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Posts posted by Kovacevic

  1. For some reason the game is deliberately designed to generate about 30% fewer injuries than in real life.

    I'd like to edit to restore the real levels. However, my previous attempts to tweak the injuries in the database (adding a few new kinds of injury, adding possible causes for certain injuries, raising the occurrence ratio field) seem if anything to generate Fewer injured players on a couple-of-season test.

    A couple of specific questions - 

    1) is "occurrence ratio" a flat likelihood number (so that increasing it for every kind of injury will mean more injuries) or a zero-sum ratio-across-injuries number (so that raising it for every injury will just mean redistribution of the same number of injuries)?

    2) What is the function of "extra days" - is this a guarantee of the number of days an injury will last beyond its initial impact ("minimum days") or does extra days just establish a possibility range (so that if I put "50" the number beyond minimum could be anything from 1-50)?

    3) Does adding extra "Causes" to an injury make more injuries likely to happen, or does it just spread the range of possible injuries across the same number of injuries generated by that cause? ie, if I add 5 new kinds of injury causable by tackles, does that mean more injuries will come from tackles, or just that when the game generates a tackle injury (at the same old rate) there are more kinds to choose from?


    Beyond those specific questions, any suggestions for how to increase the number of players getting injured in the game? I especially want to have more short-term injuries, as in reality, rather than going for the nuclear option of just increasing the duration and seriousness of every existing injury.

    Thanks for any help...

  2. A complaint/suggestion on Club Vision.


    At the moment we can choose to add or remove certain things from the vision, which is good, but we don't get the option of modifying either the importance or the degree of what's already there.

    For example, my board at Spurs want me to get to the FA  Cup final (2 bars of importance) and don't care at all about the Carabao Cup. I'd like to change this so that my FA Cup goal is quarter finals (at same level of importance) and to give 1 bar of importance to doing well in the Carabao. But I can't do this in the negotiation phase since neither the importance nor the "distance" seem to be negotiable. I can add a Whole new requirement, or try to cut out one of the above, but I can't propose to change the requirements or importance Within existing goals.

    This seems unnecessarily limiting.

  3. A couple of more general issues:


    1) lack of "static dribbling" - you never see a player, from a starting position face to face with a defender, make space by dropping their shoulder and sending the defender the wrong way. But in real life that's extremely common and players probably use their on-ball skills as often from a starting position as they do while running. This contributes to a lack of creativity and space-making in the attacking phase of the game..

    2) players tend to pass only within 90 degrees of the direction they're facing or running, unless it's a back heel. But in actual football players are often cutting the ball  back behind them or away with the outside of their boot, maybe by just turning their head, but often not even that. It's certainly not the case in real football, as in FM, that 99% of passes are in the exact direction the body is facing, especially in the final third. Same for shots in the box. This again limits the creativity and incision of attacking play.

    3) defenders pressing as a group all press the exact same spot, meaning that you sometimes get  these bizarre things of 3 defenders chasing the attacker in a tight conga line. But in real football, if  defenders trust each other at all, you'll have one press the front of the player with the ball while one or two others cut off his options by going behind or to his side. Having some code to having a "covering press" when multiple players are pressing the same ball-carrier would stop the current situation where highly defensive, low-skill teams can dominate possession just by passing it around their back line, with the pressers chasing after one space at a time.

    4) generally, first touch and pass accuracy under pressure are too high for weak players under immediate pressure. You very rarely see an actually misplaced pass or fudged first touch - everything is either perfect control and accuracy, or panicking and kicking the ball out of play. Need a much more nuanced approach to the effect of pressure and panic on ball-retention.


    These aren't really "bugs" to be fixed, just things the engine needs to be more sophisticated to deal with in order to look more like real football and reward high skill and tactical specificity.

  4. Two more very bad examples in the attached game.

    At 14:40ish the man city defender breaks from his own box, and my one  covering defender runs straight past the man with the ball in order to mark a player behind him.

    On 20 mins for the first goal the exact same thing happens - Martinez is running on his own toward my half. Kehrer the covering defender runs right past him to mark someone else.

    SURELY there needs to be an override here that says "if you're the last defender and someone is running straight at you, try to tackle them no matter who you're officially set to man mark."

    Marking Override.pkm

  5. Here's an especially egregious example of something I've seen a lot and that I think contributes to some defensive issues.

