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Everything posted by gg10

  1. It works! Been searching for a way FOR A LONG TIME to untuck the shirts on the ME, since the majority of players nowadays IRL do not tuck their shirts anymore. Seeing those tucked in shirts were very immersion breaking. Thank you!
  2. My instructions might be overkill and too rigid to some, but this was so far the only way I can be able to have the AMC be more involved by getting more touches on the ball. Here you go: I have my SK pass it to the BPD. As for the PIs, I turned on Dribble less on everyone, except the Wingers and the AMC.
  3. That's modern football for you I guess. While I have been having difficulties with narrow formations such as the diamond/4-3-1-2, I have found that getting a 10 to work in a 4-2-3-1 is somewhat easier. Due to most formations nowadays using a DM, moving the 10 to the half spaces would actually make him thrive. In my tactic, this can be achieved by placing the double pivots in the DM strata, with one acting as an SV. Due to this year's positional play improvements to the ME, the SV would bomb forward to the AM strata, pushing the AMC towards the right half space. The IWB would then move up and tuck in beside the DM, forming a midfield box in a 3-2-5 formation. Pictured above is what the tactic typically looks like during the build up phase. As you can see in the image, the 10 (Torre) is staggered to the right half space (more of an AMCR position). With the wingers providing width and stretching the defense, the AMC has space to work his magic. This can lead to very cool killer balls to the striker, or to the winger cutting inside. He can also dribble and drive the ball forward, going into the box and putting in a cross, like a Mezzala, or having a go at goal himself. The one thing I have learned in the recent FMs is that the Half Space is king, and being able to exploit the half space can help bring out the best of your AMC.
  4. Agree with this. Even the Trequartista role (which is considered a playmaker), would only get high ratings when he bursts forward into the box, acting like a striker. I usually play a diamond or 4-3-1-2 with emphasis on possession and working the ball into the box. What I've found is that during the attacking phase buildup, the Trequartista would advance from the hole and camp inside the box, acting like a Poacher. This would lead to him scoring lots of goals, however most of them would be boring and unappealing tap-ins or rebounds, which defeats the purpose of him being a Fantasista. IMO, the role that would mimic closely the classical 10 or fantasista would be the AMC roles that are on Support. I prefer the blank slate AM-Support, with the instructions of the Treq turned on. That way, he can have all the freedom he wants, but due to the nature of the Support role, would stay in the 10 spot most of the time, only going forwards to supplement the attack. The only problem is that he would usually be marked out by DMs, leading to very low ratings and no goals/assists. Hopefully somebody can shed some light to this and offer solutions.
  5. Thank you for this! I just realized that SI changed the “Profile” and “Information” pages to “Profile” and “Attributes”. The 2 pages really look similar now compared to the previous versions of FM. Thank you!
  6. It's currently at 85% zoom. Tried changing the zoom level and it made it worse lol
  7. I recently installed FM24 on my 13-inch MacBook Air M2, and I've noticed that the panels on the profile pages look very stretched out (On windowed mode). So I looked around YouTube trying to solve the issue, when I saw this video: While watching the video, I noticed that the guy's profile page is different than mine (At 5:31). How is can I change my profile page similar to the one in the video? Tried changing the scaling options both in the game and the device settings, however it doesn't seem to change. Hoping for your help guys in sorting out this issue. Thanks.
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