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Kendo BKK

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Everything posted by Kendo BKK

  1. Hello, I thought I'd put together a video to share about how I've been going about creating faces for the last 5 months or so, what process I'm doing and which apps/websites.
  2. Generated a crap ton in the African folder this week. I started with half a dozen, and before I knew it I'd done nearly a hundred. I actually made a note of all the NEWGAN mappings earlier as I started trying to flesh out some of the folders I'd been ignoring, there was stuff I didn't realize, such as SAMed only being used by Argentina and Uruguay regens. I'd always assumed those were just going to be in South American. African: Africa and Caribbean nations Asian: South Asia (Japan, Korea, Chinese countries) Caucasian: UK, North America, Canada, Australia, Gibraltar EECA : Eastern Europe & Russia ItalMed: Italy, Malta, San Marino & Monaco MENA: Middle East - North Africa MESA: Middle East - South Asia SAMed: Argentina & Uruguay Scandinavian: Scandinavian Countries Seasaian: South East Asian (ASEAN Countries) South American: South American countries except ARG & URU. SpanMed: Andorra, Spain, Basque and Portugal YugoGreek: Baltic Countries, including Albania, Kosovo & Greece
  3. I'm interested to see how the importing of saves will work in practice, and what benefits it would bring. I'm someone that usually buys about 1 game in 2-3 years. The most eye opening part of the blog was Miles holding his hands up that the graphics engine has stagnated and their decision to use the in-game regen faces from the 3D engine was a wrong one.
  4. Are any of those faces the same as ones from the FMU latest pack? Already got pack 7 from there so don't want to double up.
  5. Has there been a mix-up on the MENA folder? Tunisia and Morocco have suddenly got a few gingers in their squad.
  6. Finally getting some deposits into the MESA folder.
  7. I don't really have a full facepack per se, but have faces here that could be used as an add on to other facepacks. Just did headcount on what I have African 426 Caucasian 540 C.Europe 118 S.America 24 SpanMed 6 YugoGreek 140 Asian, SE Asian, MENA, MESA, ItalMed Scandis = 0
  8. Ask for a mullet or punk style and it does some interesting stuff. Long hair and dreadlocks, not so great.
  9. I've been far too focused on just the /Caucasian and /African folders, I decided to branch out today and work on /YugoGreek which serves regens for Greece, former Yugoslav states, plus Albania and Kosovo.
  10. Usually for every good face I've been able to generate, I get around 6-10 mutated freaks! I'm glad I didn't torch all of them with fire, as its been a lot of fun this week running them through again and letting the AI give them a massive makeover.
  11. You need to do "preserve" mode in NewGan so not to overwrite your players every year. To set them manually, you'll need to manually edit the config.xml file in Notepad (I'd recommend free Notepad++ for large files).
  12. Is that Google drive still accepting submissions? I honestly couldn't fathom out the structure of where stuff is supposed to go.
  13. Some of these are actually re-dos of ones I did during my first attempts in March. Getting a better handle on the prompts and filters to use.
  14. I'll seed the torrents for the April/May packs to help d/l speeds a bit . @gavrenwick - also guilty of this, picked someone up from the Free Trial match, just because I liked the look of his regen pic. Fans gave the signing an "E" based on his stats
  15. Thanks, I just grabbed pack 6 today, have they (FMU) thought about setting up a torrent link to the packs too? Took me 6 hours to grab it from Mediafire, and I'm speaking as someone that's a paid customer. I have a seedbox which would be up 24/7 in terms of seeding the pack. A weird NEWGan thing I've noticed looking through the config.xml file, some faces in the folders have been re-used over 20 times while others still haven't been used once.
  16. My current setup is a mixture of the o.g. Zealand facepack, the other DF11 facepack (which I think used Volleyball players?), @robterrace packs, plus the ones I've been making. It's a real time consuming job generating the pics, getting rid of the mutated or dupe faces, cropping, resizing, then removing backgrounds on mass. I saw debski has thrown his hat into the ring but wants to raise money as it really needs a crap ton of time and resources to generate a facepack with 10000s of pngs of differing ethnicities (remove bg is also weirdly costly). IMHO, at the time, the Zealand facepack was groundbreaking in terms of replacing the default SI pictures. They now look too similar and generic and having them all in the same shirt makes it look 100x worse! The original cutout style was better. However, AI photo generation has moved on leaps and bounds since then. I don't hold out any hope of SI getting on board with somehow harnessing the tech into their game anytime soon.
  17. I managed to fix the problem by editing the Config.JSON file for NewGAN in Notepad, so there was a mapping for "KOS" to "YugoGreek" folder for the pictures. The one thing still annoying me is, even though I select "Preserve", - any manual changes I make to the config.xml still get overwritten when I run the App again on New Intake Day.
  18. Ooh la la....some French regens. In the words of 'Arry Redknapp on Dani, "I don't know if I want to play him or f**k him!"
  19. With the New Gan app, is anyone having an issue where new Kosovo players never get assigned a face? I've tried a few different things, like exporting an rtf just for the Kosovan players, but they still won't get allocated a face. Edit: the logfile seems to suggest the App has a blindspot for Kosovans. 2023-05-18 19:08:47,729 | NewGAN App: Mapping for KOS is missing. Skipping player 2002126803
  20. I have a feeling they might work without renaming, I haven't tried that yet in my tests. I used a bulk rename app in Win10 to rename them all in sequence, starting at the last number +1, that was in the folder already. ie: Africa1486 There is a google drive resource I've found where people have been uploading their stuff from Midjourney regens. https://youtu.be/4w2mmwfiAoM
  21. @ceefax the cat I'm not manually editing the config.xml, I'm combining my new outputs with the Zealand facepack, it comes with a little app called NewGan. Every season, around March time I quickly add a new manager, run a search query for all Regens. Save that search to rtf file that can opened in NewGan. Then in the NewGan app, it goes through and quickly updates the config.xml, not just for my youths, but all teams in the game. It also assigns the faces based on their race.
  22. I've managed to generate a couple of hundred of Caucasian and African faces so far using Stable Diffusion, what I did was dump them all in the assigned folders for the Zealand facepack (eg: African / Central European / Asian / Caucasian), when I've run the newGan software on regen intake in March, sure enough, it has mapped newgen players to also pickup the faces I've added to those folders, along with the 10k (?) that were already installed with o.g. the Zealand facepack.
  23. I'm trying something using Stable Diffusion. While I love the Zealand facepack, I felt there is not enough variety on the African faces, especially in terms of there being any mixed race player regens where you would expect to see them.
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