    At 78:25, the build-up to the equalising goal, there's a minor problem first up with the suicidal pass back toward the halfway line, where it's 2 on 2, when there are free team-mates all over the current half.

    The issue, though, begins from 78:30 - after this bad pass is intercepted,  there are 2 attackers in play, and 2 defenders in play. The defenders start out in position marking each of the attackers.

    However, once the attacker has the ball and starts running with it, his defender runs to try and mark the other attacker, while the defender marking the free attacker leaves him alone to come and try and engage the ball-runner. 

    Obvious result, both attackers stay free while the defenders meet in the middle - goal.

    The issue here is that the defenders need to stick with the attacker closest to them, making sure they're both under pressure, rather than reverting to some positional "I'm a defender I'm supposed to be in this position" rule that leaves attackers free.

    In other words, there needs to be some sensible over-ride code for default positioning and marking, to make sure that defenders are never running away from an attacking threat to leave them totally free as they advance on goal.

    I see some version of this in almost every game, but this was the most extreme.

    Bad Position Tracking 78.25.pkm

  6. Check out the heat maps in this game: I had a 3-5-2 with 2 very good passing midfielders, a ball-playing defender, and a deep lying forward. Against opponents with 2 defensive midfielders but no central mid between the DM and AM. Selected "play through centre" in first half to try and overwhelm them in this area. 

    Result, almost no central passing at all, with everything going through my left wing back. 

    Changed tack in the 2nd half, still with a 3-man midfield. Result, everything going through my inverted wight winger.

    Seems VERY difficult to get the central part of the pitch going, which makes it very difficult to take advantage of opponents set up with gaps in the centre.

    Anyhow, this has been a problem in all my games but extreme in this one. Just look at the first half and overall heat maps to see how little central play I was able to generate despite two different tactics set up to prioritise that area.


    play through centre no central play.pkm

  7. 64:30ish in the attached pkm, the 5th goal.


    Long ball, 3 defenders all closer to the ball than my striker, but they all run away from it, leaving him free to run through and score. Haven't seen this exact issue before, but it seems connected to the bad dealing with loose balls that I raised in another thread (hypothesis, did the defenders think that the ball was now controlled by their team due to having so many players close to it even though no one had actually got it?)

    Defensive freeze at (64.30).pkm

  8. I expect your explanation is what the game is actually simulating, but you can see what a mad  thing it makes the players do in practice.

    I had  actually thought about this when seeing some similar issues on the previous version of the match engine - would it make sense to have a half- or 1/3-second delay in players' response to changing "control"? It seems to me (tell me if  I'm wrong) like at the moment the game has a binary indicator that one team is in possession and the other isn't, and as soon as this changes, players start moving into their positions for the change of possession. But this can lead to some very odd responses to loose balls and, as in the example here, to players running away from situations that need to be run towards.

    I think having a small delay on the response to control changes - representing the real life situation that I as a defender have to think "do we Definitely have control of the ball, now?" - would mitigate some of the weirdness. Defenders should stay defending until the ball is Clearly out of the attacker's control, not start running up the pitch as soon as a ball goes loose.

    Is this something that can be done?

  9. OK, so my opponents were managed by Sam Allardyce. 

    But 20 corners for Leeds in this game (with 50% of possession) because they kept ON hitting crosses against my defenders and out for a corner. Ironically, this is the one game out of the 13 I've played on the beta ME where I actually scored a central goal by feet after receiving a pass without any ricochet. But the Leeds passing map and corner stats tell the story about how wide-play-centric this ME is. Just an extreme version of what's been happening in most of my games, including for my own team who I've tried to set up to be creative through the centre.

    And if they're going to only play from out wide, they should at least try to bend their crosses around their marker rather than every time just hitting it straight at the defender's legs.

    20 corners crossing simulator.pkm

  10. Still seeing defenders "clear" balls from wide areas back toward the centre-edge of the penalty area. Have also seen more defensive headers pushing the ball out to the sides, which is better.

    In the attached file, 2:10 is the bad moment, a very experienced defender looking like he comfortably won an aerial duel, but choosing to knock it down to the feet of an unmarked striker rather than heading it out and away.

    Headed 'clearance' 2mins.pkm

  11. Have played 8 games with the beta.


    It's definitely an improvement. with some of the most egregious things fixed and much more of a feeling like tactical changes make a difference.

    Some old problems still not fixed - too many clearances into central areas, for example. And deep-lying strikers still don't get involved in build-up.

