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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, this is a known issue that should be resolved in a future update. Thank you for flagging.
  2. Hello everyone. I'll go into more detail of the changes in our recent major update with regards to 'Improve AI Team Selection Logic' mentioned on the change list. 1. Adjustments to Match Priority. The part of the game which chooses the starting XI and subs for a match is called the Team Selector. Each match is given a match priority which will impact the team selection/rotation. There are 4 different match priorities used in the Team Selector which will have varying impacts on the amount of rotation an AI side will do for each match. Before the update, the Team Selector over used the match priority which would see the AI play there strongest available team, this resulted in rotation not occurring when there would have been opportunities to do so. There have been a number of changes made to this regarding how the AI prioritises matches, particularly around fixture congestion, early rounds of cup competitions and dead rubbers at the end of the season. 2. AI players not being Rested Prior to the update there was an issue in game where the Team Selector would not always consider resting players who had the 'Rst' status flag. This meant that the AI would not rotate players out of the starting XI who were in need of a rest, which resulted in a lack of rotation when there should have been an opportunity to have done so. There was a change added which will see the Team Selector now take into account players in need of a rest when making their team selection, which will encourage more rotation. There will still be instances of players with the 'Rst' status flag being picked though, especially in important matches towards end of the season.
  3. Hello, thank you for flagging this to us. We have your REC file but it seems the save file didn't make it through. Can you please reupload that specific save file (from before match) to us, thank you.
  4. Thank you for the PKM, we'll put under review.
  5. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us.
  6. Hello, a quicker way of Resting your players is to order your squad by their 'Condition' on your Squad page, then click a on a player to highlight them, then while holding the Shift Key select another player further down to highlight multiple players. You can then Right Click and select 'Training' then 'Rest'.
  7. Hi all, just to say this issue should be resolved in a future update. Thank you for flagging this to us.
  8. Hello @lllukmannn This was a known issue that was resolved in our latest update. If you were to start a new save file, this issue would would not occur.
  9. Hi all, I've pitched internally to see if this can be added in a hotfix. I can't give anymore information at the moment, hopefully I can give you all a better update next week.
  10. Hello, thank you for the files. Unfortunately this did not reproduce this for us internally, but we will continue to investigate. Can we ask if you exit the match (i.e. using middle mouse button) and then return, is the lighting still the same? Can you also try reloading the skin during a match. Pause match, hit Cog icon in top right, 'View All Preferences', 'Reload Skin'.
  11. Hello, if possible do you have a save game from before the difference occurs? And could we get some more detailed information on what differences there are?
  12. Hello, we have already lowered the amount of GKs in a previous update, these things do happen. Newcastle just lost Nick Pope for the next 4-5 months. It is unlikely we will make any further adjustments to the injury rate.
  13. Thank you for the files @THE_B@RD We will review these further.
  14. Hello, Firstly can you make sure your file is tested and verified in the editor. Then make sure the file is saved as a .fmf file. Then check in-game where the editor data is being grabbed from by going to: Preferences -> Advanced -> All -> General -> Location. Editor Data is the correct folder in this location. Hope this was helpful.
  15. Changes we made in our latest update should make this scenario even rarer, (possibly gone, I don't believe I've seen any fresh instances of this since our update) when we tested a users save we were unable to reproduce the issue with the latest update changes to Finances.
  16. Hello, @coopie54 It seems your save file hasn't come through for us, can you please reupload it, thank you.
  17. Hello, we believe this was requested by our Spanish Head Researcher. If this is incorrect, we can look to address this.
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