your team has all that, they can afford to counter-press.

    Personally, I wouldn't use Work Ball Into Box all the time. Defensive teams will enjoy having the ball played in front of them, nor does it benefit your strikes much. Strikers benefit from early service. Zapata for instance is powerful in the air, and it'd be a waste not to use that.

    Finally, the APa is a good role, but he's one that shines when he has runners in front of him to find. In both versions of your tactic, he only has one.

    Oh, I thought agression was important (I think Bust the Net said it, or i saw it on a guide). My team as the 2nd highest team play (which is also important for counter press). 6th on the league for decision and anticipation, but they're kinda low for the rest... Should I go for regroup (and saying goodbye to a back 3 or using wingers with my WB ?) or let it untick ?

    You would suggest me to untick "Work ball in the Box" as I have decent strikers ? Won't they try to shot from long distance (which is not what i want as they have poor long shots attributes) ?

    I agree for the AP-a. However, I'm "afraid" that telling both my strikers to go on attack duty will cut the team too much, forcing long balls and pray. If you agree, how can I use Odegaard ? If i have a striker and 2 wingers (IF/IW), would that be ok ?

  2. il y a 25 minutes, Sharkn20 a dit :

    Still an odd shape, I don't think for a top of the league team you should be playing with a back 5, you can achieve pretty much a 414 shape in defense with other offensive shape.

    I have a 433 DM Wide, which changes to 2-1-2-5 in attack and 4-1-4 in defense.

    This odd shape is pretty much how France is currently playing, and actually, Conte does play like this 352/3421

    If you take a look at Chelsea, they're playing with a back 5. PSG did sign Ramos to may have a back 5.


    Or, you're suggesting to put my WB higher, more like winger, and to have my back 3 + my BWM-d to def counter attacks ?


  3. il y a 36 minutes, Sharkn20 a dit :

    I'd set Zapata as AF-At and the left CB into WCB-Su with the right CB into a BPD instead.

    Bellerin as WB-At. Give it a go, see how it works and you can feedback the results.

    I simed a bit your suggestions : defensively, i'm a bit stronger. However, on the attack side, it was way more worse : fewer shots, and way more fewer shots on target... I'm going to try to put Odegaard as an AP on the left-flank, pretty much like in real life

  4. il y a 11 minutes, Sharkn20 a dit :

    You are correct, forcing the play to the wings will create more space in the middle, but still the combination of roles you have is pretty static and the WBs won't be able to find anyone with the crosses, specially when they go low, and is almost no room for through passes in the middle.

    I consider one IF / IW pretty much critical in any formation to provide that run in option from outside, so you can definitely consider that, however that means that you will have to change your shape, I would take one of the strikers out, as a IF / IW - At with sit narrower will do the trick as a 2nd striker also. With less congestion in the middle.

    Always think the WCB as triangle creators, if any would have to be the right one as you have the BBM / WB / DLF to create triangles on the left already.

    How much mobility your AP-At offers? Does it interfere with the DLF-Su? Might be worth to take that DLF-Su out of there or to move the AP-At to the AM centre-right position. My experience is if you want a #10 you have to give them plenty space to operate. And he is pretty much stuck between lines with just the space between the BWM and AF to operate, so you better make the most of it. I prefer the AP-At in the midfield strata as it has A LOT more room to dance.

    I hope this give You some ideas for the next version of the tactic.


    I play a 433 DM and I have plenty run ins through the middle, slaloms outside - inside, centres from the flanks or shoots from the edge of the area. Is about how you setup your roles. Just make sure that not all the players end in the same spots during the attacking phase and you have different options in each side of the pitch.


    Does it look better now ? Should I say to Isak to shoot less often as he has poor long shot (9) ?


  5. il y a 12 minutes, Sharkn20 a dit :

    Unclick focus on the left / right, why do u have that? You have 2 players on the flanks vs 5 in the middle.

    You have too many players congested in the same area of the field, is impossible to make runs like that. Re-think your tactic. Make the defense to get out of possesion instead of just parking the bus against You and hitting at the break. Get someone to go outside - in, instead of everyone in - in.

    2 WCB is a suicide, you basically have no cover at the back flanks while you are in attacking phase.

    Do You want to Counter? Or Work the ball in the box? Think about it, you want them to Couter, then work the ball in the box while the other team gets in defensive position? Non-sense.

    The ME will counter automatically if there is an opportunity for that, don't need to force it.

    Are the players at the back tall and strong to win balls consistently when their GK kicks long? Otherwise why you have prevent short passing by GK?

    First of all, thanks for your answer :)

    As I said, I tweaked a lot, so here are some answers :

    "Unclick focus on the left / right, why do u have that? You have 2 players on the flanks vs 5 in the middle." I had "focus on the middle" or nothing at all. I though that, by having focus plays on wing, it would creates some space in central area so Isak could be alone/have more space to run

    "You have too many players congested in the same area of the field, is impossible to make runs like that. Re-think your tactic. Make the defense to get out of possesion instead of just parking the bus against You and hitting at the break. Get someone to go outside - in, instead of everyone in - in" Ok, i get the idea. But, it seems like you're talking about IW/IF/IWB, am I right ? If not, can you be more specific or giving some ideas pls ?

    "2 WCB is a suicide, you basically have no cover at the back flanks while you are in attacking phase." you're suggesting to have the WCB with the WB-s, as there is no need to have more support on the left ?