    And the big problem is that with the long balls nixed, I'm seeing even less creative play in central areas than before. Me and my opponents relying more than ever on crosses and set pieces for goals.

    So I feel like the patch has stemmed the bleeding from the catastrophic original, but still needs a lot more work on creative and attacking play if it's going to be anything other than wingback simulator 2020.

  12. 1 hour ago, sfistack said:



    At ~85:50 suprisingly decent pass from central defender with 5 passing, 7 vision to striker who ignores open net at far post for speedy winger. I have seen pass in similar situation only once after 4 seasons watching comprehensive (yeah it hurts! ;). It was pass between 2 strikers in 4-4-2.

    Radomiak Radom v Polonia Warszawa.pkm 166.44 kB · 0 downloads

    The main problem with  this one is the last-man defender just deciding to leave the striker running and to go back to jogging down the centre of the pitch instead. Defensive AI in this version is appalling. Seems like positional imperatives are overriding dealing with direct threats.

  13. Wait until the next Match Engine patch. The current one is terrible, and should never have been released in this state. I'll get my money's worth over the next couple of years with a final-version match engine, but for now it's embarrassing watching defenders run away from long balls to give a striker a one on one that the keeper then super-saves 6 times a match.

  14. Josh, the problem is not the frequency with which players keep the ball in, but the fact that they are doing it in situations where it gives the opposition a free ball. There needs to be some calculation on the player's part about who will get the ball if they keep it in in this way.

    If the ball would be left free for an opposition player, then they should just let it run out. If the ball is likely to go to a teammate or themselves, then they should keep it in like this.

    The problem is that at the moment, 75% of the time I see this animation it's being done to give the opposition a free ball in the defender's own half.

  15. Example of this happening far from the touchline, in the attached pkm at 34:17. The defender presents the striker with an unchallenged ball in his own penalty area.

    The problem in the going-out=of-play situations is that the defender should realise it's better to just let the ball run out than to keep it in for the opposition and then run off into touch leaving the opposition unchallenged with the ball. Especially in the defender's own half.


    Two other issues in the attached pkm that relate to overall problems with the match engine.

    at 76:58 the defenders run away from an attacker who is then left free almost on the goal line to score. The AI in the game is Very bad at getting defenders to react to where the real threat is, rather than running to default with/without-ball positions. Much better override AI needed.

    and at 92:50 the wing-back beats his man for pace, but with 10 seconds to go and his team needing one goal to equalise, he then slows down and lets the defender catch up. In this case there are only 2 sane options - cross the ball as soon as the defender is taken out of the running, or accelerate further to get toward the byline. The current match engine has some inexplicable logic where wing players wait for their markers to catch up before crossing. Get rid of this.

    More Silliness.pkm

  16. 2020 is the first FM I've played since FM 15, and I don't have the time I used to. I'm hence taking up some of the "let staff be responsible for..." options, including scouting, which I leave to my chief scout, as I don't have time to go through manually assigning each scouting trip, making sure no scout goes unassigned, etc.


    HOWEVER... unless I'm failing to see an option that's there, when I leave the scouting to my chief scout I can't do ANY assigning myself. This is a problem, as I want simply to make sure that scouts are covering every game in my own division, the youth games in my country, and each game in the division below me. On FM 15 this would have been easy enough - just assign 3 scouts to those 3 divisions.

    What I'd like to do is to assign those 3 scouts, and then leave THE REST up to my chief scout. But I don't seem to be able to do this - it's either give EVERYTHING to him or do it ALL myself.

    I don't want to do either of those things - I want to be able to assign some of the scouts myself when something is urgent, but otherwise to let the chief handle things. This is surely something I could do in real life, by walking over to the chief's office and saying "hello can you make sure that someone's watching over these 3 divisions but beyond that I trust you to know what to so".  So, please make it an option in FM as well. 

    Or am I missing an existing way to do this very obvious and convenient thing?

  17. This is excellent - have been using Ghana and Egypt.

    One suggestion for Egypt in any updated version - change the season-end-date to July or even June: at the moment the new season starts, with teams relegated and promoted, about a week before the league games begin. This leaves no room for pre-season. The league ending in April means that there are 4 dead months with relegated and promoted teams hanging around in their former division.


    And have you considered working officially on player movement, rosters, etc with SI so they can get the official database up to your standard?

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