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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, could you please upload a save file before the trade takes place, so we can try to reproduce, thank you.
  2. Thanks for spotting, this has been fixed and should be included in the next update.
  3. Thanks for reporting this, this has been fixed and should be included in the next update, thank you.
  4. This is a known issue we are looking into, thank you.
  5. Hi, could we find out what competition you are playing in, and could you please attach a screenshot as well?
  6. Thank you for flagging. This is a known issue we are investigating.
  7. Hello, this is by design. The Scouting cards are meant to be a brief summary of the player. If the user is interested in the player they can explore their attributes elsewhere. Thank you.
  8. Hello, just to check, the rule is five subs are allowed among three stoppages. Did you perhaps sub on one player at three separate times? If not, could you please upload your save file where this occurred and give it a name. You can see how to using the link below. Thank You.
  9. Could you provide us with a save file before the draw, and a crash dump please.
  10. Thank you for catching. This is a known issue we're looking into.
  11. Thank you for flagging. This is a known issue we are investigating.
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