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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Thank you for the detailed suggestions, the developers will review these further and place them under consideration.
  2. Hi, it doesn't seem to have uploaded. Can you please try again, making sure FM is closed/not running.
  3. Hi @Jorgen If possible, do you have a save file you could send us from before you spotted this problem in your save?
  4. Hello, can you please upload your save file to our cloud. You can see how with the link below.
  5. Thank you for the screenshot and save file, we'll investigate further.
  6. Hello, we're sorry you are having issues. Please can you create a support ticket where we can provide further assistance. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  7. Bonjour, nous sommes désolés que vous rencontriez des problèmes. Pouvez-vous créer un ticket d'assistance où nous pouvons vous fournir une assistance supplémentaire. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  8. Hi @Signorspecial Could you please send us your save file so we can take a closer look. Also, if you happen to have a save file from before the new stadium was announced to be built that would help us also, thanks.
  9. Appreciate the suggestion. We will put this under consideration for a future FM.
  10. Appreciate the suggestion. We will put this under consideration.
  11. Appreciate the suggestion. We will put this under consideration.
  12. Thank you for the detailed suggestion. We'll put this under consideration for a future FM.
  13. Thank you for the suggestion. We'll put this under consideration for a future FM.
  14. Thanks for the multiple suggestions. We'll put these under consideration.
  15. Thank you for the suggestion. We'll put this under consideration for a future FM.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll put this under further consideration.
  17. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll put this under further consideration.
  18. Thank you for the detailed suggestion. We'll put this under further consideration.
  19. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll put this under further consideration.
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