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Everything posted by Emenikeee

  1. We made it to season 2 ! Funny thing, I realized that they have sold their primary striker and second striker was a loan who returned back after I took over. So I started the season without a striker. Board wanted me to play defensive. Started the season with a very defensive approach. I wanted to quit the game first half of the season. We started very, very bad. 12 games, 1 win, 3 draws. And I decided to turn things around. I started retraining one winger into an advanced forward and completely changed my tactic into an attacking format. Every home game and against every team with a bad form, I started playing attacking. And we have turned the table around. We somehow finished 8th. We can stay in the league one more year I believe. But my best players, two centrals defenders are leaving next year when their contract is ending. I guess I need to rely on my youth. Good thing is there is hope. and this model citizen. I hope he will develop well. I need him.
  2. Starting the challenge with Göztepe. I don't know if I will manage to finish this challenge let's see. * We have one hot prospect already. He could develop to a decent player.
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