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Everything posted by resurectedja

  1. 1. Does the current intake influence the one next year? For example, if you get a really good intake this year, are the odds of what to expect next year changed? 2. Does the game just look at factors such as youth facilities and recruitment only for the current season or does the game also memorize what your intake factors were the last 3 or 4 years? 3. If you have an affiliate club from a loaded league is your chance of getting a player from that affiliate in an average intake 50%? 4. If you have an affiliate club from an league that is not loaded is your change of getting a player from that affiliate in an average intake 30%? 5. Are there set ranges for every one of your 16 newgens based on the intake factors? 6. Are intakes separates in three types, which can be identified by the description of the best player from said intake? 7. If you get an intake where the best prospect is described as a diamond, does that mean the intake is more unbalanced, meaning more great prospects and really bad ones, but few average ones? 8. If you get an intake where the best prospect is described as talented, does that mean you have gotten a more balanced intake, where 4, 5, or 6 players are good or better players for your league? 9. Does the overall quality of CA in a league matter when newgens are created? 10. If it does, do you have a 1 in 10 chance that your best newgen’s PA is close to the CA of the best player in the league if you have perfect youth recruitment, junior coaching and youth facilities?
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