    "Do You want to Counter? Or Work the ball in the box? Think about it, you want them to Couter, then work the ball in the box while the other team gets in defensive position? Non-sense." It was an error from a tweak. At first, i was looking for counter pressing/hold position (so, with work ball in the box). I stopped counter press as my team is not agressive enough.

    "Are the players at the back tall and strong to win balls consistently when their GK kicks long? Otherwise why you have prevent short passing by GK?" As you can see on the analytics, yes, they're pretty good

  6. Hey !



    - I don't get why i'm struggling that much (strickers not scoring, creators not creating chances)

    - My solutions are at the end. Mostly : getting Partey as a Mez-a, Odegaard as a AP-s and Tierney as a WB-a

    I'm playing Arsenal, S2. Manage to finish 4th in PL last season, so i got some money and bought some players (like Isak, Zapata). I also tried to have a core system, more modern than my 442 (home)/3412(away) of last season. I wanna play with a 352/3412, inspired by Conte (high pressing, back 3, good passing plays). I stop trying counter-press as my team isn't agressive enough (below average : 16th in PL). As an example, i wanted Zapata to be like Lukaku and Isak the goal scorer. But, it isn't going well, and i'm struggling to get what's wrong... Here some screenshots :


    This is my current tactic. I tried to tweak it (Partey as a Carrilero, Zapata as a Target Man, Kondogbia as a DLP-d ; higher tempo/lower tempo, play wider or narrower, different focus plays) and so on.

    See some analytics from the Data hub :



    So, from the last 5 games, i can see that the two mains issues are :

    - loosing possession on the left side of the pitch. Must be the consequence of the CWB's lack of options

    - lack of final third entries by the central zone. Tbh, i dont get why, because most of my players are in the central area...



    As we can see, Isak is more of the goal scorer while Zapata is the creator. They both are doing OK without being beast. However, Isak only as 2 goals scored (one being a penalty). On the other hand, i feel i'm miss-using Zapata...



    One of the issue here is clearly Odegaard. I guess he's being find in hard position without having good solutions or options. The pro's for him is his 2 goals scored.


     Here, I see that my defenders actually are doing a great job on the defensive side.

    However, my wingbacks struggles to :

    - have options to pass the ball, and when they have one, it's difficult.

    - be real goal creators.


    Other analytics show me that most of my key passes are from the side of the box (highly with crosses). Even if my shots are from a good angle (inside the box, central area), I get that my strikers are in an odd situations to score (with the head maybe ?).


    What I want to tweak now :

    - Putting Odegaard as a AP-s and Partey as a Mez-a

    - Putting Tierney as a WB-s

    - Turning up the tempo a bit


    Howerver, i feel i'm missing something...

    What are your ideas please ?

  7. il y a 30 minutes, fc.cadoni a dit :

    If there is no one near the post; then the taker will aim it where will see your player. Why to throw the ball into empty - give the ball to opp.?

    As I said, my CD are on the near post, so there is not no one ;)

    My question is : why is there no one while i'm asking my 2 CDE (or 3 when i'm with a back 3) to be on the near post ?

  8. Hey !


    I have a question/an issue with some set pieces. I ask my kicker to aim for the near post and my defenders to stay At the near post. However, looking at games, my set piece aims for the far post, where my defenders are… I don’t get why they dont aim for the near post and stay in the near post… Is it because i have no kickers appointed ? Or because I have the TI « Be more expressive » ? 


    Fyi : my team as a high level of teamwork, so they should follow my tactic (playing Arsenal, pretty much the same squad, adding Kondogbia and B. Badiashile to te squad)

  9. Oui, effectivement un peu évasif mon message haha.

    Je joue avec Arsenal. Pour les joueurs de PL, j'ai trouvé dans le règlement une règle qui interdit les transferts par fin de contrat si le joueur à moins de 24 ans.

    Par contre, pour les autres championnats... Par exemple, je voulais signer Sergio Ramos. Il avait pas encore prolongé, donc fin de contrat en 2021. Impossible (comme s'il lui restait plusieurs années de contrat). Depuis, il a prolongé au Real.

    Edit : Je dois retourner télétravailler. Je regarderai plus en détail ce soir. Peut-être que je suis aveugle et que j'ai pas tout bien vu


  10. Bonjour à tous.

    Je poste ce bug que j'ai depuis FM20 et qui persiste sur le 21. Dès que je ferme le jeu, j'ai ce message d'erreur. Jusqu'à présent, je ne me posais pas plus de questions car ça n'attaquait pas mes sauvegardes et c'était toujours au moment où je cherche à arrêter FM.

    Néanmoins, j'ai l'impression que mon PC commence à mal gérer les erreurs Windows, et je me demande si ce n'est pas lié au fait que la fermeture de FM ne soit jamais "normale".



  11. Bonsoir,


    Pour la première fois, j'ai eu un joueur qui se "téléporte" en arrière. Dans l'exemple que je vous soumets, vous pouvez voir C. Chambers qui se "téléporte" en arrière. Je n'avais jamais eu ce bug avant. Je ne sais pas si c'est lié à la Màj du ME.

    L'action commence à 80:40


    Si cela se reproduit, je rajouterai des exemples

    QPR - Arsenal.pkm

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